MovieChat Forums > Alien: Covenant (2017) Discussion > Saw it last night (spoilers)

Saw it last night (spoilers)

Oh man, I was so hyped for this i didn't think it could be bad from what I saw in the trailers.
I was wrong.
I don't see the point in James Franco. He dies in his pod at the start, couldn't even tell it was him. Surely they could've saved money on someone who cant act... oh wait..

So many bad character decision throughout the entire movie. Hey, did you just watch your wife die and are very obviously distraught? Here hold this gun!
Hey are there two identical robots with different hair cuts, and the one we don't know that seems odd just cut his hair to identically match our robot, that's cool, that wont bite us later.

My biggest annoyance was that the backstory is almost non existant. So many good theories on David fighting the engineers and why he bombed them. That scene in the trailer really got me excited.. Shame it was basically all we got to see of it. Engineer retaliation? Don't know. Was it their home world? Don't know. Scenes with Shaw? Heck no. Any further info on how/why engineers created us? Nope.

It's almost as if Ridley was like, 'Well if all you want is another Alien movie, then here suck on this!'
Tough female lead - check
Disagrees with captain decision - check
and is later proven right - check
Android fights her - check
Chestburster in medbay - check
Blow alien out the airlock - check


Yes. Yes. And yes. But it was a better rollercoaster than prometheus. I got lucky as there was a woman in the cinema who would scream at any intense scene. And there was a couple very much in love who wished they chose a different movie to cuddle haha! It was hilarious!



Yeah, it was good but it's not something I'll watch again.

I think the biggest disappointment was that it was David who created the xenomorphs. I preferred the mystery of where they came from and not having them be created by an android. But in saying that I can't wait for the next movie.


Keep hearing the its David who created the xenos ...all xenos.. yet whos to say others (Engineers, Predators etc) hadn't created them before - e.g. the mural in Prometheus shows a xeno like creature. And what about the original derelict from Alien all those eggs there lol


He ends up creating the one that we know from all the past movies (Alien, Aliens etc).


so how do you account for the eggs in the Derelict in the 1979 movie which had been there for eons?


That's what I'd like to know as well. David also created the face huggers and the eggs they wait it.

Guess we need to wait for the next movie to find out.


Scott should just have made what he wanted to make. His pandering to the fans has led to a dismal continuation of the story prometheus started. I was excited to see shaw and davids adventures in getting to paradise but thats all gone. Shaw was treated with all the same destain that newt and hicks were in alien 3, or worse at least they died on screen. The questions around the engineers? Who cares, theyre all dead now.

If scott isnt careful hes going to do to alien what lucas did to star wars with those prequels. It might already be too late.


Yeah, the biggest annoyance is that they killed off a lot of the most interesting parts of Covenant and then just repeated the same stuff from Alien. I expected so much better.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-


yeh but unlike Hicks/Newt no one is that bothered about Shaw lol (honestly I haven't heard/read anything in the way of 'oh no how could they kill shaw off?!' like there was for hicks/newt. well until your post that is lol)


That might be because no one has seen it yet? But really, why bother having her survive the first film just to be killed off off screen? If he wanted to make the story of david, he should have started out that way and given us some reasoning for why david does the things he does or the reasons for why he feels the way he does. Perhaps more interactions with his maker would have been a help.

Its not so much that shaw is dead, so much that its her story thats dead. The questions raised in prometheus are all gone. Shaws journey to paradise? Gone. The story of where we come from? Gone. The story of why the engineers made us, and then wanted to kill us? Gone. Fuck, even the engineers are gone. Its all just gone, making prometheus even more of a pointless movie than it was before covenant.


maybe that will be the 3rd movie? (and why David killed them all) ..but then maybe we shouldn't know all the answers anyway (itd probably only be disappointing or silly - jesus was an engineer or something)

Shaw did appear in the 3minute prologue online (don't know why that wasn't in the film really - should've been part of the flashback)


Supposedly it was. I read some people talking about the early preview he did at some convention and that scene was in in the film. Seems just like prometheus, the edit is where its all fallen apart.


>> If scott isnt careful hes going to do to alien what lucas did to star wars with those prequels.

Too late, buddy. The level of ridiculousness in Prometheus and Covenant can almost rival the Prequels now. Even if the third one is gonna be better, like The Revenge of the Sith is better than the other two, the trilogy is doomed now.

Scott has lost his touch, no matter if he panders to fans or not. You can't be a genius forever.


I can tell you right now that I'd rather watch the not-so-bad Star Wars Prequels again than EVER sit through fucking Prometheus and Covenant again!


Question. Why do those fools keep bending over to look inside the egg right before the facehugger hatches? I'd rather someone breaks type and reacts normally by running away so that the audience can watch a chase scene between the facegugger and victim like in Aliens.

Seems to me that the Alien franchise is on the verge of becoming a big cliche.



Prometheus sent it screaming down hill in Yorkshire town looking t'get doorstop slice from baker!


You sound like a crazy person.


Thanks! :)


>> Question. Why do those fools keep bending over to look inside the egg right before the facehugger hatches?

Because the eggs ooze out sexual pheromones that alter the brain of lookers and draw them to peek and sniff? I can't possibly think of any other explanation.


Because the eggs ooze out sexual pheromones that alter the brain of lookers and draw them to peek and sniff? I can't possibly think of any other explanation.

Ripley didn't look inside the eggs in Aliens.


Agreed on the part where it feels like Ridley just wanted to make an action flick to satisfy certain stakeholders.
