why the hate?

i dont get the hate at all tbh, movie was pretty good.


In 1977 they released Star Wars. Why would anyone want to watch a 2nd rate copy of it.

But lets begin. I will list everything wrong with this movie and subsequent sequels as to why it is terrrible.

Mary Sue Rey
Untrained Engineer Rey
Untrained Pilot Rey
Untrained Jedi Rey
Untrained Lightsaber Rey

End of list.


Mary Sue Rey
Untrained Engineer Rey
Untrained Pilot Rey
Untrained Jedi Rey
Untrained Lightsaber Rey
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Luke literally had no formal training as a pilot, mechanic, or engineer and was good with technology and blew up the Death Star in his first movie. By his second movie, after a week with Yoda, he fought Vader and lived. Hell, he was hanging in there for a while too.


...gets duped by R2
...gets walloped by Sand People, saved by Obi-Wan
...runs from adventure because he's insecure
...nearly gets killed in a bar fight, saved by Obi-Wan
...makes Han and Obi-Wan roll their eyes while mouthing off in negotiations
...gets slapped away from the controls in the Falcon
...gets zapped by the practice droid, tries to quit
...bungles the rescue of Leia, she saves them (and out-shoots him)
...accidentally shoots the bridge controls (what "good with technology" are you talking about?)
...needs Leia to shoot Stormtroopers so he can ready the grapple line
...nearly gets killed while fleeing, saved by Obi-Wan's Force ghost-voice
...almost gets killed by Vader in a TIE fighter, saved by Han

He is a decent pilot, but not "the best pilot", and this is established as part of his skillset multiple times during the movie. It's not just that Luke has some skills, that's not what makes a character a Mary Sue, Luke *fails* all the time. I'm struggling to remember any mechanical aptitude displayed by Luke in A New Hope, outside of rudimentary droid cleaning, that is.

Compare this to Rey who, among other things, can fly a ship so well that she can aim the broken gun turret while doing evasive maneuvers, can use the Force to manipulate minds despite having no confirmation it *exists* prior to the start of the film, and who *teaches Han and Chewie* how to fix a problem they always had with the Falcon.

By the end of the second movie, Luke was toyed with by Vader, and only after he *failed* his way through Jedi training, learning lessons the hard way. He struggled to lift a few rocks. Rey floats dozens of boulders out of the way, and handily bests Luke in a swordfight.

I've never had a problem with Rey. I've never minded her as a lead character. But this blinders-on narrative insisting that Luke was just as cranked-up as she was is daffy.

Luke spent longer with Yoda on Dagobah than a week.


Luke literally blew up THE DEATH STAR with help from THE FORCE. No training, no experience, no nothing. He used the Force despite having never done it before.This is the single greatest feat in this universe. From an inexperienced kid. Don't give me this "oh, but he's not the best pilot" shit, he did something NO ONE else could. This was AFTER doing perfectly fine with the Falcon's guns, which he had absolutely no experience with.

But oh no, Rey flies a ship! Get out of here.

She didn't "best" Luke. He disarmed her and he fell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SjwIw6pmS8


Luke literally blew up THE DEATH STAR with help from THE FORCE

No, he used the force to target the hole, feeling when to fire. The actual shot was explained because and I know its hard to fathom for a Reylo but he used to practice targeting and shooting creatures that were same size as the exaust port. How is that so hard to understand.

He used the Force despite having never done it before

See above answer.

This is the single greatest feat in this universe

Your opinion

oh, but he's not the best pilot" shit, he did something NO ONE else could

Hes the hero and once again see above answers

This was AFTER doing perfectly fine with the Falcon's guns, which he had absolutely no experience with.

Are you trying to equate using a static gun with a computer targeting system to flying the Falcon? I'm sorry I laughed at that. I don't see you complaing about Finn by the way who does exactly the same thing. Anyone can sit in a chair and aim and pull the trigger are you telling me that anyone, absolutely anyone can sit into a Starship without knowing what any of the buttons do, how to fly, how to control, pitch, yaw. It is not even close to the same skill set, you are insane if you think it is the same. Are you saying a gunner in a world war 2 plane can fly it?

But oh no, Rey flies a ship! Get out of here.

Yeh, she is a scavenger. Who runs into the Falcon and knows what every single button does and how to control with pin point expertise. You don't see her easing into it, you don't see her fumbling about, she literally sits down, takes off and flys it.
We get your a Reylo fanboy and you will not have her upstaged by soeone else. But Luke is shown to have doen things, it is explained. Rey does not, nothing, at no point in any film is she shown to be taught how to do anything, nothing.



