MovieChat Forums > The Magnificent Seven (2016) Discussion > Another PC diversity-focused remake of a...

Another PC diversity-focused remake of a classic.

Ben Hur, now this mess. What's next? Lawrence of Arabia starring Will Smith? LOL.

Here's the original. (Ignore the sappy singing at the trailer start. It had nothing to do with Bernstein's famous score.


If minorities having speaking roles is considered "PC", I'm afraid to think of what OP thinks of Blazing Saddles and Shanghai Noon...


Since there actually were black cowboys, but you prefer the version led by a shaven-headed Russian cowboy, I guess you don't like realism.


You do realize that the white version was a remake of a Japanese classic?
You also realize that Charlton Heston as Moses is far more ridiculous than Denzel in this film?

"I don't respond to flames/trolls."
So have fun talking to yourself.


So this has comedy in's not a documentary. It's not trying to be serious and it is trying to appeal to a modern audience. I actually like the multi-racial cast...each guy has his own niche and identity to play around with. You've got a mexican, native american, asian, black guy, bandits, etc...adds a lot of color.

I say go with it. Seems funny.


Please white male. Please regale me with tales of how oppressed you are. (A single tear has rolled down my cheek)

And in the midst of my sorrows, "I'll say a prayer for know, just a little one".
