MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > So JJ Abrams Will Actually Have to Write...

So JJ Abrams Will Actually Have to Write an Ending...

Has this guy actually written an ending to anything in his life? Lost was all about bait-and-switching you with different mysteries and the big payoff was that none of it meant squat. He's really good at posing the questions, creating a mystery, and then he wanders off to the next project and lets someone else deal with the mess.

Now, after all his plot threads have been completely nuked and no one gives a crap about any mysteries, he's somehow going to have to scrape together enough material to provide an "ending" to the most broken trilogy in the history of cinema... How's that karma taste JJ?


could be interesting, since he is usually the handoff guy

he did Super 8 that was decent until the ending :(


Yes, that was one of his few good movies. And the reason was, that Spielberg watched him throught the whole movie. So he cant, for example, use set lighting in the wrong direction (thos were meant to be directed to the scene and not to the camera ;) ).


They'll pull a Bobby Ewing. Luke and Ackbar are still alive. Leia dies offscreen in a tragic plane accident. Luke kicks some butt and kills Kylo. Rey becomes supreme leadress of the new republic. Everybody gets some medals. Voila!


Not necessarily. They're going to be pumping out Star Wars movies long after Episode IX. They can use that as an excuse to avoid a real ending, i.e. one where all the basic and obvious questions are answered and plot lines are resolved. In fact, I think it's just a matter of how much they leave unanswered.


People are missing the point and are jumping on the ''J J Abrams can only do MYSTERY BOX shtick and never finishes anything'' bandwagon.

The guy has done more than just LOST. Have you idiots ever seen anything from JJ Abrams? Mission Impossible? Star Trek?
Fringe? Cloverfield?
Sure its not all director or writer credits. You guys make him out to be some kind of moron who doesn't know how to tell stories. I like to see you do better.
Granted TLJ was such a shitshow that nobody could ever fix it, but anyone with a brain would be able to create a better episode 8 and just follow the plot points and mysteries of TFA. Ive seen great fan fiction online that follows TFA and expands it . So anyone could be able to follow JJ Abrams TFA. Its not like he created something NOBODY could follow up on. Its not his fault that Disney/Lucasfilm choose the dumbest director in history to direct and write episode 8.
I would never blame J J Abrams for TFA. TFA is fantastic at what it does. It reboots the franchise and leaves way for mayor mythology, lore and backstories with great new characters. Its Johnson's fault that he didn't do anything with it and just decided to kill all OT characters and make the new exciting characters boring and useless.


This , i really dont know why people give JJ such a hard time, TFA was a really entertaining star wars movie, he introduced new characters and new plot points that i thought were very intreasting, who is snoke, who is rey , how did they get the light saber, wheres Lukes head at after all these years, im sure if JJ did Episode 8 we get some answers and build on top of them, instead Rian Johsnon did his own shitty reboot but didnt even bother to expand on anything, just ended everything with no answers, i fucking detest him , runined a great opportunity and now what are we left with ? jack shit , suprised JJ agreed to do 9, leaves him in limbo, whats to look forward to ? no han , no leia, no luke, no snooke, no lightsaber story, no rey questions to be answered. TLJ changed everything , in a bad bad way.


If I was JJ Abrams I would just leave Star Wars and go back to do something else. He would have to really perform a miracle to fix this trilogy. I just cannot imagine it happening.
