Am I the only casual moviegoer who loved - really loved - this movie? When it was over I remarked that it was "amazing." I loved pretty much everything in it.
And then I talk to some people and read some posts and it is clear that many many many people either have major issues with it or outright loathe everything about it.
I feel so alone here.
Artificially deflated user ratings aside, the vast majority of people enjoyed this film.
It's just bored and lonely internet reactionaries who are creating the false narrative that the film is disliked by most. Yet when you actually go outside and talk to real people, the consensus on the film is uniformly positive.
So if you go to RT and read the endless scroll of 1/2 and 1 star reviews and people saying why they utterly despised it, that's just "bored and lonely internet reactionaries?"
Actually I never consider user ratings...I look at the money and determine how many fewer tickets were sold when compared to TFA. Currently there are roughly 75 million fewer tickets sold for TLJ...75 million fewer viewings indicates a lack of enjoyment from a significant number of fans.
And that was the point of my represent at least one ticket not sold as you did not give repeat business. No movie breaks a billion without repeat business...and no movie breaks 2 billion without shit tons of multi viewings.
Think it's more to do with the casual viewer aspect. More hardcore enthusiasts seem to be less forgiving than the new what it is. Also could be the Johnson thing...those that like him seem to see no wrong in the...guys work? should be quite pleased that he has "earned" himself a trilogy...
Nah, in two years the "fans" will be clamoring for Rian to come back.
2005: "Lucas sucks! He should have hired new directors!" -internet
2015: "JJ Abrams sucks! They should have let Lucas direct!" -internet
2017: "Rian Johnson sucks! They should have let Abrams direct!" -internet
So you can bet money on this -
2019: "JJ Abrams sucks! They should have let Johnson direct!" -internet
You can never please everybody all the time but this idea that Star Wars "fans" are fickle and impossible to please is - by and large - not very true. If anything, it's just the opposite, anything with a Star Wars label slapped on it seems to become a license to print money, and ensures it gets an easy ride from critics (the Phantom Menace received plenty of 5* reviews...).
Lucas's direction did 'suck' - and so did JJ Abram's and Rian Johnson's. They've all made films that are deeply flawed - just in very different ways.
He was trashed for what he did to beloved characters. The trilogy will be all new players. Looking forward to seeing what this former indie director can do now that he knows what it’s like to work under the Disney machine. I’m sure he’s learned a lot from TLJ experience and what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
wow, someone on this board who isn't totally ready to knock this movie to pieces. welcome. yeah, I think it has flaws but there was quite a bit I liked about it too, the Luke-Rey-Kylo storyline I really liked a lot and I thought it was exciting enough.
I'm trying to go for an entertaining, informative youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see and if you have any thoughts or criticisms, i'd love to hear them. Thanks in advance. Review right here-
I liked it. The more "normal" moments were the most enjoyable. The [spoiler]Binary Sunset throwback and Yoda was brilliant but the Leia flying in space scene[/spoiler] was absurd and didn't feel like it belonged in a Star Wars movie.
I will admit on the second viewing certain things that bothered me were not as bad. An example of this was Luke tossing the saber over his shoulder. I also interpret the silly thing with rey when Luke is giving her lessons differently. I am referring to when she literally reached her arm out and seemed like she was being unintentionally dorky. I now kind of interpret that as rey was intentionally being a dork and joking around a little. I mean hey it seemed like someone had to have a sense of humor on that island. Like however has no sense of humor from his reaction. I loved all the rey and Kylo scenes but I hated all the rose and Finn stuff. Should have cut down on the rose and Finn and showed more Kyl confliction. Other than the rose and Finn I was satisfied with this movie. Am I the only one that loved the Luke dying scene. It was epic.
dude, i wish i shared the same views as you , i hated it, the stupid jokes, the drab plot, chasing the resistence till they ran out of fuel ?? why the need to not share the plan with poe, snoke story dismissed , reys parentage, the pointless code breaker plot, the pointless ineffective speeder scene at the end, the ability for one ship to take out a dregnauts defenses , the ability to gain access to snokes ship mid battle , look dying to bide time, luke dying of exhaustion, the lack of space battles, the lack of stromtooper battles , leia flying in space , it was shit and rian johnson is to blame
I agree completly, for all of these points you made, hope they can salvage something from this train wreck. If they did bring back Snoke as Plaguis that to me would at least give us a worthy villain and solve one of those tlj problems.