The scalping scene...
Jesus christ that was brutal. I watched it a couple days ago and I'm still thinking about it. I love violent movies and gore never bothers me but man that scene was so impactful. Sign of a good movie imo.
shareJesus christ that was brutal. I watched it a couple days ago and I'm still thinking about it. I love violent movies and gore never bothers me but man that scene was so impactful. Sign of a good movie imo.
shareDamn right, i knew i was in for a much better movie than i expected from the first time the troglodytes attacked the posse, but i was still thinking "Is the movie really enough to warrant and R18+ rating?" Then i got to this scene.
Yes. Yes it was.
"Where'd you get that beauty scar tough guy? Eatin' pineapple?" - Scarface TV Edit
Yeah, I enjoyed this film personally. I like this sub genre of horror/Western. The movie Ravenous, which also features David Arquette, is similar to this film in that it's about cannibals gaining super human strength from eating human flesh, and it takes place in the 19th century West. Both films are great and I would highly recommend it to anyone that liked this film but has never seen Ravenous.
"The heat has a taste. It tastes like a flame. You drink up the flame as it burns your flesh away."
Cheers, i'll check it out!
"Where'd you get that beauty scar tough guy? Eatin' pineapple?" - Scarface TV Edit
I absolutely love your censored for tv Scarface quote!
shareMan, I'm afraid I've worn out that part of my brain with gore movies, or something; I thought that scene was well done but I was expecting something far more harrowing after everything I'd heard.
shareThanks for the scalps up! I like gory violence as long as it's done tastefully. Like in Robocop 1 and Rambo 4. But this sounds too much for me.
I think I will skip this movie, a shame since I was excited about it.
Having watch the movie on bluray i was suprised,because the scalping scene wasn't shocking at all and neather was it shot in one long take.It was edited back and foreward to kurt russell's character inside the either people must be so cencible that they got it wrong seeing it on the big screen or the home version uses a alt.edited vers.Something i can't find any info about.The splitting in two part after on the other hand...
shareHaving watch the movie on bluray i was suprised,because the scalping scene wasn't shocking at all and neather was it shot in one long take.It was edited back and foreward to kurt russell's character inside the either people must be so cencible that they got it wrong seeing it on the big screen or the home version uses a alt.edited vers.Something i can't find any info about.The splitting in two part after on the other hand...My guess it was all in the audiences fantasy like a serbian film's infamous baby doll scene in which didn't show any graphic scenen (it was shot from behind)and yet it caused mass hysteria.ha ha😱