Saw it last night (spoilers)
Oh man, I was so hyped for this i didn't think it could be bad from what I saw in the trailers.
I was wrong.
I don't see the point in James Franco. He dies in his pod at the start, couldn't even tell it was him. Surely they could've saved money on someone who cant act... oh wait..
So many bad character decision throughout the entire movie. Hey, did you just watch your wife die and are very obviously distraught? Here hold this gun!
Hey are there two identical robots with different hair cuts, and the one we don't know that seems odd just cut his hair to identically match our robot, that's cool, that wont bite us later.
My biggest annoyance was that the backstory is almost non existant. So many good theories on David fighting the engineers and why he bombed them. That scene in the trailer really got me excited.. Shame it was basically all we got to see of it. Engineer retaliation? Don't know. Was it their home world? Don't know. Scenes with Shaw? Heck no. Any further info on how/why engineers created us? Nope.
It's almost as if Ridley was like, 'Well if all you want is another Alien movie, then here suck on this!'
Tough female lead - check
Disagrees with captain decision - check
and is later proven right - check
Android fights her - check
Chestburster in medbay - check
Blow alien out the airlock - check