The Last Jedi Is a Story of Optimism in Cynical Times
"Of course, this criticism somewhat misses a couple of crucial points about Star Wars history. Most notably, Luke doesn’t actually do much to help the Rebellion in Return of the Jedi, risking a high-value mission in the hopes of reconciling with his father, Darth Vader (David Prowse, James Earl Jones). It also overlooks the fact that the original Star Wars trilogy featured older heroes like Obi-Wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness) or Yoda (Frank Oz) living similarly isolated and hermitic lives.
This portrayal might appear outwardly cynical, but it is just in keeping with the franchise’s larger themes. After all, George Lucas had similar plans for Luke in his own planned sequels, comparing him to Kurtz (Marlon Brando) in Apocalypse Now. Indeed, writer and director Rian Johnson inherited a lot of the starting premise of The Last Jedi from the end of The Force Awakens. What really matters is what Johnson chose to do with that starting point. "
yes exactly Luke Potrayal was for Modern not your Fathers which it continues the Legacy off , The Movie calls out the Prequel Era Jedi they were Chess Pieces Grand Scheme to create to Empire as well as The Jedi being consumed by there own hubris just gain Political points with Senate and lost there way