MovieChat Forums > Bone Tomahawk (2016) Discussion > WHY were the female trogladytes eyes pok...

WHY were the female trogladytes eyes poked out??

When the O'Dwyer's and Chicory are fleeing the caves they pass by the pregnant trogladytes with tusks rammed into their eye sockets. I assume the males did this to them but why???


Maybe a woman is only worth having babies and other than that they're not worth anything else.

So they would have no need for sight or a happy existence really.


No. They would still need to care for the children while the men hunt.


by Collector-Man ยป 2 hours ago (Tue Dec 8 2015 01:34:15)
IMDb member since June 2010
No. They would still need to care for the children while the men hunt.

Well how could they care for them blind?


Exactly, so why poke their eyes out???? Surly they need their eyes to look after the young.


All they absolutely need is their breast milk.


The women were simply breeding machines. 'incubators' if you like. No need for arms, legs or sight...just grow and deliver the baby. I don't think there is any reason to think the would 'nurture' the new born. Maybe they eat the babies? They are cannibals after all?

Maybe baby meat is like veal?


WHY were the female trogladytes eyes poked out??

So they couldn't see.


My guess is so they couldn't run away.

You hate Congress but every election you re-elect YOUR "guy" and wonder why things never change!


To the Trogs the Women were simply baby making things.

The Women were also missing their hands and feet. I thought it was horribly cruel that Arthur didn't mercy kill them to end their suffering (especially being a Christian man), since their fate was to slowly starve to death.


@Chainring, I didn't notice the missing hands and feet.


If you look close the second one has the right arm amputated


The 2nd woman is missing both arms and both legs

Perhaps the women were kidnapped and the Trogs did that to prevent them from escaping. Although raising a child takes a LOT of work. I doubt the Men had the desire or know how, and the Women couldn't do it in their condition.


Christian man?

Errr...Thou shall not kill maybe?


The commandment is actually "thou shall not murder". It's obviously ok to kill in self defense or defense of others.

Please excuse any typos, this was typed on an iPad


amputated for food. live stock?


I thought he would kill them just to hopefully exterminate the entire clan.


And why didnt they do anything to samantha? Im curious cause you would assume they use her for that too


Otherwise why take her if not to serve a purpose


The troglodytes kidnap white women, they mutilate them so they can't run away, and then rape them to get them pregnant. The babies are taken and raised by the troglodyte women.


Well actually it's not shown if or how much horses were used by the trogs. We have to assume they had them because it kinda hints to the trek being as much as 11 days as from the first scene when the drifter showed up. However it doesn't say he walked straight there from the last scene where he was running from the trogs. Neither did it say he was racing as hard as he could go.

We know that there was only as much as eight hours were they were asleep before the discovery, but not a definite time given of when they were actually taken. Then they have the time to get ready and find out the info of who, what, and where.

Now from that time our heroes are running as fast as could be done with as little breaks as needed to maintain pace without sacrificing safety, etc.

IF the trogs traveled at the same pace as them, what with having captives to slow them down, and they apparently stole horses from the town because they had one that was a colt that was missing a shoe belonging to Clarence. So they didn't have their own. In fact if the four hadn't lost their horses they may have caught up with them at the grueling pace they were keeping.

So actually they may have only arrived back at their cave 2 or 3 days ahead of them. Meaning she was only actually captive in their camp a short time.

They were attempting to ride a 5 day trip in 3. We have no hint about what pace the trogs were able to keep with unfamiliar horses, and captives.

So that said, we only saw a couple days and nights from where they were breathing down their necks to when they had to walk. That would only add a day maybe 2 to the pace they had.

So, they may have been going to eat her, she was kept in the same cage as the others and not separated, or they simply hadn't had the time to 'perform' whatever ritual they would probably have had for her 'initiation' into the tribes birthing stock. They probably felt pretty secure that there would be no rush to do this.

I would assume that would be the plan, and they had other ritualistic evidence, of culture though totally crude but still shown.

I'm not saying she wasn't part of the 'festivities' of celebration, on the way there and the days and nights spent actually at the cave. But, if she was literally going to have been a baby 'drone' she probably would have been 'secured' somewhere for their use whenever they would have done their mating ritual.

But, also this was a movie and the directors, etc. would probably not went that direction so we could have had a 'happy' ending so to speak.



> Realistically, she would have been raped, mutilated, and probably impregnated.

She hinted that she had been raped. When they first find her in the cave, the sheriff asks if she is hurt and she said, "I'm alive."





In reality, all of those trogs would be dead from having those weirdass throat whistle implants too.


I'm not sure if they've already raped her, she didn't say anything specific about it and her dress wasn't torn to pieces. But she did mention something about 'they want you to fatten up', that's why she didn't want to eat the bird. I'm afraid that the mutilated women were captured colonists. I think the point of showing that gruesome scene was to shock the viewer how inhumane the savages were.



Obviously they did this for effect. To make them more monstrous.

Maybe they didn't like the hateful stares they got from the women for being condemned like this. So they blind them.

Obviously it's not realistic. A tribe with these practices would have severe disadvantages in raising children. They would have much lower numbers and would have had no chance against the more civilized Indian tribes.


They pretty much kept to themselves I take it other than the odd kidnapping for food purposes etc. I don't view them as being an "Indian" tribe at all, just a certain kind of evil that could cover their tracks enough that they could possibly never be found. That and the Indian guy had a tone that suggested no tribe would actually go looking for them.

But yeah, those women - god I wish they were mercy killed. That just...unnerved me, that moment - not the gruesome rip apart murder - just that moment with the two pregnant amputees. I shudder to imagine their backstory.

Death is the standard breach for a complex prize.


That was truly the most horrible scene (apart from the live quartering) I've seen in a movie in many years. What was the point? It added nothing to the story but an intrinsic misogyny and perverse compulsion to continue the shock quota.

From the trogs' complete disregard for human life, I had assumed that their backstory was this: these poor women were kidnapped earlier by the trogs or were their daughters, and that their only use was for breeding, so the abominations amputated their arms and legs first so that they wouldn't run away from what was to come. They they raped them repeatedly until they became pregnant.

The final act of submission was to blind them to render them completely powerless and dehumanize them. Such a waste of movie resources and a complete waste of my time to watch this.


That was truly the most horrible scene (apart from the live quartering) I've seen in a movie in many years. What was the point? It added nothing to the story but an intrinsic misogyny and perverse compulsion to continue the shock quota.

From the trogs' complete disregard for human life, I had assumed that their backstory was this: these poor women were kidnapped earlier by the trogs or were their daughters, and that their only use was for breeding, so the abominations amputated their arms and legs first so that they wouldn't run away from what was to come. They they raped them repeatedly until they became pregnant.

The final act of submission was to blind them to render them completely powerless and dehumanize them. Such a waste of movie resources and a complete waste of my time to watch this.

Yeah I mean shame on this movie for showing things that can happen in real life.

Zardoz (1974) has spoken!
My top 100


Humans can be terrible. We'll do things that are far worse than the trogs.

I listened to a story on NPR some years ago about a conscripted child soldier who was forced to eat another child to death. Literally take bites out of him until he died. They used torture to force him to do this. Who the *beep* does that? Ding ding ding! Humans.

The trogs seem mild mannered in comparison.


That was horrifying and sad.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


