They are guilty
Read Ann Coulters story on this. She proves they were guilty.
She proved nothing. She conveniently ignores the fact that these "confessions" were extracted from the four suspects (Salaam never confessed on video) only after long hours of interrogation and trickery on the part of the interrogators.
The detectives told each of the five that the others had implicated them in the crime. "Tell us what happened and you can go home."
The DNA evidence proves that Mattias Reyes committed the rape. He said he acted alone. The physical evidence doesn't indicate a multi-person attack.
Coulter proved nothing.
Jules Winnfield: "I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?"
People have a hard time understanding that someone may confess to a crime they didn't commit after long hours of intense interrogation, the dilemma of constantly being pressured by one of your weaker buddies cracking and implicating you, and the "deals" and outright lies police officers will use to get what they want from you. With our justice system, you are taking the chance on how many years you will be incarcerated if you plead not-guilty and lose, and few lawyers would have you try to fight the false confessions of your weak-minded friends who have already plead guilty.
However, it has happened many times, and after decades in jail DNA evidence is just about the only thing that frees these people.
I suggest anyone interested read-up on the Norfolk Four, as well.
My father was a NYPD Homicide Detective. He had told me and I am sure if any of you people know people in law enforcement will tell you that it is fairly easy to get young people to confess. Heck a lot of them are scared and just want to go home and if they are told they probably can go home if they tell what happened after a while they will. Cops know the tactics to get to young people.
Oh and if anybody thinks it is not possible for a person to confess they are guilty of a crime they did not commit all one has to do is read about the Charles Stewart case in Boston. The one a guy claimed a black man had shot him and his wife on the way to Lamaze class. The cops went into the black area of town and the cops eventually found a man to confess. Well it turns out that the husband killed his wife, his brother admitted he had helped him. Stewart committed suicide by jumping off a bridge. The woman who was killed family was so outraged how the police had rounded up black men and ogt one to confess that they actually started a fund in their daughters name to help inner city kids in Boston.
Anybody who does not think these guys are innocent of this crime is living in a alternate universe, the one that the Extremists that Mitty appealed to live in. Those folks are practically foaming in the mouth and to give them any credence by even acknowledging any of that mumbo jumbo they spew, stop. Lunatics do not listen. They sound nutty I have to hope they must be pulling our leg.
Oh and if anybody thinks it is not possible for a person to confess they are guilty of a crime they did not commit all one has to do is read about the Charles Stewart case in Boston. The one a guy claimed a black man had shot him and his wife on the way to Lamaze class. The cops went into the black area of town and the cops eventually found a man to confess.
I do not engage in any type of dialogue with people who live in a Alternate Universe. Take a pill and get some help. Perhaps we will allow you back on the planet Earth if you try really, really hard. Ignore.
shareI do not engage in any type of dialogue with people who live in a Alternate Universe. Take a pill and get some help. Perhaps we will allow you back on the planet Earth if you try really, really hard. Ignore.So in other words, you can't refute anything I wrote so you started babbling incoherent gibberish about alternate universes. It's like your mind just snapped when faced with the cold hard shock of reality.
The CP5 are still guilty? Go f*#% yourself.
Look up the West Memphis Three. Look up the Norfolk Four. These are cases where false confessions occured. In the Norfolk Four case, they got one guy to confess and name another person, that person then confessed and named another, who then confessed and named another. None of them were involved at all, no evidence at all, and the evidence only suggested one criminal and not four!.
How about you just google 'false confession cases". It happens all the time. In fact, one study of 250 people that had their cases overturned from DNA evidence, 40 of them had falsely confessed.
Vampyrebat66.. how are the central park five still guilty? They are guilty of harassing people that night but not of rape and attempted murder.
Since you love to read articles online, read about Michael Crowe.. he too was FORCED into confessions, so yes it happens, the police know many tactics to convince young people to confess to crimes they did not commit.
dimestore12... Agreed! Watch this video. I remember watching this on television, 14 year old boy confessed to killing his sister, however, it was coerced into confession... hmmmm.. sounds quite similar to this case:
If you're using Ann Coulter as your source, you're setting yourself up as a fool, and one with bad taste, to boot.
Multiplex: 100+ shows a day, NONE worth watching. John Sayles' latest: NO distribution. SAD.
Your a fool to ignore the proof right under your nose.
shareThere was no proof in Coulter's rant.
And the real fool is someone who doesn't know the difference between "Your" and "You're"
Vader: I find your lack of faith disturbing.
