fathers imposing SW on to their kids
it always surprises me that kids today are so into SW. The whole saga not just the current films (as kids aren't normally into stuff their dads were into, stuff that's been made before they were born)
Or are they?..
I think they actually aren't that bothered about or even like SW and are just saying they are and agreed to go see TFA again and again and pretending to go crazy over Han Solo and chewie and the Falcon and accepting all the toys etc their dads buy just to keep their dads happy, telling them what their dads want to hear because they know it means so much to them and know its their dads who wanted to see TFA 5 times and want all the toys lol (and then having to comfort their crying fathers after the Han/Kylo confrontation lol) and had to do it all over again with Rogue One and then again now with TLJ etc until they finally get old enough to go 'no more father..no more'
its abit like kids who grew up with SW back in the 70s/80s their dads wanting them to be into stuff that they were in the 1960s/1950s and even earlier (oh dad don't go on about the war again!)
I seen it with this guy I know his boy is only 5 or 6 and has been indoctrinated with SW from almost birth with all the toys, lightsabers etc for Xmas/Bdays etc, dressing him up as Luke (photos of his bemused face on the parents FB pages), made to sit and watch the 6 films on dvd (his facial reactions being monitored closely by his dad. And oh the dilemma of how to show his boy the films 1-6 or OT/PT when his boy probably couldn't give a crap and wasn't following the story whichever way hes forced to watch them), TFA tickets booked months in advance seeing it opening day (with his dad) same with R1, and hes probably already done it already with TLJ. he never really had a chance to find it for himself or decide if he likes it or not as his dad is so into it its like its not an option for him. he WILL love SW and that's it! I bet if I got him on his own and asked him to be totally honest and tell me what he really thought hed say he didn't even like SW and was more into Marvel, Transformers, and Ninja Turtles lol