MovieChat Forums > Left Behind (2014) Discussion > Kids get a Rapture pass?

Kids get a Rapture pass?

Is it implied anywhere in the Bible that kids are so innocent that they get a free pass at the Rapture? Because in my experience kids have the capability to be (and usually are) little monsters devoid of any conscience.


I wonder if Damien and those kids from Hostel 2 would be raptured too. LMFAO!


Anyone know about kids born post-Rapture? Hundreds of kids are born each day. Do they just "disappear" during birth or right out of the womb?


Another reason that the rapture is nothing but a false doctrine. Not going to happen.


I watched a movie, similar to this, can't think of the name, but kids WERE left behind. I was furious seeing kids under 10 still around. They may be little monsters, but they don't know any different. Their brains are not developed enough to make rational adult decisions. So, whether you believe in the rapture or not, I was glad to see the kids gone in this film.

While I feel for the Alzheimer woman, we don't know how she lived her life prior to her disease.


Kids get a free pass? So, what's the cut-off age of when they don't get a free pass?

6 years old? 10? some other arbitrary age decided by someone?


Kids that are unable to make a conscious decision regarding their belief in Christ as their salvation, would likely be raptured.
