Well, nobody mentioned it was in fact comedy. Weird mix of genres. I kind of liked it though.
shareWell, nobody mentioned it was in fact comedy. Weird mix of genres. I kind of liked it though.
shareI loved this film. Probably one of favorites in the last several years and definitely one of the best horror films in more years than that. I haven't been able to bring myself to watch it more than once, though, because it creeped me out that much.
This is a must see for any horror aficionado.
This one is clearly genre-bending. It starts as a western, then mutates into something Samuel Beckett could have written and Coen brothers or Jim Jarmusch could have directed, and then transforms itself into a gory horror. Plus an additional touch of black humour and philosophical depth to it.
Brilliant and multidimensional film, definitely one of the best I've seen in years.