MovieChat Forums > The Last Ship (2014) Discussion > Bad Acting, Bad script, Bad Music, Bad s...

Bad Acting, Bad script, Bad Music, Bad screenplay

Is it only me who thinks this tv-show is ridiculous? I mean, the acting is so bad and it's all americanized "oh we are the best" theme throughout the show.

The idea of the show is great and I think it could have been twice as good if not bad acting, script, directing etc.


Thanks for your opinions and stuff and I can understand your view. But all I mean is that it could be less cheesy. I'm not a hater of America type of person, but the patriotism was over the top. And I agree with someone compared this to a "Steven Seagal Show", it's quite funny if you think of it like that.


I have just watched episode one of the first season.. Unbelievable and unbelievably bad for such a production. The moment of truth was the helicopter attack in the snow. Cringed hard at the attack by the Russians. 6 aircrafts and
a) they didn't have the common sense to first take out ground targets before attacking the ship and
b) two of them couldn't take 5 people on the ground. (Two of the targets being sitting-duck doctors) Really now? Bad guys are inept at being villains and "good" mericans excel as usual.. Couldn't resist, sorry.. Also the acting is pretty mediocre to bad. Doctor is unwatchable.
I had a small hope that this wouldn't be so cheesy and badly patriotic as most other shows with uniforms but yeah, didn't happen..
"Once Upon A Time" and "The Expanse" were more believable than this.
Moving on..


Others made similar criticisms of the episode when it first aired, but the show improved from that point to become quite entertaining. Yes it still requires some suspension of disbelief and if you cannot do that then this show is never going to be for you.

I rated it an 8 for the first two seasons but I have now changed that (ie after the conclusion of season 3) to a 9 (I would have preferred 8.5 but that is not possible).

The show has quite a following which is evidenced by it now being renewed for seasons 4 and 5.

"I care about the law. It's justice I don't give a toss about." Cleaver Greene


YES! And that's what makes it so fun to watch! We watch it for the awkward patriotic moments, the hammy Chandler acting, the ridiculous interjections of weird action sequences, like the austrialian guy and his Kung fu fighting nemesis! The guy that plays Slattery has the best facial expressions. Sasha's face, on the other hand, is frozen into her one adorable look of earnestness! And the plots! One person creates both a treatment and a vaccine for a deadline virus, when it took 20 years and a bazillion dollars and loads of scientists to development treatments for HIV and there is still no vaccine! Green mist! A secret conspiracy of oligarchical fascism!

But I love it when it goes all Naval and turns into a recruiting commercial, people on the bridge relaying orders and launching various missiles and torpedoes, (wouldn't it be funny if the austrialian guy threw a boomerang?) and then they cut to footage of some poor naval vessel roped into to being the Nathan James for the show, and then back to a radar screen blinky lights disappear, and we all cheer! The Nathan James gets to shoot its big gun a LOT! It gets more action than a sex worker in Nevada.

I LOVE this show. What will happen next season? I don't know but it will be ridiculous, and I will watch it!
