To older fans of the original trilogy...

If you're in your late forties or older, do you like the new films and how your heros happily ever afters were taken away? Although, we were kids back then. The new films are all aimed at twelve year olds. So fo we have a right to expect more from kids movies?


I'm in my mid-thirties and hate this Disney crap. I defended TFA when it first came out but slowly grew to dislike the movie over time. I hated Rogue One with a passion and I'm not even going to watch The Last Jedi after that Astral Luke/Snoke/Space Leia/etc nonsense I read about.

Disney is idiotic for thinking they can cater to "a new generation" of fans. Most people who will buy these tickets are all people like us who grew up watching the old movies.

Hollywood always tries this "cater to a new generation and tell the old generation to fvck off" tactic and it ALWAYS fails.


Rogue One was excellent. What were your problems with it? At the very least it was light years superior to TFA and TLJ. Rogue One even had a strong female lead without bashing you over the head with the PC mallet.


I found the film to be quite boring and not very Star Wars-esque. I wasn't invested in ANY of the characters whatsoever and, therefore, felt NOTHING for them when they succumbed to their inevitable deaths.

Tarkin looked like sh!t and I honestly don't understand how people saw it as so "great". It looked awful. They should have just used prosthetics like what they did with Revenge of the Sith.

The visual effects were great and Vader was, of course, great but...that's it. If I can't invest in the characters in a story then the story is useless and boring to me.


"The visual effects were great and Vader was, of course, great but...that's it. If I can't invest in the characters in a story then the story is useless and boring to me."

This I pretty much agree with. But, at a minimum, I demand that the lead characters not be annoying or tarnished with the fake vibe of a writer's agenda beyond the story. Episodes VII-VIII fails that test spectacularly. There wasn't a single character in the last two Star Wars films that I gave a whit about, including our favorites from 1977 (except for Luke, I suppose). Rogue One met this criterion, allowing me to focus on its finer qualities, among which was its spectacular look, special effects, and expansive shots that allowed you to see at a distance what was going on in the action scenes.


yeh I thought rogue one was pretty dam good aswell , loved the continuity


The people who dislike RO are those that always drop the "It's stupid that the Death Star was so easy to blow up by shooting a tiny exhaust port ... plot hole!!!11".

Considering that movie negates that 'plot hole' it leaves them without an argument now, hence the dislike.


No, I don't.

I actually liked the Force Awakens. I thought it was a good film and I liked Rey and Kylo and I was interested in the story arc of where the new saga was going.

I do agree with critics that the story was basically just Star Wars (1977) all over again but even though I can acknowledge that is basically true I still liked it.

I've come to agree more and more that the fact that once again....30 years later we are exactly back in the same position and that it is as if Return of the Jedi never happened are true. The Empire is back as the First Order and they have control of most of the galaxy just like before.

I was on board with these new films until The Last Jedi. I hate so many things about it and it is as if a fool was put in charge of the entire plot and story line.
Ships running out of gas and then "stopping and being overtaken" in a VACUUM? It would need an opposite, alternate force to act upon it to slow down. Running out of fuel would not cause a ship to slow down like a care running out of gas. It would continue in the same direction at the same speed forever or until it hits something.

It was as if the guy had never even heard of Luke before. Even Hamill disagreed with everything he did with the character. If that is what he had in mind for the Luke character, a bitter, hermit, sucking space cow milk and giving up than I would have just preferred they started the sage 50-100 years after Jedi and they could just start completely fresh with new characters and plot. They shouldn't have brought back the original cast for the crap they pulled.

The Rey character is starting to become annoying as to how she's a master at every power without ever getting any training. It just keeps getting more pronounced the further this goes and they still haven't given any explanation yet. One better be coming. It ends with her picking up 100 large stones all at once.

I liked TFA but TLJ lost me. I hated it. The director was an idiot.


I'm not in the age demographic that you mentioned but I liked the ff:

-original trilogy
-prequel trilogy (ROTS being the best & AOTC being the worst)
-Rogue One
-Han Solo is ok (not as bad as people are making out to be & infinitely better than both ep.7 & 8)

The new films are not aimed at kids from what I've heard, they're aimed at older SJW's which is why they're having so many problems because that target audience are not the repeat (7-10x) watchers as the older big SW fans nor are they the ones who buy the toys that both kids and older big SW fans are.

Funny, until last year, I didn't even know what an SJW was and now, you see them everywhere from the west's media. What happened to you guys? LOL!


I like TFA, Rogue One, Solo, but i detested TLJ , i dont see any of the star wars films as kids movies, more universal movies, any one can enjoy them , slicing off limbs isnt exactly for children.


I'm 41, was born 5 days before the premiere of Star Wars. Obviously grew up on the series.

Loved Force Awakens, in fact it's my #2 after Empire Strikes Back.

Didn't like Last Jedi, mostly because it's a very amateurish attempt from a filmmaker who started strong and then began a swift decline in quality (Looper was horrible). Rian Johnson has even explained things in interviews that shows he knows less about filmmaking techniques than I do, which of course makes me mad.

Rogue One doesn't have a strong Star Wars vibe, but it's not bad. I will see Solo and expect it to be about on the same quality level, but I do expect it to feel more like a SW movie.

"The new films are all aimed at twelve year olds."

The original films were aimed at 12 year olds. Even George Lucas himself says this. That's why he marketed toys and kept the merchandising rights to himself.

That right there shows you're out of touch with Star Wars, seriously. If you think this stuff is mature, then you're probably not.

It's all fun, meaningless popcorn fluff. It's escapist entertainment.


Star Wars is the first film I ever saw in a cinema. I was not yet 6 years old and I can vividly remember so much of that night, even coming home and running with my arms extended imagining I was Luke in his X-wing blowing up the Death Star. The toys followed, and the themed birthday parties.

I also remember how we all felt after ROTJ left theaters. It was over, it felt like we would never return to that galaxy far far away. When the special editions were released in the theater it was great to relieve it all but it wasn't really new Star Wars.

Finally the prequels came and the excitement was beyond belief even if the films were not the best they were still new Star Wars.

I don't bitch, moan, boycott the new films. I am just thankful that 40 years later I can go and see new Star Wars stories. I think young people don't appreciate what it was like to have nothing new to look forward to. Even if it's not the best, not what you imagined and hoped for, it is still there and for that I am happy.


A - I don't think the originals were really aimed at 12 year olds
B - giving this crap movie a pass by saying its just for kids is insulting to kids and its borderline child abuse


Saw every one of them opening day.
NH: 10/10
ESB: 10/10
RotJ: 7/10 (Lucas's softening begins. "hands up" cancer starts)
PM: 6/10 (without JarJar & lil Annie, the film is sorta OK. "hands up" cancer metastasizes)
AotC: 4/10 (getting worse. Little to like)
RotS: 4/10 (mostly garbage. Cringy)
TFA: 7/10 (assorted dumb things but good SW feel)
R1: 6/10 (lifeless cast of characters. Looked great & some cool action. Bland fan service)
TLJ: 3/10 (off the rails stupid. Only liked Rey/Kylo interaction. Bad enough to make me NOT see the next one on opening day)
Solo: 4.5/10 (becomes clear that what I want from a SW movie is not what Diz execs want)

... will watch the next ones on small screen if at all.
