MovieChat Forums > The Bridge (2013) Discussion > finale not great...what will season 3 be...

finale not great...what will season 3 be about?

Not sure about you all but to me this finale sucked! So many things left unanswered, too many people have already talked about it. Maybe next season will be a continuation on Fausto, Sonya's buck fuddy because they played that up way too much to just leave it hanging.
Any thought?


The writing toward the end of season 2 felt like it was written by a frat boy who couldn't get the smart kid to write his final paper and had to wing it on his own, given the trajectory the smart kid had already set up earlier in the semester. As it turned out, frat boy's an idiot and anyone who tries to reconcile his inept final paper with the genius of his earlier work will only be frustrated, since they're the work of two very different minds.

Slapdash, rushed and inept. That's how the finale, and all episodes after the mass murder scene, felt.

It was as if a sacred baton had been passed to a stumbling, bumbling moron by the name of Elwood Reid.


how do u rilly feel?

askin' as have no no idea

I know

o as 2 the thread
season 3 should have been about

& chemicals

& death of yoots

le reve de meme


No season 3 at all. Sorry.


Season 3 was cancelled.


Really Sonya was totally not believable in her character, if it is not working cancel. It had some good moments however, but not worth a season 3.


The finale was a load of horse s***, couldn't have been more pissed off, what a friggin' let down!!!
