Never Islam, is it?
God forbid (pun intended) anyone dare make a horror movie about the region of peace?
The religion that totally assimilate to any host nations customs and laws. A religion that celebrates the sanctity of women (as equal beings) A religion who's very instruction manual openly tells it's followers that all non-believers should be lied to before ultimately being eradicated. A religion that's (worryingly) gaining traction in the western civilization (due to weak governmental immigration policies)
Perhaps if this so called religion of peace weren't deemed so untouchable (for the fact that it treats any/all criticism/discussion with violence or death) then movie execs mightn't always pick easy targets like Catholicism (time and time again)
The fact that any naysayers to this post, know only too-well that this 7th century death cult will cut your head off for a mere fraction of the cinematic mockery (that Catholics suffer) is the elephant in the room that all supporters of this barbaric ideology are too afraid to address?