MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > May struggle to keep #1 already in just ...

May struggle to keep #1 already in just second weekend with Jumanji!

Who woulda thought this possible just 5 days ago?


Its a 50% drop from tfa, barely ahead of Rogue One, woof



Ha, ha, ha.... Nostradamus is a finger sucking toddler next to you. Kind of a prediction you made here.


I don't care about box office, but TLJ has no rewatchability factor IMO. I tend to only watch movies once in the theater, but I could see people rewatching TFA many times in the theater. That movie was fun, but TLJ was such a depressing mess, I can't see ppl rewatching it on a large scale. JMO.


You may be right...and the box office seems to support your theory.

Myself? I thought the movie was a blast from beginning to end and I enjoyed it even more during my second viewing.


I'm glad you liked it. I just couldn't get into it.

From the very start, I had a feeling I wouldn't like it b/c I really didn't like that joke Poe made about the bad connection. It just didn't land for me. It wasn't very funny, and it was a odd time for comedy IMO. Then, I found that whole bombing sequence very frustrating to watch. Those ships were so huge and had no shielding. I was like, "Are they really killing off this many of their fighters in a mission to destroy one ship?" And did Leia have no control/command over those pilots. She had told Poe to not proceed w/his plan and he ignored her, but why did everyone else ignore her too?

Needless to say, things just went downhill from there for me. LOL! I honestly can't see myself ever sitting down to watch this movie again. I have cable, and they've been playing TFA. I haven't watched it again in its entirety, but after seeing TLJ this past Thursday, I've found myself stopping on TFA and watching some parts again.


Do you like Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle?


Tuesday, weekend is over. What's the struggle? Were they even close?

reply far we know that Jumanji kept swelling as the weekend progressed and TLJ...sadly...kept deflating.


All said...even if TLJ holds on to #1 it was a mercilessly brutal drop this weekend. Worse than BvS. Who would have ever thought we'd be saying that a about a Star Wars movie?

International drop was heartbreaking this weekend as well.


So, no struggle to keep #1. Not even close. Who woulda thought this possible... Oh, yeah you.


We don't have the numbers yet . Each new result had the gap shrinking considerably. International saw Jumanji knocking the absolute wind out of TLJ for sure.


It's been a sad weekend for those of us that actually love TLJ.


Ha, that's their problem. However, I think they shouldn't be sad at all. The movie is not as bad and is not losing money like Justice League. Those poor bastards (I mean DC fans) are the ones that should be really sad. At least TLJ will pass a billion easily and will make more money than Rogue One. Justice League on the contrary will be remember as a horrible movie and one that bombed at the Box Office. Star War fans have their relief...


What does JL have to do with TLJ's heartbreaking run?

This is a Star Wars thread!


QueenFan.....Since you brought up 'Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle' in your title thread, and as one of the main competitors to TLJ at the moment, do you happen to like that movie?

Have you actually seen any of the December releases so far aside The Last Jedi?


No...I haven't seen Jumanji yet. I plan to, though!


That's just sad... I'm not even a Star Wars fan (Please don't kill me :P i don't hate them I just haven't seen many of the more recent films and haven't seen the older ones since I was a kid) but surely this is better than that horrid new Jumanji movie, right???
