I'm a bit ropey, as im trying to remember all this, but if the barkeep was given this task to find the fizzlebomber, the bureau obviously wouldnt know that the person they're sending back is actually the bomber, or do they?
Well, technically, it is JOHN that is given the task to track the FizzleBomber. Tasked by the BARKEEP, who was once JOHN and tasked by the BARKEEP.
Many things about BABYJANE's loop are self-evident. But there are always three macro catalyst:
1. functional time-machine
2. perfect hermaphrodite
3. prescient-helper that isn't JANE
The rest of the catalyst (say, meeting BARKEEP in the first place) are micro catalyst and could change along with the bomb-dates.
Only the MACRO matters in recursive looping governed by The Self-Consistency Principle.
if they hadnt of given him this task more people would of died because he didnt intervene with his own bombs, so is this almost a loop to keep the best of two bad situations looping, all set by the bureau?
Your own personal timeline is Self-Consistent as well. Making "people's" death a macro event, but the time-of-death micro. The Bureau can fiddle with the permeable WHEN of these people's deaths once they start seeing things from the 5th dimensional perspective that everyone is already dead.
Enjoy these words, for one day they'll be gone... All of them.