I'll add that Luke didn't do something no one else could, because Red Leader flew down that trench and got a shot off himself. So as far as piloting goes, Luke's hardly one in a million, although he is shown to be good at it (and as you say, this is explained).

I do understand where, as an orphaned girl on a backwater planet, Rey would be more competent out the gate than Luke at a lot of things, but not to the level she's shown. It makes sense that she can cobble together repairs, hold her own in a fight, etc., but not repair things better than the experienced owners of those things.


Luke shoots Falcon guns, nothing from you.

Rey does it and you have an aneurysm.

LOL, get out of here, you goofy little man.


Please tell me when Rey shoots the Falcon turrets? Please, point me to the timestamp when that happens.

I honesly think you have never actually watched it.

Rey flew the falcon, Finn fired the guns.

No argument of course so resort to insults.


It's the same exact argument, LOL! Luke flies and X-Wing, nothing from you. Rey flies the Falcon, you poop your pants from how worked up you get.


You are gettting desperate now.

Luke shoots Falcon guns, nothing from you.

Rey does it and you have an aneurysm.

At no point in the Force Awakens does Rey use the gunners turret. Finn does that job which actually disproves one of your arguments as it shows that anyone can do it and its not difficult at all. I will tell you what. Get in a plane and fly it perfectly while being shot at by other planes without any lessons and I will submit defeat.

Luke flies and X-Wing

Once again for the hard of hearing. We are told and shown on multiple occcasions that Luke is a competent pilot which is then reinforced when he meats Biggs Darklighter who tells his superior you won't be disappointed as "Luke is the best bush pilot in the outer rim" . You do realise that the T-16 and X-wing are made by the same manufacturer.

Rey flies the Falcon, you poop your pants

Your the one who is adamant that flying a Starship is no big deal, I and others are pointing out the absurdity of this. And no frankly I don't care, Rey is a Mary Sue of all Mary Sues, The Disney Trilogy is utter trash in comparison to the OG trilogy. The films can only be compared due to Disney basically copying themi n almost every regard.

Listen you wanna like the Disney trilogy then more power to you but you are on a losing battle trying to compare flying a ship to firing a gun. That is not a hill you wanna die on. Also as stated your knowledge of said films seems very little and confused.


You do realise that the T-16 and X-wing are made by the same manufacturer.

there isnt a prop in this movie that doesent have its own wiki page and backstory
wtf is a T16?


It is the ship Luke has in his house and how he learnt to fly.

When he says "It's not impossible. I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home, they're not much bigger than two meters."

That is in refernce to that ship.

You see it when C-3P0 is being lowered into his bath, it is on the right hand side. Luke is also playing a model of it as well.

T-16 and T65B X-Wing are made by the Incom Corporation.


I forgot that. Yeah, they'd probably have similar controls.


Luke shoots Falcon guns: fine.

Rey aims a turret on the bottom of a ship by flip-flying the ship.

Have you ever tried firing a gun from your hip? Imagine doing that but your hip is a couple dozen metres away and your "hand" isn't directly connected to your body so you have no physical intuition where it could be, and also while you're doing that you're piloting an aircraft you've never flown before, you're being shot at, and you're doing evasive maneuvers.

It's different.


Luke received training sessions in the Millennium Falcon from Obi-Wan and then applied that knowledge later on - also with a goad from Obi-Wan - to aiming his torpedoes, yes. And, yes, the hero of the adventure story usually gets to slay the dragon at the end of the story. And, again, he does this with tonnes of help from the other pilots, from R2, from Han - he would be debris without Han - and Obi-Wan, again, prompting him into this. Luke's Force feat here, by the way, in addition to being learned earlier (literally his practice session with Obi-Wan is on sightless targeting specifically), is also prompted and coached by Obi-Wan. It's still an assist.

But, again: Luke fails his way there. Every bit of competence he earns is by scraping himself off the floor and learning a little bit from each lesson along the way. I listed how at almost every scene, every step of the way, Luke fails, flubs, needs help, or is shown to be not the expert in the room.

