Was the wife raped?

when the sherife asked how many men there was, she dident want to answar, she turnd away. After some time she answared around 12 (or something, dont remember the number). I got the impresion she got raped by all of them, thus how hard it was to answar. But on the other hand, she do not look like she has been molestet by a number of men.... so what do you think?

(Sorry for bad english, not my native language)



No. She was not raped. It was not implied. It is clear how they treat their women. They're just hanging on to her for food. She's only alive because she's still good stock for eating. The actress does not play as someone who has been sexually assaulted. She plays as someone who is frustrated, tired, and has seen too much.


Her dress was intact, and she seemed pretty good to. I think not. Her dress would have been torn off...


I expected her to have been, but when we saw and heard I didn't think she had.



It's left up to interpretation, but since they were feeding her and not necessarily the other prisoners, I assume she might have been kept for eventual breeding stock. She may have eventually wound up like the other women. Whether she was previously assaulted is also left ambiguous, but I lean towards no, not yet anyhow.
