MovieChat Forums > The Invitation (2016) Discussion > Who was your favorite character?

Who was your favorite character?

I really liked Gina. I loved Will but other than that Gina was cool.

Eden seemed like she would have been cool pre-Mexico. She was so fake at the party. Same with David. He was probably a great guy to be around... not on coke and before the cult.

Really disliked Pruitt. Sadie got on my last nerve in every scene she was in. I really despise the whole "look me at me I'm so shy and cute" with one leg curled back-thing she had going on.

The gay couple was a little obnoxious.

The only one I liked other than Gina and Will was Claire. She seemed the most level headed. Level headed enough to see that there was something very wrong long before anyone else did.. even though the signs were glaringly obvious.



come on, the guy was the perfect freakazoid - huge, ominous, the unsmiling look he gives everyone. he put the creepy factor over, bigtime.

the movie would have been far less without him. in one of these threads, i read the screenwriter wrote the part with him personally in mind. good call.


Eden was hot.Loved her big booty.but she wasn't my fav character.

my fav character was David at least till he lost his *beep* and creepy.


Gina had to be my favorite. But i really felt for Kira in the end. She seemed to have the most development given the little screentime she had.



He told Will earlier in the garden that he would keep him safe and he would protect him.

And even though I am sure how things went down is not what he had in mind when he said that, he did. In my opinion he deserves that blowjob that he asked for.


Lol! ^You are so right!?????


Tommy was mine too. Miguel also, but I loved that Tommy took out that chick and fought back and didn't run away as fast as he could and left the others behind.

Make him do it again - Ilithyia
The voice says I'm almost out of minutes - Cas




I didn't care for any of them. That didn't keep it from being compelling, however.

"We never would've made you mad if we knew you had superpowers!"


Claire. Cuz she wasn't dumb enough to fall for this crap.

Even Tommy (who had the honor of finishing off the night—no spoiler here)—was buying into the evening, acquiescing to the events before it all ended.

The other characters weren't that great. I did like Will, cuz he was the only other sensible person in the group. Kira was underused, but seemed cool.


Claire was also my favorite.

Five minutes before she announced that she was leaving the party, I was wondering, "Why the hell are these folks staying?" I would have politely excused myself and got the hell out of dodge. The cult video, the odd behavior of Eden and her boyfriend, and the new friends straight out of an episode of "The Adams Family" would have made me leave.

Claire was the only one who seemed to have any wits to her. Sure, Will suspected that something wasn't right but he didn't follow through on his concerns until it was too late. Claire bolted immediately when she was uncomfortable.



He told Will earlier in the garden that he would keep him safe and he would protect him.

Wow--I'd kind of forgotten that part. I was actually (*SPOILERS*) really happy that Tommy survived. It was unexpected (when he sort of disappeared for a while at the end I just assumed he'd been killed by Sadie's slashing knife attack) in terms of who you'd expect to live. And his line "I need to go back to get Miguel" at the end was heartbreaking.

Tommy surviving also shows the massive flaw in the the cult's plan. Tommy now has to live with the loss of a loved one. Just think: for every person they "saved" that night, they would be pushing siblings, spouses, parents, friends, etc into a whole new level of pain. The cult is "solving" their own problem, but creating a ripple effect of pain that will impact a ton of other people.

I also had an affection for Tommy's character because of being so familiar with the actor from his work on SVU.

I really liked Kira, just because she seemed very level-headed and real.

I liked Will because even in his worst moments he was incredibly sincere in his grief and his guilt over his son's death.

I liked Claire because she had the guts to leave the party. And she did it in such a respectful way: "Hey, this isn't my idea of fun. You guys enjoy yourself." Given the whole theme of the movie, seeing someone who was willing to stand up to peer pressure was really refreshing.

David was SO patronizing and smarmy. And while I thought that the actress did a good job, I felt like the character of Gina was just the worst. She asks a person with a history of addiction for drugs (I know it was a joke at first, but why would you do drugs right in front of a recovering addict?). She plays along with Sadie, who is giving off serious mental illness/creepy vibes. I felt like Gina was egging on some really unstable behaviors in the other guests, which is naturally going to make an already-tense situation worse.