Tarkin: Enough of this! Vader, release him!
"Your" a fool...
Time Machine For Sale! Call two weeks ago for details
The man who actually committed the crime came forward in 2002 and confessed. All you had to do was Google the case to find out. Not that difficult. Unfortunately, you're too blinded by hate.
shareExactly, lovece7! None of these people want to admit they were wrong. This case brought out some of the worst in human nature, and to me, a lot of closet white racists showed their true colors. I remember the blood hungry frenzy when this case first came to light. People were losing their mind with blood lust.
It is amazing how under the radar the acquittal of these men in comparison to the media blitz that was occurring during their conviction.
You do know that NOBODY takes ANYTHING Ann Coulter says seriously, right? Hell, even right-wingers have kind of pushed her away because she's too extreme (and f**ing insane) even for them. Get real--she hasn't proved jack,otherwise they never would have gotten out of prison to begin with, because they didn't commit the crime.
sharecan you say O.J?
shareAnn Coulter is nuts, but even a broken clock is right twice in a 24 hour period. These scumbags were guilty in 1989 and they're still guilty today. All five of them confessed. Four of the confessions were videotaped. Three of them confessed with their adult relatives present, and all of them implicated the others. They knew the location of the crime and were able to describe the jogger's outfit. Who cares if Matias Reyes is now claiming he acted alone? He's a serial rapist and murderer serving a life-sentence in prison. Are you thinking "Oh sure, he raped some women and killed a 24 year-old mother he had just raped while her three little kids were in the same apartment, but I'm sure he'd never tell a lie."
Then how do you explain that the only dna evidence was Reyes's?
shareThen how do you explain that the only dna evidence was Reyes's?The police don't have magical powers, it is entirely possible that they missed DNA evidence. You don't need DNA evidence for a conviction, in this case the incriminating testimony of the defendants themselves was enough for the jury to find them guilty.
Face it: you're living in your lividness from 1989. I was around when this occurred and I said burn them...... THE DIFFERENCE being I ran across this case in 2003 AGAIN and I was utterly amazed when I read about the whole thing FROM A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE AWAY FROM THE RAGE OF 1989 and I realized that the 5 teens had been badly burned by law enforcement and the judicial system...... yeah they should have gone to juvenile lockup for being a bunch of azzhole teens in Central Park that night but what happened to them so far as the Central Park Jogger case is an affront to the United States Constitution. AND, if YOU bother to (do yourself the favor of actually) reading up about the WHOLE sordid case then you would then find out that the actual perpetrator "matias reyes" had left a trail of evidence showing that there was a serial rapist running amok in the East Side but the NYPD detectives didn't bother to check to see if the "Central Park Rape" crime might have something to do with previous rapes in the East Side BECAUSE THEY WERE CERTAIN OF THE CRIMINALITY OF THE FIVE "animals"...... AS A RESULT MATIAS REYES WENT ON TO COMMIT SEVERAL MORE HEINOUS RAPES.
YOU should try to get over YOUR BUILT IN HATRED and face up to facts and reality....
"If you really want something in life you have to work for it. Now quiet, they're about to announce the lottery numbers."
Homer Simpson
Thanks. You said exactly what I was thinking. People just don't want to admit they could have been wrong, and persist in their hatred. They actually revel in it. Bizarre. And sad.
shareYOU should try to get over YOUR BUILT IN HATRED and face up to facts and reality....My built in hatred? Are you playing the racist card already? Maybe you should try to get over your love affair with the caps-lock on your keyboard. It makes you look like a hysterical idiot.
An ex-detective who investigated the Central Park jogger case says talk of clearing the five defendants convicted of the crime is "ridiculous."
Mike Sheehan, now a TV correspondent for Fox Channel 5, defended the original probe yesterday despite DNA evidence that links the rape to another man not among those charged with the crime 13 years ago.
Sheehan also denied that the youths' confessions were coerced or obtained by trickery.
They confessed "to a lady prosecutor . . . on videotape in detail" in front of their parents and guardians, he said. "Where's the coercion?"
On the night of April 19, 1989, just after 9 o'clock, it is certain, absolutely certain, that Kevin Richardson, 14, Raymond Santana, 14, Yusef Salaam, 15, Antron McCray, 15, and Kharey Wise, 16, ran amok for a half hour across a quarter-mile stretch of Central Park — chasing after bicyclists, assaulting pedestrians, and (in two separate incidents) pummeling two men into unconsciousness with a metal pipe, stones, punches, and kicks to the head. The teens later confessed on videotape to these attacks — which they couldn't have known about unless they had participated. As recently as this year, Richardson and Santana again acknowledged their roles in these crimes.
