MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Why do, HOW CAN people "care" for these ...

Why do, HOW CAN people "care" for these so-called new characters?

Rey is a Mary Sue, perfect in every way and can do no wrong, she's boring and she comes across as a kind of obnoxious Hermione Granger (unlike the latter, of course).

Finn is that typical black moron, a joke for those racists who see black people as jokes.

BB-8 is ridiculously over-powered and worst of all... "cute".

Kylo Ren must be THE most boring villain out there, a pathetic emo-boy with the tantrums of a child, and the appearance and voice make him look stupid, too. Honestly, he's not a patch on Darth Vader.

Snoke. Stupid name, reminds me of Snopes the "urban legend" website, and his appearance just an excuse to keep Andy Serkis employed in his endless Gollum roles. A trifle promising (the only one, mind) but since he's now dead, where's the Big Bad Palpatine? Christ, he wasn't even PLAGUEIS!

So honestly, why do people like these PALE imitations of BETTER predecessor characters? Hmm?


Something isn't required to be "superior" to its predecessor to be enjoyable.

That said, I personally prefer Rey to Luke. Luke started out obnoxious, whined a lot, then suddenly he's a hush-voiced "Jedi master" dressed in black like he's a completely different person (which was actually the original plan behind "No, there is another," with a new long-lost Jedi arriving in the next movie, so it's possible Luke took on that character's traits in his evolution from ESB to ROTJ).


So Luke had an likeable character. What does Rey have again? Yep, nothing. No, my fault, she indeed has incredible amounts of .... MarySueIsm :) .


Mary Sue heads can't accept that Luke was a major Gary Stu. They make excuses and say "well maybe he," the kind of speculation they bash others for.


Mary Sue heads can't accept that Luke was a major Gary Stu.

That's the way Frog. Keep at it. Just keep repeating this line over and over and someone, somewhere is bound to buy it eventually.


Too bad there is no like button here :) .


If by "suddenly" you mean "6 years later" then yeah.


That said, I personally prefer Rey to Luke.

Of course do, being a blanco feminist you pretty much have to on principal although you would be hard pressed to find more than 1% of Star Wars fans who aren't still in pampers that share your preference.


Don't forget Rose!


Better we all forgot her ASAP! :( But she has one good purpose: We all could stop hating Yar Yar now. How academy award like this 3D model was compared with this bad copy of a blend wall.


We are living in demandless times. Products which arent working or faulty are completely accepted by idiots. Idiots even presale stuff which is available online (or presale stuff which is done by companies which clearly already betryed their customers). All actions of dumb people.

So what do you think will be more accepted? A likealbe and threedimensional character like Luke or a blend desaster like Rey? Indeed Rey, cause she doesnt remember all thos dumb followers how ugly they are. Welcome to 2018 .... War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength and dumb is smart.


I recommend you watch the movie "Idiocracy", for we as a society are quickly heading that way now. I weep for mankind. :(


I don't want to offend... But I must relate my personal truth ... I don't care at all what happens to these new people and it makes me sad. It wouldn't bother me at all if any of them died horribly , and I truly cared about the old characters . It bummed me out what happened to them and this new situation is the biggest bummer of all
