MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > So Luke was projecting himself from 1000...

So Luke was projecting himself from 1000s of light years away?

So that everyone could see him, AND he could manipulate real objects like lightsabers?

How did his lightsaber even get there, on the mine planet?

At least it makes sense how he could "survive" such an intense laser barrage, cos he wasn't even there... and yet it's all too much for him and he becomes a Force ghost?


Quite the feat even for the ancient sorcerer Sith.


First of all I would just like to say I hated the film, but the one redeeming part was the ending with Luke projecting himself.
His lightsaber was not there, he was using the blue lightsaber which Rey and Ren destroyed when they were force pulling on it. Luke's saber is green, he was using the blue one. I noticed he had the wrong saber on his hilt before I even knew he was a force apparition.
Also he didnt manipulate a real life object because his saber never clashed with Kylo Ren's. Ren swang at him angrily and missed every time.


Very disappointed with that non -Luke vs Ren "fight" I can' believe there wasn't a big lightsaber battle between the two (or even Rey). Now Luke is gone. So disappointing.


Really poor writing at the end. To have Luke die like that was a huge letdown to the fans. How do you not have Snoke and or Ben vs Luke. That's fine he protects the resistance but why does he die right after. This movie was letdown after letdown. Rey's parents are nothing of significance and Luke is no longer part of the story. Where was all the training between Luke and Rey. That would have been epic. Totally missed on so many levels.

Disney needs to figure out a way to fix this or risk losing a lot of fans of the franchise.


I think that, if you have a payoff that is as fun as this one was, you are less likely to worry about the practicality of the scenario. Of course, we're talking about sci-fi/fantasy "practicality."

I had the same questions. But, the reveal was so much fun, punctuated by Johnson's enjoyable "See ya later, kid" dialogue, it didn't bother me. The Leia-in-space bit brought about questions that overtook any emotional or whatever aspect of that one. That's why that one didn't work for me.


This is probably normal for Jedi considering their Force sensitivity. If the Force is the factor in nature that helps sustain nature and matter than an adept in the Force can draw upon the same field energy to produce his/her own matter...even at a distance.

I'm also supposing that Luke has developed to the point that the difference between his physical reality and his spiritual reality as a Jedi is not transitioning from one to the other is achievable and the passage to death for him involves absorption into the Force ghost reality. Maybe exhausting himself physically and mentally to the extent that he did withdrew the natural Force stability holding his body together and hence he dematerialised into the higher Force reality?
