Steady on, Angel and Queen. Liketearsintherain has it about right, and we don't have to analyse this as if we were studying a book in Engl. Lit. Von Trier and Gainsbourg had found each other years previously and this was, I think, the last project in their trilogy and the casting was already a done deal. There should just have been more time separating the two fictional periods. It's not difficult to overlook the differences in facial features (there are bigger suspensions of disbelief in movie culture, after all..)
While on the subject of this kind of irritation: with the two time periods in Almadóvar's 'La Mala Educación' I found it sometimes hard to keep track of who was who, because the older X (I forget the names) looked like a plausible older version of the younger Y.
And in '3096 Days' (about the real-life story of a kidnapped girl) they jumped abruptly from a juvenile girl to a thin 30-year-old playing the 18-year-old older version. Not that the 30-yr-old was the problem. Just that they should have written an intermediary pubescent girl into the screenplay, a middle version to ease the transition from dramatic kidnap phase to dramatic escape phase.