How about Rey? How many times does she fail in TFA? She gets captured once, right? How much Force training does she have? Any mentoring at all before she can telepathically overwhelm a guard? She doesn't just "shoot a gun turret" or "fly a ship" she flies the ship while aiming Finn's gun for him. She isn't just good with mechanical devices, she knows how to fix the Falcon better than Han or Chewbacca. The first fight Luke gets into, he gets knocked unconscious. The second one, he gets thrown to the ground and nearly killed. Third time he gets pinned down by stormtroopers. Saved by Obi-Wan, saved by Obi-Wan, saved by Leia. How 'bout Rey? Let's see...oh, decks multiple simultaneous assailants? Okay.

Look, I had fun watching The Force Awakens, and again, I think Rey is a reasonably good protagonist and I liked her just fine. But she fits the bill for a demigod a lot more than Luke does.


"Training" from Obi Wan on that Falcon..... Bro, that was 15 minutes. There's nothing about that that justifies him being able to suddenly tap into the Force by the end of the movie. He does it because he's a natural. Like her. They have "God-given" abilities due to their lineage.

She's a demigod in TLJ and TROS. Not even close in TFA. It didn't become a problem until the 2nd movie; and we find out it's because who she is in the 3rd.

Oh, and Anakin is a fucking mechanical whiz at 10. Living with his mom - who seemingly has no inclination towards that at all - and the kid is a genius. But Rey - who works for a scavenger - how dare she know anything. Come on .

Kylo Ren stops a blaster shot and holds it for MINUTES. It's what new movies do - they overpower people at times. The prequels did it too with their ridiculous twirling lightsaber dances.


Luke senses where to fire a gun, she's using hypnosis. These are not the same thing. She's using more advanced techniques with less training.

We come in mid-training with Obi-Wan and Luke - they might have been working things for who knows how long?

Sure, they're both naturals. But Luke still needed a guide to show him how to use the Force, with the guide he did receive training and advice (however little), and he still required help to use it at the end. Rey received no training, had no guide, and just used advanced Force powers anyway.

None of this explains away her other abilities, and that's part of the problem. It's not that she's got one superhuman talent, it's that she excels in *all* areas. She's the best fighter of the new characters, she's a mechanical wizard (again, I'll stress how much better she is relative to established engineering characters like Chewie), she's a great pilot (not as good as Poe, but better than everybody else), she's the best at the Force, and so on. Some of these abilities are explained (I buy that she's got mechanical experience and is good in a fight because of her background), but others aren't (why is she so good at flying starships? how can she use the Force with no training at all?), and the aggregate is what brings her down.

And, again, she almost never fails. Everything she sets her hand to she succeeds at, at least in TFA, with the sole exception (I think?) of getting captured - but again, even that is but a minor setback; she rescues herself.

There's a big difference between a character having skills suitable to their imagined history and characters having all skills in great abundance. There's a big difference between showing character advancement by having a character learn skills (training on the Falcon) and then paying it off (applying that to his pilot abilities), versus showing a character just doing things they couldn't do before. There is a gulf between "some training" in an exercise on the Falcon and "none".


> Oh, and Anakin is a fucking mechanical whiz at 10.

Mozart wrote his first symphony when he was 8. History does not indicate he had force powers.


Mozart might not have, but Rey sure did; just like Luke and Anakin.


Both Anakin and Luke were better written however, speaking of Mozart his portrayal in Amadeus was another character written better than Rey.


He did it with Obi Wan helping him and if it hadn't been for the Rebel pilot or Han Solo he never would have been in any position to fire the rockets in the first place. Rey would have been able to do it the first time with no help at all.

It was absolutely a problem in TFA, now if the sequels had gone in a different direction like Episode 2 and 3 did and showed the hero struggling and having weaknesses maybe that could have corrected her Mary Sueness but they didn't.

If TPM was the only prequel then you might have a point about Anakin being a Mary Sue, but it isn't and we the audience know that his life is going to be a downfall so seeing him as a happy little kid who is very skilled works because we know that nothing but darkness awaits him. Bad comparison on your part.

Another bad excuse, the prequels at least established a sense of danger, I legitimately feared for Obi Wan on Mustafar because I didn't know how things were going to turn out and at that point Anakin had surpassed Obi Wan, there were actual stakes and tension, you cannot say the same for the ST/Rey.


Was that last bit an edit? The last two paragraphs? Or did I just miss it? Well, either way, I have some answers...

Yes, Anakin is overpowered. He's absolutely a crummy character, poorly written, and that's one of (many) reasons the Prequels don't stack up to the OT or even work at all. They have sloppy writing. Anakin is given too many "gifts". He's an engineer, a pilot, a Force master, a fighter, etc., etc.

