To older fans of the original trilogy...

If you're in your late forties or older, do you like the new films and how your heros happily ever afters were taken away? Although, we were kids back then. The new films are all aimed at twelve year olds. So fo we have a right to expect more from kids movies?


I like them but none of them are great.


I wasn't even born back then,but i still like the old ones more then new ones.


I was born in '83 but OT is still what I grew up on. These new films just take a big dump on what was what. Also this new trilogy makes the prequels seem not so bad anymore. At least they feel like a Star Wars film. To be honest I'm not even that excited for the next film and sorta losing interest in Star Wars. Disney is just milking it way to much like all the redundant super hero films we get year after year.


Also this new trilogy makes the prequels seem not so bad anymore.

When I got out of TLJ I gave it a 6/10..the same score as TPM and AOTC. But the last few days I am coming to realize I like both those films better than this one. As flawed as those films were, I was interested in the story, I did care about the characters. The only character I truly disliked in the PT was Jar Jar. In these new films its hard to find characters you do like in the same way as the previous two trilogies.


at least Jar Jar when meeting an enslaved, force-sensitive kid living next to a race track helped freeing the kid, and did not ride through the town destroying it on some race animals to free them and "make them hurt" (forgetting about the slave kids).

Finn and Rose make Jar Jar look like a Shakespearian character.


This guy gets it.




I remember first seeing Star Wars in 1980. I was 5 at the time and that puts me a little outside your defined age bracket but within the OG era of 1977-1983. Thus I feel I can view Star Wars as someone from the original audience. I'm sure to some degree George Lucas was aiming at the young children as well as the preteens of the time.

So anyway, I think it's fair to assume that the films are designed to appeal primarily to children. Are they enjoyable? Yes and no. Generally well designed and performed, I think nevertheless they suffer from a need to be products of commerce and/or ideology. Why do they repeat the core thematic plot lines of the original trilogy? Why must the young be shown to slay or overcome the old? Why are males and females shown in contests when the theme of the movies is about oppressor and oppressed populations/implacable sides of a war?


Very good points.


No twelve year old would like that trash Star Wars TLJ.

And I liked Star Wars back then. But Star Trek was clearly better ;) .


Star Trek was more engrossing at times. :)

But you can see a symbiotic connection between ST and SW in the 1980s:

- Wrath of Khan mirrors Empire Strikes Back -> Vader/Khan strikes back, revenge of the psychopath, the attempt to extract the perfect weapon (eg. Luke allying with Vader, Khan seeking the "Genesis Device" as a weapon).

- Search for Spock mirrors Return of the Jedi -> the renewal of close bonds of father/son, brother/sister, Vulcan/Human and resurrection of life and/or the soul.

Even if we look back to 1979, "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" reflects "Star Wars" (1977) - An heroic team must help to stop the destructive path of a super-technological behemoth which may destroy that which it does not comprehend, ie. "the Creator/The Force", democracy, freedom, the idolised all powerful "Creator" must be identified and acknowledged (eg. The Empire, humanity as creator of V'Ger.)


Amazing analysis.


Saw a new Hope in the theater multiple times on its original release and each part of the trilogy after that. I found Star Wars dopey. Fun but irrelevant fairy tales in space. I had no interest in learning the various alien background characters. There weren't Star Wars figures on my Christmas List. I never cherished their fairy tale ending, I never cherished their characters. Star Wars mattered as an amusement park ride. The acting and emotional story never registered.

My pain of watching Solo die in TFA was not that of a beloved character being denied a happy-ending promised long ago. He may have been playing a character named Han Solo in TFA but it was Harrison Ford playing a dad named Han Solo. No real relation to the Han from my childhood.

The same with Luke and Leia. Carrie Fisher moves me because she is Carrie Fisher not because she is Leia. Luke isn't the height of Jedi prowess, it's Mark Hamil who never had a career in spite of playing one of cinemas most iconic roles, getting to play his only success one more time.

I like the new Disney Star Wars. I like Rey, Poe, Finn. Not because they are connected to the has-beens but because they are their own thing breaking free from all that. Kylo Ren typifies this best with his Vader-wannabe dreams being crushed.

And now we get. a brand new Han Solo. Harrison Ford. The early years.


You work for Disney.


the original trilogy was made for young children aswell, Lucas admitted this from pretty much day 1 , loved rogue 1 and TFA, hated TLJ


I'm 48 and I hate the new Disney movies. Rogue one had at least some decent backstory to follow, so they couldn't write a shitty script, but the writing on the other two is crap - TFA was a rehash, and TLJ seems totally unrelated to anything in the Star Wars universe, including TFA. It looks like some shitty fantasy movie with a Star Wars sticker.
