The Luke complaints are not valid
The Mandalorian brought back a major complaint about this movie: Luke Skywalker. Men crying because they got to see Luke in his prime. "That is my Luke." Hogwash. ROTJ Luke is the worst Luke of them all.
For starters, NO ONE is the exactly the same person throughout their life. People change, then change again. Sometimes they are variations of the same personality type, sometimes they do a 180; then a 180 back to who they were years ago. Expecting him to be the same guy as he was when he's in his 20s is absurd.
Don't get me wrong, it was mildly cool seeing Luke stroll up in his X-Wing and show his power, but it was also extremely cliche too. He's walking around swinging his saber against insurmountable odds (dozens of enemies). It was a classic "more/bigger is better" situation. Totally cliche. Nothing special about it.
I liked it to an extent, but I also had no problem with his display of power in TLJ. I actually liked that quite a bit. It was a huge display of power and different. It was new. Unique. Not standard. He did something no one ever did (on screen) before. It wasn't the typical swinging of the lightsaber against hordes of opponents either, mowing them down with easy. That's lazy. Typical. Expected. And kind of anti-climatic.
That being said, the action was the only part I liked about his appearance in Mando. I don't like Luke's personality from that era. I never have. ROTJ Luke sucks. He was my faorite character growing up, but he has ALWAYS bothered me in ROTJ. He has no personality. He's Mace Windu-level wooden.He's not interesting because he's too busy walking around brooding and acting like he HAS TO act like he has no personality. His obsession with "saving" Vader is also a huge turnoff. People complained about him in TLJ, but I liked him much more than ROTJ Luke. He had a personality. Luke from ANH, TESB has personality too. He showed emotion. He got angry or happy. He smiled, yelled, and acted like a normal human. ROTJ Luke does not. Mando brought back that bland Luke and I don't like it.
Not to mention, Mark Hamill is damn near 70. They are not going to show him flipping and jumping like a kid. Do you want more stuff like CGI Christopher Lee jumping? Because I don't and that's what it would require to make a near 70year old man do these things.