Yet, still, we see differences. First, Anakin has every skill in the book, but his character is portrayed as deeply flawed. With the exception of the cherub Anakin in Phantom Menace, the prequels do drill in that Anakin is volatile and childish.

Mary Sue status is about an aggregate. It's not that they have one super-ability, it's that they have all super-abilities, plus everybody loves them (true of Rey, not of Anakin), plus they're better than everybody, plus they're great people (true of Rey, not of Anakin).

I will agree Anakin is a poorly-crafted character, is over-powered, and is at least Sue-ajascent if not a Mary-Sue. But, that's also moving the goalposts: I was talking about Luke being mislabelled a Sue and Rey qualifying.

Here's another important point: people *did* complain about Anakin. People lashed out about how stupid it was to have an overpowered child showing up everybody that Jake Lloyd was bullied and trolled into mental health issues and he quit acting. People complain about Anakin's characterization all the time.

As for Kylo, yes, he is super-powerful and stops a blaster shot with his mind. He's also temperamental, childish, (abundant character flaws), is not shown to be the best at every skill, only a subset that makes sense for him, and most importantly: Kylo is the villain, not the hero. Villains start strong to give heroes a worthy obstacle to challenge them. Darth Vader was a demi-god so we worried when Luke fought him. There are different rules for heroes. The aggregate doesn't show him to be a Mary-Sue.

I've said it elsewhere, I'll repeat it: I understand Rey's abilities with engineering and fighting. Luke was a good pilot. But Luke was shown to be about the same level as other Rebels, and lesser than Han. Rey is the *best* to the point of being better at fixing the Falcon than Han or Chewie. She is a paragon of virtue, loved by all, top-grade skills (again: advanced Force abilities only used by Jedi/Sith *masters* with literally *no* training; didn't even know the Force was a confirmed thing at the start of the film), and it's the *aggregate* that makes a Mary Sue.

And, again, I don't mind Rey. I liked her as a protagonist. But that doesn't stop me from seeing the bad writing and that she was designed to be "perfect".


It's not moving the goalposts to compare protagonists from the same series. We can compare Rey to Luke, but not Anakin or Ren to either one of them? Stop.

Oh no, Rey fixed the Falcon! *clutches pearls* If you wanna complain about her being too powerful, complain about her in the other two movies. I've even said I had a problem with that too. But her fixing the Falcon has no merit.


But her fixing the Falcon has no merit.

Wtf. No merit. Please video yourself fixing an airplane without knowing anything about it and then we will talk.


You can compare Rey to whomever you wish. I was replying specifically to your post saying that Luke qualified as a Mary Sue. So, sure, Anakin is pretty close to a Mary Sue (but, again, is saddled with personality flaws and characters who don't like him, so he doesn't check the boxes), but I was never defending Anakin as a character - he's poorly written and badly developed; the Prequels are bad writing, almost end-to-end.

All I was saying was that Luke didn't qualify and Rey ticks the boxes.

Who's clutching pearls? I'm not shocked. I'm not upset by it. I've repeatedly made that clear. Here it is *again*: I don't mind Rey as a protagonist, I'm fine with her, I'm just not pretending she doesn't check most of the Mary Sue boxes.

That she can fix the Falcon is not inherently the problem. I'll repeat this, too: her scavenger background does logically give her a reason for her engineering skills. The thing I'm talking about is how she fixes it with [some technobabble] that Han didn't know about and never considered. Han and Chewie spent decades aboard that ship. It was their home. They knew her backwards and forwards. But after spending half an hour on the ship, Rey knows how to fix it better than they do, thus showing up established characters at their own game. *That's* why she checks that box.


Luke had help and he actually had to exert some effort to blow up the death star, plus they had a little thing called buildup to Luke's big epic moment. The same cannot be said for Rey.


"plus they had a little thing called buildup to Luke's big epic moment. The same cannot be said for Rey. "

Not true for this movie. You can say she's inexplicably too strong in TLJ and even TROS until we find out she's a Palpatine, but this is not the case for for TFA.

Kylo dispatched Rey easily on Maz's planet. He captured her easily. And when they fought at the climax of the movie, Ren not only was injured from Chewie, but had just fought Finn. Rey too had help. There was build up.


