I'm talking about the whining you CTs did that resulted in 50 million dollars of wasted US tax money in the form of the House Subcommittee. All we heard was how I'm talking about the whining you CTs did that resulted in 50 million dollars of wasted US tax money in the form of the House Subcommittee. All we heard was how unbelievably incompetent the Warren Commission was. Okay. Right. So, you whine and whine and whine and you get the HSCA. Sure, they concluded there was a conspiracy. But they did so on evidence that was later proven--beyond ABSOLUTELY any doubt, to be flawed. The acoustics evidence was proven to be flawed--thereby cancelling out their ruling. But what was interesting was the medical evidence, the ballistics evidence, the FBI investigations...all of that was put before a panel of experts from around the world. IN EVERY INSTANCE THEY AGREED WITH THE WARREN COMMISSION. IN EVERY SINGLE ONE. The only conclusion that was different was the acoustics evidence that was flawed. That's it. Nothing else. Not a single thing.unbelievably incompetent the Warren Commission was. Okay. Right. So, you whine and whine and whine and you get the HSCA.
One thing we can agree on, the HSCA was a joke. It is my opinion House never really wanted to investigate the assassinations of JFK and MLK, but were forced to do a dog and pony show for the benefit of their constituents. That is why Richard Spague, the first counsel for the committee was fired. He wanted to investigate the CIA.
"The evidence against Oswald is compelling"? What? How's this: there hasn't been a crime in the history of the world that has a suspect more guilty than Lee Oswald! It's IRON CLAD! He's seen 45 minutes later by four witnesses murdering only the third lawman in the state for the last 10 years. Okay, yeah, CTs love to point out that he couldn't have been there and blah blah blah. Let's just cut the crap and come to reality. HE SHOT TIPPIT. END OF STORY. THERE WAS NO OTHER STORY."
There were other stories about Tippit. First of all, the police lineup against Oswald in the Tippit case was prejudicial. But more importantly, other witnesses identified men of a different description than Oswald and one witness said he was shot by two men. But for the sake of argument, let's say Oswald shot Tippit. Oswald can be guilty of shooting Tippitt and it can still be a conspiracy.
"He was killed because of a CIA/Laos drug trafficking ring?"
I did not say that. I was using CIA involvement in drugs as an example of a proven case where 'conspiracy theorists'are later proven right. Remember, John Kerry was himself labeled a 'randy conspiracy buff' because of a subcommittee he headed that demonstrated connections between the Contras and the Cocaine trade. Years later, the same accusations were leveled against Gary Webb of the San Jose Mercury News. Webb was later vindicated by the CIA Inspector General Report, but too late to save his career.
"And yes, I'm daring you to go ahead and say that EVERY investigator and FBI agent is crooked enough to cover it up. I'm daring you to say that everyone in power is so completely guilty they tried to cover it up. You can't. You'll hide beyond some nebulous idea with no facts. Carry it through and every conspiracy theory falls flat at some point."
You just set up a straw man. I never claimed the FBI was involved. But if it was, you really only need one guy to make the FBI a part of the plot or a part of the coverup: J. Edgar Hoover. If you doubt Hoover ran his agency with an iron fist, I suggest you read a few biographies on the man.
You can scream 'Oswald Did It' as much as you want, the fact remains that the people aren't buying it, despite 50 years of saturation with the Warren Commission viewpoint. I might also point out that all evidence indicates that neither Lyndon Johnson nor Richard Nixon completely bought into the Warren Report, and I think those two both know a thing or two more than you or I.