MovieChat Forums > Left Behind (2014) Discussion > If this movie brings at least 1 person t...

If this movie brings at least 1 person to Christ, then it's a good thing

This flick has tons of negative reviews from professional, non-professional, Christian and Non-Christian film critics and movie buffs, the thing is when it comes to a storyline like this the main point is that it brings lost souls to Christ Jesus.

Regardless of the terrible performances, if 1 person at the minimum has gotten saved because they watched this movie, then it's a good thing that this motion picture was made.


Why would this crappy little flick suddenly bring someone to Christ? Hoping for he old 'conversion through fear' trick aye?


lol saved by who? which version of god? the Protestant, anglican, catholic, Jehovah witness, methodist etc etc? or the hindu and muslim gods?

oh right I forgot you just happened to be born in the correct denomination lol


That´s a cop-out response. Most people "born into a religion" aren´t even Theists when they reach adulthood. Most Catholics are not Theists and I dare say quite a few Muslims aren´t either.


it isn't a cop out, its reality. I haven't crunched the numbers and it varies country to country. yet most people choose the religion they were born in. most Americans choose some form of catholicism. most Indians hinduism. most saudis islam.

this sent a coincidence.

either way my post wasn't about the statistics of how many people take their parents religion.

it was the fact that every single religion, and then denomination within it, thinks they have the right one and the others are wrong. Paraphrasing Matt dillahunty's famous quote but basically its "theists are just aetheists who believe in one more god. since they disbelieve all the others"


And my point is that you aren´t "born into a religion". Since the people that are "born into religions" as children end up mostly atheists, no matter what they "identify" as. Catholicism is probably the worst example you could have used to make your point. As for Islam, there is a alot of superficial faith in those countries because their governments are mostly autocratic and non-Islamics are generally persecuted in such countries. If people were simply born into their faiths, religious conversions would never happen and people would never become atheists.


except you are... that's why there's a proliferation of a religion.. the USA hasn't switched over to hinduism after two generations. it actually isn't the worst example. as america has been and still is largely Christian for hundreds of years...Its not a 100 success rate where "oh well unless everyone born in the USA with Christian parents become and stay Christians". its factually a general rule.

again, you don't seem to understand the larger point I was making. either you are purposely being dense or slow.


Someone that is dense or slow, is usually someone that resorts to ad hominem, when they are losing an argument.


Baby Jesus butt plug brought more people to Christ than this movie.
