Wah Wah

I didn't get the Star Wars I wanted!!! Wah Wah. I needed a cookie cutter movie like The Force Awakens. Wah Wah. I wanted a predicable movie like all the other movies. Wah Wah. I can't stand it when my expectations are not realized. Wah Wah. Wah da da da baby.



Just because I spent 2 years making all kind of theories and now it results that Ray isn't a Skywalker or a Kenobi or a Palpatine and none of my theories resulted true, now the movie stinks. Fanboys are the worst thing that happened to this planet after AIDS.


The best thing about this movie is seeing nerds in the parking lot crying about how their expectations were dashed. It was almost as entertaining as the movie. I listened to 4 20 something nerds whine about such an upsetting turn of events. I swear that after they left the parking lot they probably drove off the road in protest of the movie.


I am not going to lie, I have some expectations not fulfilled myself, not about this particular movie but with the entire trilogy and the route it took. However, this hasn't taken away my enjoyment of the films. I can say that I liked this movie even more than the first one. It has its downs, but it is very, very good in general.


Makes me wonder if they're liberals (jokingly) and that they apply the same principle to politics after Trump got elected by whining and crying as well.


that's not the reason people disliked it at all, it was the way the story panned out, the silly jokes, and the lack of intensity and excitement a star wars film can bring, this was lacklustre


libtard fanboy


Bye Felicia...


There is a lot of that, true.

Personally I think killing Snoke was great, and I agree with Rian Johnson on this. No one in the Star Wars universe would care about his origin, and for the rest of us, it would just be another piece of meaningless trivia. Plus, the original trilogy succeeded despite not having any backstory as to how the Emperor took over the galaxy and built the Empire. He was just some guy, exactly like Snoke.

Of course Luke was going to go, Disney basically outlined this much ahead of time. There wasn't much of an outline for the trilogy, but this much was planned: Han gets to be the main "old character" in 7, and then he dies (this was the only way Harrison Ford would do the movie). Luke gets to be the main old character in 8, and then he dies. Finally, Leia was going to be the main old character in 9, and whether she dies or not is irrelevant since that would end the series.

Disney also openly stated that there was a plan for Leia and Kylo to have a big reunion in 9, and the entire concept for that movie had to be overhauled after Carrie died. Keep in mind this was happening before Trevorrow got fired and Abrams came back.

Some people still insist there was no plan for this trilogy, but it's obvious there was a basic outline about the old characters, and also about Rey and Kylo. That's probably the extent of the outline, just basic notes that need to get hit, but beyond that the writers/directors have free reign to make the movies their own.

As for Rey's origin, yes it's a lot like Snoke in that it will only become trivia, and I think Rian's "Force boy" at the end is supposed to underscore that Jedis can pop up anywhere, like Rey.


So, what you are saying is people should only express their opinions if they are positive?


No, but the whining is just ridiculous since most of the people doing it are adults.


Whining about a film not going the way you wanted it to go is pretty annoying.
But it seems a lot of the criticism for this one is about the story and writing.
Which is fair enough. I've not seen this one yet but I had a lot of criticism for Force Awakens.


Agreed. The whining about this movie has been pathetic.


This is a generational thing. Many young people today can't accept anything different, and when expectations aren't met, they have a crying fit. I don't mind someone disagreeing with or not liking the movie, but the tantrums are just unbelievable.




all for being different , as long as it doesnt suck , and this sucks


Such an intelligent review furiousstyles. Any other wisdom you wish to amuse us with?


yeh , it sucked


The Star Trek movies are known to having varying levels of quality and interest. I think most of the time they tried to make every movie worthwhile. I actually like some of those movies that were panned or disliked, like Star Trek 1 and Star Trek 5. The TNG movies seem to go downhill after the "First Contact" one which may been a reflection of running out of ideas and trying to compete with the cultural cache of the at the time new dystopian scifi franchises like "The Matrix" films.


Fans in the cinemas and later in their basements kept exclaiming - "What?! What happened?!" and "What did I just see?!" and "This is not Star Wars!" and "Bring me Lucas' head! Quick!" "Uh, Lucas doesn't own Star Wars now..." "Um, well, who's that lady who turns up to conventions who seems senior?" "You mean Kathleen Kennedy?" "Yes! Kennedy! Bring me HER head!!"


The basic point of Star Wars is that it is a story....an entertaining story. Movies are mostly about entertainment. Star Wars goes further and offers philosophy and some commentary on issues embedded in the story and contextual to the narrative. If SW movies were rote copies of each other they would cease to be entertaining and become doctrinaire. Even serve as propaganda. That said, SW risks becoming propaganda if it's used to impress a globalist diversity message on an audience - globalism is not actually diverse - it uses diverse cultures as economic and political capital to service the needs of wealthy elites.


TLJ was rather weak in the "entertaining" dept. It did score high on ruining icons and forcing SJW sub-plots and fringe characters.


"I needed a cookie cutter movie like The Force Awakens."

This is why SW is dead.
