MovieChat Forums > Left Behind (2014) Discussion > Kids get a Rapture pass?

Kids get a Rapture pass?

Is it implied anywhere in the Bible that kids are so innocent that they get a free pass at the Rapture? Because in my experience kids have the capability to be (and usually are) little monsters devoid of any conscience.


It's not found anywhere in the Bible that kids get a free Rapture pass. That's jsut one of many problems with the theology taught by these books and movies.


may as well add to that the simple fact that the Rapture is not in the Bible either. it's a concept that was invented in the late 19th, early 20th century by fundamentalist preachers who took rather extreme liberties with their "interpretation" of Bible verse.


The word Rapture is not found in the Bible, but the event is. To be raptured means to be taken away. We see Christ returning for His followers to take them away in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. Specifically in verses 16-17.

What guys like Darby came up with in the 18th century was a different rapture scenario, where Jesus returns silently and takes away only those who believe in Christ. Then there's a period of seven years where the unbelievers can still be saved until Christ returns in 7 years for the final judgment. This timeline is what is not found in Scripture.

We are going through the End Times now and have been since Christ ascended to heaven 2,000 years ago. The reason people buy into false teaching like what is found in Left Behind is because all the events are there. But they do not unfold as Tim LaHaye and other pre-tribulation dispensationalists teach.


You do not know what you are talking about. There is so much wrong with your post. I don't have the time to verse you on the bible.


Prove it.


Prove your imaginary friend is real.

Working in the movie business since -92


It's not found anywhere in the Bible that kids get a free Rapture pass. That's just one of many problems with the theology taught by these books and movies.


But no animals.

It's got some minor plotholes, like everything relating to Christian fairy tales and fan fiction.

They make this stuff up as they go along.


Animals do not have souls hence they do not go to Heaven.

[popcorn][wave]... End of line.


Animals do not have souls hence they do not go to Heaven.

Revelation 5:8-13
All creatures recognize Jesus as the Savior of the world and praise God right
along with redeemed men.

Romans 8:19 KJV
The lesser creatures await Christ's return to redeem the sons of God so they, too,
will be released from physical death to eternal life.

Romans 8:21-22 KJV
Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption
into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole
creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.

Ephesians 1:10
This plan, which God will complete when the time is right, is to bring all creation
together, everything in heaven and on earth, with Christ as head.”


Stratcat46 here are the exact quotes from my KJV bible:

Romans 8:19
"For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God."

Romans 21-22
"because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the Children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors together with birth pangs together until now."

Ephesians 1:10
"That in the dispensation of the fullness of the times, He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth -- in Him."

The Revelations passage was a bit long so I decided not to copy it here.

The point being, that these passages do not actually mention animals, nor whether or not they have souls. A lot of people like to believe that animals have souls, but nothing in the bible specifically says that they do. So you are free to believe it if you want to, just know that that's not something you can prove from the bible.

"I'm sorry, but.." is a self-contained lie.


So why would God create a universe, 9 billion years later create a planet that he intends on populating with beings in his likeness, create those beings 4.8 billion years later, and just when they start to get somewhat civilized, 198,000 years later he comes down to start the end times? It almost sounds to me like the Bible was written without the understanding of the history of the Earth and the Cosmos, that an all powerful being should probably have an understanding of.


Since all Bible versions are an interpretation of whomever interpreted it, guess we won't know for sure until the end.

But when I see "creation" - I see all of the creation not just the mankind part of it.

The Garden of Eden was a place where all creation lived together peacefully...I believe Heaven is also that type of place; so I believe animals will be there also.


You're messing with us right? I think you can stop short of quoting Bible scripture trying to get to the bottom of this. It'll just take one science class to show you.

If you need it pointed out to you that the difference between humans and animals is free will, and reason vs. instinct and repetition, then I don't know what to tell you. Further, it makes your lack of understanding of what you posted not even worth correcting but just for the hell of it? God doesn't consider anyone without choice to have chosen righteousness.

People have choices. Animals do not. Animals recognize God's dominion. They weren't given the option not to . Humans were. So humans have to choose to recognize God when they don't have to and in fact are given endless reasons not to.

And God is no different than anyone else there. Nobody is going to choose someone who never had to earn their way over someone who has.


If animals don't have souls, then why are they named after the Latin word for soul?


This is based on the idea that until a certain age, children don't have a concept of true morality. Therefore, God would take them with the christians to heaven. Although these days especially, that age seems to be lower by the day.

But regardless, even the authors have said in times past that this is just their choice for the story that may or may not happen.



A Rapture pass.

Not to be confused with a Hall pass which is only given
to adults.


I was wondering that too. They usually give you the old "they're not baptized" bull story, but that only works for babies.

In my experience, most kids are self-centered little trolls who don't know how to behave. I mean, take a good look at just about every kid you see AT THE MOVIES. "Gimme this. Gimme that." Can't sit still. THEY get into heaven? Not on my watch!

And what's the cut-off age? 13? "Oh sorry. You turned 13 yesterday. You're going to hell with the rest of us!"

Then I got to thinking -- a world devoid of screaming little children. WHAT'S SO BAD ABOUT THAT? All of sudden, this rapture fairy tale doesn't sound half bad.

SOMETHING ELSE I WONDERED ABOUT -- So according to this stupid movie...immediately after the rapture occurs...EVERYONE LEFT becomes a petty criminal. Their first instinct? Snatch that purse OR steal that big screen TV.

Makes just about as much sense as everything else in this stupid Shark-nado of a movie.



Nothing about this movie is Biblical. lol Heck, nothing about a lot of things the average "Bible thumper" believes is Biblical. ;)

Writing is my favorite hobby. Writing something that many can enjoy is my favorite dream.


I wanted there to be a few "bad" babies in those bassinettes, LOL

"A daffy woman constantly strives to become a star..."


Of course that, when they reach a certain age, kids can tell good and evil apart. The issue is that they're not mature enough to choose the right path. There are so many light-hearted people who used to be trouble-makers as kids.