Her being a Palpatine doesn't excuse anything. Luke was the son of Anakin Skywalker, the being with the highest midi-chlorian count Qui Gon Jin had ever seen in a lifeform and even he didn't always succeed and he had to actually work to get to where he was. Luke wasn't even close to being a threat to Vader until his third movie, Rey defeated Kylo every time and that blaster shot he got is a pathetic excuse, he didn't seem to be in a whole lot of pain and his range of swing seemed to be pretty dead on, Rey however had never held a lightsaber before and just found out she had the force 5 minutes ago, Kylo should have been able to beat her with both hands tied behind his back. There was no buildup at all in the ST, every allegedly big epic moment just kind of happened and without buildup it means nothing and it isn't earned. Spielberg and Lucas are the masters of buildup IMO, Jar Jar Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy don't know the first thing about it. Jar Jar has a serious case of writers ADD and he keeps the audience bouncing around from place to place and doesn't properly develop anything.

Also FYI: Deflecting to other characters you deem to be poorly written doesn't magically make Rey well written. You may want to alter your debate tactic.


"Her being a Palpatine doesn't excuse anything."

It absolutely does. Luke is who he is because he's related to. Kylo Ren is who he is because his mother is. They inherited their parents abilities.

"Also FYI: Deflecting to other characters you deem to be poorly written doesn't magically make Rey well written. You may want to alter your debate tactic. "

That's called a comparison, not a deflection. Look it up. People often do it when having conversations/debates.


It’s not an excuse because Luke had to actually work to get to where he was and he didn’t always succeed, Rey mastered a mind trick before she even realized she had the force, even Luke didn’t successfully use the mind trick on Jabba.

It is absolutely a comparison, even if Luke was poorly written (which he wasn’t) that wouldn’t erase all of the problems with Rey’s character, the only character trait she really has is she wants to know who her family is and that’s pretty weak considering we never even got to see her with her family like we got to see Anakin with his mother. Rey is a poorly written, underdeveloped Mary Sue and Disney Star Wars is all tell no show.


Luke did not have to "work" to use the Force to blow up the Death Star. He had no experience or training and did the most memorable thing in the galaxy.


He absolutely did have to work and even then he had Obi-Wan helping him, it was a team effort, it wasn't just Luke pulling ridiculously absurd abilities out of nowhere. Lucas knew how to set things up and progressively build towards a realistic yet satisfying payoff, Jar Jar Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy know nothing about it, they gave Rey all of these moments that were supposed to be epic that she didn't earn. Luke did earn his moments and it was by showing his struggles and failures along the way, but he learned from them and grew as a character, Rey showed no growth, she was a Mary Sue when we met her and she was still a Mary Sue when we left her.




Was going to write something but your reply is non sensical. So just use what is written by Ace_Spade who states it perfectly


Yeh i enjoyed it too as did many others


eh i've seen a lot of people give the sequels hate overtime


Yeah the sock puppets in particular seem to hate it with an inexplicably uniform passion.


I hate the TLJ , TROS was ok but the story was weak , the ending reminded was pretty much ROTJ, however TFA was a good jump off point for the trilogy , yes they played it safe, but i can watch it and still enjoy it.


After the hype died down most people realized what an uninspired, disjoined pile of garbage it was that ruined any potential the trilogy had from the jump. The subsequent disastrous sequels were just a chain reaction of the horrible foundation laid by the corporate cash grab & creative abortion that was TFA.


Lots of people love TFA and still do.


Many peoples opinions about TFA have significantly "cooled" & increasingly changed towards the negative in just the few years since the hype around its release. That's a very telling fact. Even its few remaining defenders are sheepish about it. Virtually no one praises it as it so often was at that time, especially not publicly. it has simply been too thoroughly ripped apart & exposed as the pile of dog sh*t that it is. Even on this board, there's only a handful of people still willing to consistently defend this abomination.


Personally I'm happy Star Wars got destroyed. It was overrated to begin with.


When you state your opinion ( which is based on nothing more than your feelings on the matter ) and present it as a "very telling fact" you should know that anyone with any intelligence will not take you seriously.


The significant decline in how TFA is generally perceived among fans compared to when was first released is not opinion but fact.


Prove it.


You're the one erroneously trying to sell the idea that The Force Awakens is just as well perceived among fans NOW as it was during the hype of 2015-2016 so how about you go ahead and try to prove that ? The empirical evidence to the contrary speaks for itself.


There you go making things up again. I said that lots of people love TFA and still do. I didn't say anything regarding how many fans love it now compared to when it first came out. That was your line.

You're the one who is making unfounded statements and pretending that they are facts. When I challenged you to prove what you were saying was correct you couldn't do it. So now you talk about " empirical evidence " rather than " very telling facts ". You are full of shit Threadkiller.


