MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) Discussion > This is a great movie but isn't Winter S...

This is a great movie but isn't Winter Soldier still the best sequel?

Marvel has already delivered some great sequels (Iron Man 2 being the ugly step-child) but as good as Age of Ultron turned out isn't Winter Soldier still the better all around movie?

Winter Soldier had a lot to juggle but not as much or as many characters as Avengers. To me, this is what lands Age of Ultron below Winter Soldier. It looks like Whedon filmed more connective tissue but some of it hit the cutting room floor. We know what was cut from Winter Soldier and none of it effected character or story. Will we say that once we see Age of Ultron's cut scenes?

As it stands, Winter Solder felt more intense and more personal. Avengers is entertaining as can be but feels more broad.


Winter Soldier is the best film based on comic books, IMO. The rest range from tripe (Batman & Robin) to almost-Winter-Soldier-good (the first Avengers film).

"Finish it... 'cause I'm with you to the end..."


Winter Soldier was the best sequel, definitely.
Though I don't agree about Iron Man 2 being an ugly step child. I liked it, and I feel like even though the first Iron Man was a much better movie overall, the sequel has a lot more rewatch value simply because I find the cave scenes in the first one a chore to get through again and again. Iron Man 2 feels integral to the overall scheme of things, and Black Widow really stole the show.
In terms of sequels, I'd say it's CA: Winter Soldier > Age of Ultron > Iron Man 2 > Thor: The Dark World
I like Thor: TDW too though, don't get me wrong. MCU has yet to make a truly bad film.


Bucky Winter Soldier had a great edge to him but will that edge be taken off if he's a good guy in Civil War? Could Civil War effect how people view Cap 2 in the future?


I agree 1000%! Everything you said is spot on. Even though this film was great, it felt messy at times and underwhelming. CA:TWS is one of the best sequels, best MCU films, and best Marvel Movies I've ever seen.


How much you like a sequel, partly depends on how much you like the original. For me personally, I'm not the biggest fan of the first Cap movie, so yes I find the second movie much better.

It's harder on a sequel, like the first Avengers, when it's so universally loved. It's harder to compete against itself and it's orginal success.


At least most of us agree that the movie is great and leave it at that. No matter what you compare it to.


It's like returning from a two year mission to throw a game winning pass against Nebraska.


Exactly! This film had a lot to live up to its predecessor and it is harder to compete against itself.


Disney/Marvel is a great company, and kids love it... almost as much as we adults!

That's their key, they appeal to everyone.


I can't agree. TWS is an all right enough way to kill a couple of hours, but I literally watched it yesterday (my second time) and almost nothing is sticking. Some of the action bits were good (particularly the scene with Fury's vehicle being attack), but it's a pretty hollow film. I guess it is technically the best sequel though (not counting Ultron; just comparing it to the thors and iron mans etc) (wait that's all of them)


An interesting thought just dawned on me. Most people seem to agree that Winter Soldier is the best MCU why is Age of Ultron's imdb rating so close to Winter Soldier's? This may help prove my "popcorn inflation" theory (people get so hyped/blinded by the "popcorn" blockbuster entertainment factor they rate a 10 when they would normally vote lower).

Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'...
...That's god damn right.


you might have a point here. I rated Winter Soldier 10/10, it was the best movie in marvel universe. Age of Ultron, although it was very entertaining, dont hold a candle to Winter Soldier concerning storytelling and developing characters. Winter Soldier has a real thrilling and compelling story.
Age of Ultron is a 8/10



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