MovieChat Forums > Parkland (2013) Discussion > Why can't we leave JFK alone

Why can't we leave JFK alone

I definitely will not be watching this. It has been 50 years, but it is still too painful to relive this. Other events have not affected me like this did. I really wish people would leave JFK alone. I was 13 and remember exactly where I was when I was told that he had been shot. I was not at home and when I got home a couple hours later neither my mother nor my grandmother had heard the news. I had to tell them.


So we should only remember and commemorate the pleasant historical events and forget the emotionally challenging and sad parts of history? That makes no sense and is actually quite irresponsible. You may want to “leave JFK alone” but don’t suggest it’s for anyone’s good.

No one forced you to post on this board, did they?


Actually most people were not even born and have no memory of what happened except a few lines in a censored history book in school.

This is the turning point when things began going down hill to hell in a handbasket. Starting with the escalation of the Viet Nam War, Johnson forced not to run for election again, the murder of Martin Luther King, the murder of Robert Kennedy, major rioting and burning in cities, Watergate, resignation of VP Agnew, resignation of Nixon so we had Ford who was unelected by anyone as President.

Need I go on? It started with that shot in Dallas.


I think I know which shot you're talking about... eatured.jpg


I've always felt the same way. The JFK assassination unleashed some unbelievable
furies. One of the few positive moments of that period was the US meeting Kennedy's 1961 goal of landing a man on the moon before the of the decade.


Well said.


He was a young, handsome American President brutally murdered. No one will ever leave this story alone. Yes, it was tragic, but it is also a fascinating story that happened in the not so distant past.

Actors are mere products of a good writer's imagination


You don't have to watch this film, OP. But you have no right to determine whether anyone else should make a film remembering JFK, or whether anyone else should watch it.


At the time as a student, I never knew how many elements (people, organizations, businesses, etc.) hated President Kennedy. Even before I found out this information, I still thought Oswald was NOT the lone shooter. Fifty years later and I definitely believe he was NOT the lone shooter. I wish the documents would be released.


I rather just watch historical footage,


That's not the actual reason cause he was young and handsome and that it's a fascinating story, some of those facts comes at the end, the first main reason that it's still going on (maybe), is because of mystery who actually shot him, cause as we saw and as it was written, that Lee H. Oswald was shot and died at hospital, they never got confession from him, only facts what he was doing and what he had (he had a gun, and he was there etc.).

Nobody will reveal that he was a secret government agent, it's similar to Black Ops, nothing is revealed, everything is blacked in their biography, nobody knows where he works, his job is being ghost, and nobody can prove that ghost exists without revealing by higher people. Maybe it's bs that he is some agent, cause it doesn't make sense that in Presidents death they wouldn't reveal that he is or isn't an agent, but it makes sense that if they would reveal that he was an agent and spying things in Russia or did something there, then it can bring two massive nations in bad situation and can cause bad things, just think about it.

So many theories, from which many are false and only few are acceptable, but still cannot be proven. Like it's written in many articles, that it was Lee Oswald, and he wasn't working alone, and later one of guys killed shot Oswald, cause he could reveal things etc, maybe it was an Plan B or C, and he agreed to those terms that if he would get captured, somebody will blend in and gonna try to kill him for his own good, maybe, who knows.

Without self confession or eyewitnesses it's physically impossible to tell, but theoretically it's possible that he did it.


He's dead, as is most of his family. It wont be bothering him one bit. I wasnt born yet and neither had my parents. If you dont want to watch it thats fine, but why tell people what to watch or not watch? What to make or not make, write or not write? Just because you have a hangup on it doesnt mean everyone else should.


Idiot OP. We should never leave what happen to JFK and RFK alone. These two were assassinated by people who have no respect for humanity. Yes it is a conspiracy but we can't let whoever did this do this again. Unfortunately, the damage has been done as we will never have a President of the free world lead like that again.

My feet smells like *beep* Its because I stepped on dog poop.


Woo. Leading the way right into Marilyn Monroe's panties!

Also, we know who did it. Bigfoot is responsible and I've been hunting him down for the last 30 years of my life and I won't rest until he's been brought to justice!


Ah, now cue the Bigfoot references.



Your comments [logan-duk-dong] are so helpful. Not.


The guy has been hunting bigfoot for 30 years other than doing a real job..Obviously he is not helpful so neither would his comments.

My feet smells like *beep* Its because I stepped on dog poop.


Your mother would be proud, logan-dulk-dong; you added much insight with your comment.

Some movies are released; others sneak out.


That you don't feel like hearing more about it, does not mean that the rest of us shouldn't.

What you are proposing, is to censor unpleasant history? That's a very bad move.


"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it" -George Santayana

"For once in my life, I'd like to catch somebody BEFORE they do something horrible. Alright?"



I was in the hall in Middle School when I was told Reagan was shot. I went back to my 7th grade classroom and told my teacher and I'll never forget his reaction. I think a lot of the feelings he felt when Kennedy was shot washed over him when I told him.

Perhaps the OP just wants it to stop because being reminded of those feelings makes him/her sad, messes up her/his day.


the episode of 'the Americans" which revolves around that Hinkley event, was pretty entertaining.

I hadnt thought much about that, in the time between it happening and that show.


They won't leave it alone because the vultures are still making money off of his corpse. Every weekend the charlatens and the carnys are set up on the Plaza to hawk their lies and suspicions. I can't imagine the pain the family has to endure to know that the bloody images of your murdered loved one are sold on the street corner.


They won't leave it alone because the vultures are still making money off of his corpse. Every weekend the charlatens and the carnys are set up on the Plaza to hawk their lies and suspicions. I can't imagine the pain the family has to endure to know that the bloody images of your murdered loved one are sold on the street corner.

Oh, I agree. The LoneNutters' books are published and promoted so easily -- that's where the racket is.



There are far more documentaries, books and films made about ridiculous conspiracies from those who are simply looking to make a quick buck, so much so that most conspiracies don't even bother to mention why it's so important we know the truth. This absent of reason certainly shows the greedy and selfish mindset of there's.

John F. Kennedy the Man of Steel in 3 minutes


There are far more documentaries, books and films made about ridiculous conspiracies

No, there aren't. The LoneNut crap is far easier to get published and far easier to greenlight for a film or documentary.


Non-sequiturs are delicious.


It's heartbreaking beyond words. This will forever be painful so whether it was made 50 years or JFK made 28 years later. It will never go away and it shouldn't. we should always remember what happened. It's part of our history. The day he died . the innocence of the country went with him. Any information shed on this for generations to come whether book/film. it's important. I wasn't even born when this all happened but when I was 11 I became obsessed with trying to learn the truth of what happened. I am so so sorry that you were the one who had to break this heartbreaking news to your family I can't imagine what it was like that day;.. no one can no matter how many films. specials. interviews. books/etc. It's unbearable!
