The problem is if he was raised from birth in storm trooper culture, he should have had a sense of camaraderie with his fellows. If he lacked this for some reason surely it would have been detected much sooner and this weakness would have either been rooted out or he would have been booted out. I thought he was supposed to be in sanitation, anyway. How did he end up in combat? If the storm troopers are that bad at building esprit de corps and weeding out bad apples that kind of undercuts the remarkablenss of his decision to quit, doesn't it? Obviously, the clone troopers and FNN 2187 (Finn) were modeled to some extent after the title character in Lucas' film THX-1138. If Finn had stopped taking his medication, for instance, like Robert Duvall in THX-1138 that would have been a much better explanation of his awakening. If Lucas had been more involved in these films I'm sure Finn's awakening and his decision to leave the First Order would have been much better developed. That would have taken time and effort to do that, though, and the sequel trilogy has showed no interest so far in doing that sort of spade work.