An observation

In the original trilogy all major characters are introduced through an interaction with a character that has already been introduced. In Force Awakens and Last Jedi, characters like Finn and Rose Tico are introduced through jump cuts.


Brilliant observation!!
Big reason why the old ones have a more natural feel


I haven't thought of that. C-3P0 and R2 were shown first as their ship is being attacked and Darth comes through the door moments later as the figure behind said attack. Next, we see Leia giving R2 the Death Star plans and she's soon captured and taken to Vader. Meanwhile, the droids go to Tatoonie and interact with Lars who introduces us to Luke. Obi-Wan shows up to save Luke and the droids from Sand-people and then they meet Chewie and Han at the cantina. They meet up with Leia after that. Funny enough, even though Obi-Wan and Leia never meet each other in the OT, their connection through Leia's father is what kicks off the plot.

Something I noticed while watching Force Awakens is that the sequel characters don't interact with each other as much, they often have their own side adventures apart form one another. For instance, Rey and Poe don't meet until the final scene of Last Jedi. The newer movies don't have that sense of camaraderie the OT did.


Finn was introduced helmet-on in a pretty organic way. I think he fits into the story of TFA nicely. Rose Tico felt awkward, but I think Finn was pretty smoothly introduced.


