MovieChat Forums > The Invitation (2016) Discussion > Who was your favorite character?

Who was your favorite character?

I really liked Gina. I loved Will but other than that Gina was cool.

Eden seemed like she would have been cool pre-Mexico. She was so fake at the party. Same with David. He was probably a great guy to be around... not on coke and before the cult.

Really disliked Pruitt. Sadie got on my last nerve in every scene she was in. I really despise the whole "look me at me I'm so shy and cute" with one leg curled back-thing she had going on.

The gay couple was a little obnoxious.

The only one I liked other than Gina and Will was Claire. She seemed the most level headed. Level headed enough to see that there was something very wrong long before anyone else did.. even though the signs were glaringly obvious.


hands down, Claire and Tommy.

Claire was awesome, looked really nice, smart, sensible etc.
Tommy was solid IMO, I liked the talk he had with the main dude in the back, seemed like a really good guy.
I'd say Tommy's boyfriend but I HATED that he called the dude out about the pills, the guy is obviously a very serious person and to throw him under the bus was kind of annoying to me.

Side note, to the person calling David out, I respected how serious/protective david was actually and I don't think he just "got out" because those people were all his friends, so he felt obligated to stay and make sure everything actually was "OK" like eden and her husband kept assuring, or to make his move convince/save his friends if there really was danger.
Kinda struck me as an quiet alpha wolf type not to sound corny, saying that I think is fitting considering the intro scene with the wolf and the car, you see that he grew slightly unkempt facial hair etc.

notice also that he refrained from drinking most of the night, not saying it's super alpha and badass to not drink, but I liked how he stayed alert.


Side note, to the person calling David out, I respected how serious/protective david was actually and I don't think he just "got out" because those people were all his friends, so he felt obligated to stay and make sure everything actually was "OK"

I think you're talking about Will, not David (Will is the main character, David is Eden's new husband), but I agree with you. We get introduced to Will first (in that really intense coyote scene) and so we latch onto him and come to think of his survival as being the most important. But those are his friends, and he has an uneasy feeling about what is happening.

Even though there wasn't a ton of character building with the secondary characters, I thought that the actors had a believable chemistry as a friend group. It was enough that I understood why they all stayed and put up with some of the weirder things (like Will's outburst or the cult video).

And Will already feels like he failed as a protector (because of his son), so I think that he is really sensitive to not letting his guard down. You see that in moments like him offering to walk Claire to her car and watching her leave.


All the normal friends

I'm not crazy, I just don't give a fṷck!


Will is the best character

Tommy and Pruit I like because one is a good 'nice' character and the other a good villain

she fell through a hole, and was never seen again


Claire for having the sense to leave. Will and Gina were likeable too.


Will, Kira, Tommy, Choi (lol he was in one scene for like 5 mins but he seemed like a good guy with a great personality) I did like Gina except for the ONE part where she asked for Coke in a recovering addicts home. But I let her off the hook a little because 1) David the "recovering" coke addict KEPT COKE IN HIS HOUSE? and 2) David was planning on killing all their friends that night. So, even though that was an insensitive and selfish move on Gina's part, she had been drinking, and she was even kidding, even though the comment itself is insensitive but he ENDED UP HAVING THE COKE LOL. So, how can you stay mad at her really? Lots of people disliked her but I thought she was really fun and cute. I also liked Claire, because the minute she said she wanted to leave it reminded me of me. I am fun and goofy like Gina but also confident and level headed and if I feel weird, I am confident enough to not give a eff and get myself out of the weird feeling environment not caring what people think. I've done it many times. So I could relate to her the most actually. And the other guy who's wife wasn't there I forget his name... he was just meh. Was his name Ben?

Eden, David, Pruitt Sadie and Miguel all reaaaallly annoyed me.

Eden just acted crazy and fake. In the kitchen she literally says "You don't need to feel anger" and then slaps Ben across the face with rage lol. CLEARLY you're full of *beep* and not ok hun.

David- Just an a-hole.

Pruitt- EFFING psycho path! What an a-hole!

Sadie- Crazy. Annoying.

Miguel- Obnoxious. When he immediately told David "Will thinks you guys are on pills" --- Like why? Just why? lol

Ben or whatever his name was- Yeah I can't even remember his name so it that's why he's just meh. He wasn't too annoying or too cool he was just there...........


Ben. For taking a bitch slap with a smile.

Eden. That dress. That ass. Yummmm


"Who was your favorite character?"



Kira easily. She did what I haven't seen in a movie in a long time......... finish the bad guy completely the heck off. I felt good when she kept hitting him over and over.
