Never Islam, is it?

God forbid (pun intended) anyone dare make a horror movie about the region of peace?
The religion that totally assimilate to any host nations customs and laws. A religion that celebrates the sanctity of women (as equal beings) A religion who's very instruction manual openly tells it's followers that all non-believers should be lied to before ultimately being eradicated. A religion that's (worryingly) gaining traction in the western civilization (due to weak governmental immigration policies)

Perhaps if this so called religion of peace weren't deemed so untouchable (for the fact that it treats any/all criticism/discussion with violence or death) then movie execs mightn't always pick easy targets like Catholicism (time and time again)

The fact that any naysayers to this post, know only too-well that this 7th century death cult will cut your head off for a mere fraction of the cinematic mockery (that Catholics suffer) is the elephant in the room that all supporters of this barbaric ideology are too afraid to address?


I think you are forgetting crusade and Spanish inquisition.

All religions are about peace, at least that is what their religious text usually say.

And all organised religions are about power and wealth, and eradicating other beliefs.


No...I think you're deflecting with a cop-out excuse of historical whataboutisms?

Mohammed waa a pedophile and warlord. Islam is bever about peace. It is about total dominance over all others. It hasn't changed one iota since it's conception. All other religions have conceded and/or moved with the times. Islam's behaviour (past and present) are worthy fodder for a million (less fantastical) horror movies...but are never made, due to their instant violent reactions to any/all criticisms (spurred on by 'whattaboutists' like yourself)


So true, no religious doctrine is perfect. They are run by humans after all!


Yeah, just look at OP. He is not doing Christians any favours.

I think Spanish inquisition and crusade were started by people like that.


Why start

Spanish inquisition and crusade


The Crusades reclaimed the Holy Land from the Muslim colonizers!


Yeah, only Christians have the right to colonise.


> I think you are forgetting crusade and Spanish inquisition.

That's the standard response of uneducated NPCs who know nothing of either the crusades nor the inquisition.
For starters, you do not understand the origin of the crusades - a very late response to many years of Muslim aggression and expansionism. Without Islam attempting to conquer Europe, the crusades would never have existed.

Their negative image is also questionable and lacks differentiation, another typical sign of someone just repeating what his TV told him.

The inquisition was also not what you think. Most people are very surprised when they learn what actually went down and why. You later posted wikipedia links... maybe next time read them as well, you could learn a lot.

And last but not least, "whataboutism" was never a strong argument to begin with.
OP is right. Hollywood does shy away from making Islam-critic movies, probably because they know it would cost heads. Literally.


Because Muslims don't mess around when it comes to their religion and have rejected the efforts of secularization that Christians have willingly embraced, which has lead to Christianity becoming a joke these days.

This is also why Islam will conquer the west. Only a matter of time.


Sadly true.


Secularisation is a part of capitalism and liberal democracy, it is the same process taking down monarchy, and that process took a few hundred years in western countries.

Capitalism started in Islamic world mostly after ww2, I think they are just behind in that process. Given time they will do the same.


Liberalism is collapsing in the west and it is liberal policies that are enabling mass migration of Muslims into Europe.


Capitalism isn't.

Liberalism is a part of capitalism, most liberal values are corporate values.

Why is liberalism against discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, etc.? I think because business does not discriminate labour, we are all just workers. It is about labour participation and harmony.


Liberalism is neutral in regards to discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, etc. It's socialism that dictates in regards to discrimination.

Is it governemnt business that does not discriminate labour?


I don't think you have a good understanding of either Liberalism or Socialism.

Maybe it is time to read up:


You're referring to the ones who call themselves liberals, but are not?


And if you think about the cost of labour you will understand the reason for increased immigration.

Especially Europe, where population is aging.

It is never about people, it is about what business needs.


Islam will conquer
Was already invited?


You can thank Trump for normalizing Mecca, via his hand jobs given to the Saudi Kings.


(that Catholics suffer)

It was the Vatican that created Islam.


That was on Venus!


They don't have the scientists to perform the procedure.


A yet, more people have died in the name of religion than any other cause. Yeah, it's peaceful.


What about Wishmaster?


Djinn, A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, Islamic Exorcist as well.

I think it's more of a case that those in Hollywood don't really know enough about the lore to make a credible horror movie, and even then would western audiences be interested?


I would like to see a movie with a bunch of Muslim people ululating for 2 hours straight. That would be awesome!


That would certainly be a horror movie. Muslim or not, that would be straight up torture for me.


I don't think there is a need.
Everywhere you look Islam creates horror after horror.
It's the most barbaric faith and all (with maybe a couple of exceptions) barbaric cultures are Muslim.