It is certain that within that same half-hour, in that same quarter-mile stretch, a woman later known as the Central Park Jogger was struck over the head with a metal pipe or tree branch, stomped, kicked and cut up, and dragged 225 feet across the grass to a ravine — where she was raped and left for dead. (She was actually pronounced dead four hours later, her skull fractured and two-thirds of her blood puddling on the ground.) It's now also certain that Matias Reyes, 19, was present at the scene; Reyes, currently imprisoned for serial rape and murder, has recently confessed to the crime, and his semen has been identified on the jogger's sock.
It is certain that cops, responding to reports of multiple assaults, picked up the five teens — who had split up following their adventures — and that the teens began to implicate one another immediately. At 10:30, riding in a squad car, Richardson blurted out: "Antron did it." The cops didn't know what he was talking about because the jogger's body had not yet been found. When they asked Richardson what he meant, he replied, "The murder." Meanwhile, in another squad car, when a cop scolded Santana that he ought to be at home with his girlfriend rather than in the park terrorizing people, Santana snickered, "I already had mine." Afterwards, in their holding cells, the teens launched into a raucous rendition of Tone Loc's sexually charged hip-hop anthem, "Wild Thing." It was this phrase, misheard by a police reporter as "wilding," which is the genesis of the now-infamous verb.
So a FOX Correspondent and National Review are your sources for objectivity on this? Two extremely rightwing sources which dont hide their disdain for minorities and blacks as such (both viciously anti-Obama). Yes, that surely makes them credible. Why didnt you just quote some Ku Klux Klan members saying these black men were guilty? It would have just as much "credibility" LOL
So NO, they're most certainly NOT guilty, DNA evidence trumps any testimonies (you can be scared into saying anything even with parents along, the police methods of obtaining such testimonies have an ugly and long history in USA, especially when the accused are black, native american or some other minority. And i'm a white person saying this, but at least i can see the truth unlike you. The same reason why the West Memphis 3 were freed. DNA. Get it?
"Cinema is the most beautiful fraud in the world."
Why didnt you just quote some Ku Klux Klan members saying these black men were guilty? It would have just as much "credibility" LOLSo not supporting Obama now equals Ku Klux Klan? That's the most idiotic thing I've heard in a long, long time. You do realize there are African Americans in the Republican party, don't you?
What Mike Sheehan forgot to mention was his interrogation with the teens in the precinct for nearly 24 hours WITHOUT adults.. Way to cover your ass... Keep getting that pension, but I guess the five will be millionaires thanks to this stupid mistake.
Vampyrebat666.. actually they didn't know the location of the crime. They didn't have any DNA. There was so much blood from the victim yet, all five teens were clean of blood, no spatter on clothes, shoes, hands, finger nails. The detectives couldn't match the weapon to any of the confessions.
And they were only video taped AFTER being interrogated WITHOUT AN ADULT PRESENT by corrupt detectives who just wanted to close a case (looks better on their records). They interrogated these teens for over 24 hours and noted that if they point to one of the guys they get to walk out of there. It happened in 1989, in New York City where it was filled with crack corners, hookers, robberies, crimes, murders. The serial East Side rapist was on the loose (oh wait wasn't that who did the crime?) And if you're familiar with how corrupt and reckless NYC was during that time, I can only imagine the number of people who are currently serving life in prison for crimes they didn't commit.
Ann C is the biggest b on the planet, and anyone that would believe ANYTHING conspiracy theorists on Faux Noise is plain ol' stupid.
Proven by the last election how dumb they are.
They are innocent.
A guy already confessed to this thing, WTF is the controversy here?
People are f@cking morons....Ann Coulter for christsakes? god these f@kin Faux News bubble idiots, where do they grow 'em?
Anyone who still thinks these five people are guilty of this crime in spite of the undeniable facts is morally no better and just as ignorant as a Holocaust denier.
I'm a New Yorker who lived through those times back in '89. I thought they were guilty, and I was screaming for blood. But now, being a human being with the ability to reason, I have changed my mind. People like Ann Coulter and the OP make me sick.
You are a terrible and racist person. Not just because you think the CP5 are guilty but because you follow and take advise from Ann Coulter.