I wasn't even talking to you when I made a comment stating the fact that the positive fan perception of TFA has significantly declined in the years since its released and it was YOU who went out of your way to chime in and deny the idea so it's on YOU to prove the opposite of this fact because your going round & round with "Nuh uh! Prove it" isn't going to convince anyone. I guess when you're burdened with the impossible task of trying to sell the delusion that fans still generally love this piece of sh*t movie it's easier to just deflect.

Anyway, I'll never tell anyone they shouldn't enjoy bad films so by all means continue to enjoy this pile of sh*t movie. Moving on now.


Well I guess a troll's gotta do what a troll's gotta do.


There isn't any (real) hate. This movie is nearly universally praised by fans and critics alike. Pay no attention to Lucas loyalists and their revisionist history.


The only (real) praise comes from nu-fans or bots who can safely be ignored.

The fairest thing I can say about TFA is that it was the best of the Disney trilogy.


Ah, the "Fake news" theory.


Ah the "fake hate" theory.


I didn't say anything was fake, I references ratings and reviews. You know, those things you said were fabricated, LOL.


If you're too stupid to see I just repackaged your comment then you can't be helped LOL


First the fake news approach, now changing the subject, ha! Did you vote for Trump by any chance?


LOL There appears to be something wrong with your brain, kid. Expected though if you're a "fan" of TFA nudge nudge wink wink
Anyway I don't appreciate you just replying to me out of nowhere like that so please stop ok thanks, I didn't ask for your opinion on anything


"LOL There appears to be something wrong with your brain, kid."

I'm not the one ignoring facts. This movie has good reviews from both fans and critics alike. It's history. A proven fact. More people like this movie than don't.

"Anyway I don't appreciate you just replying to me out of nowhere like that so please stop ok thanks, I didn't ask for your opinion on anything"

Get off the internet then, Francis.


Listen Chang you're going to need to come up with a better script mmkay. Only a Trump supporter would reply back.


"Listen Chang you're going to need to come up with a better script mmkay."

Is this considered a burn on your planet?


no u


It’s a fun star wars movie , pretty much everyone I know who watched it enjoyed it and have liked Star Wars since the originals


It's watchable. It's by no means a terrible movie but it's not very good. It could have been a good starting point for the new trilogy but they never really had a plan so it went nowhere.


I agree looking back


It is far from perfect but I like this Star Wars movie although yes, the plot is not very different to the first one. Finally I like Rey.


Because it wasn't a stand alone film....it follows the existing Star Wars universe and established characters.

Empire was defeated.
This film undoes that.

Luke was a triumphant hero.
They ruined that.

Han was a rebel hero, he was with Leia. They broke them up and he goes back to being a smuggler.

Vader was redeemed.
Immediately the first new Skywalker child borns turns bad? Really?

Yet another death star? Are you serious?

Han, Luke and Leia have no scenes with all 3?
Han is dead so that can nevwr happen.
Kill them off in the last film....but the first?

Disney ruined Star Wars.

Going forward they Luke thw qeakeat, lamest ending ever, they weaponized light speed, brought the emporer back, Rey was too perfect, wasted Finn...etc.


"Disney ruined Star Wars."

You Lucas loyalists are so weird.


You Lucas loyalists are so weird

Just like Disney and Reylo fanboys


Empire was defeated.
This film undoes that.

Luke was a triumphant hero.
They ruined that.

Han was a rebel hero, he was with Leia. They broke them up and he goes back to being a smuggler.

Vader was redeemed.
Immediately the first new Skywalker child borns turns bad? Really?

Yet another death star? Are you serious?

Han, Luke and Leia have no scenes with all 3?
Han is dead so that can nevwr happen.
Kill them off in the last film....but the first?

Disney ruined Star Wars.

Some very key points that you pointed out. While by and large people now realized that TFA is a creatively bankrupt clusterf*ck, many do still gloss over the fact that the most egregious sins committed against the OT and it's heroes were the work of Jar Jar Abrams and The Farce Awakens. Instead much of the blame is often deflected to sequels which were merely the result of what TFA being a slapdash, fanfiction abomination that laid the groundwork for what followed.


Because we all saw a much better version of this movie when we were kids whose main character wasn't a Mary Sue.


People have high expectations of Star Wars. This came out with relatively good reviews. It was the sequels, director's ideas, and studio decisions that irked the audience. That's when the movie got more hate.


