What you fail to appreciate is that the government AND the media lied and are still lying. Because you fail to appreciate that, you don't grasp the implications of the media and Hollywood still lying!
What it means is that the interests that took over the country in a coup d'état in 1963, are still in control and this is why the same lies are still being told.
What you're too simple-minded to understand is that these same interests are working and have been working on world domination for over 100 years and IT WILL HAPPEN but that doesn't mean we should all play stupid and imitate you and not stand up and expose these "legal interests" who are committing countless ILLEGALacts, but, partially thanks to their money and part to their use of pedophilia to blackmail government leaders, THE PEOPLE WHO CARE, unlike you, are trying to communicate the truth to the blind fools who foolishly think, "Well, I just don't believe that is possible," but are too blinded by the lies of these criminals in control and also too irresponsible to bother to investigate the facts.
You might notice that you have the Internet and the truth is here. The ignorant are ignorant by busyness. They'd rather "play" on the weekend than save their country.
The making of Parkland and its not being exposed as a SHAM by Hollywood shows that the bulk of Hollywood is just as brainwashed by these criminals as the bulk of America. Obama is an illegitimate president and these interests put him in office because they CONTROL the media.