Is anyone getting fonder of the "Hobbit" movies with time? Has anyone learned to forgive their faults and appreciate whatever good stuff there is?
I mean, it could happen, the Star Wars prequels have come up in fan estimation over the years, although of course they aren't as bad as PJ's Hobbit movies.
LOVED ALL THREE. I don't care two shits if they didn't follow the books and added material. It was a rousing adventure and anyone who complians is a nitpicker to the nith degree. THESE MOVIES ARE NOT THE BOOKS AND SAME WITH THE LOTR THEY ALL TOOK LIBERTIES. THERE IS NOTHING COMPLAINERS CAN DO EXCEPT SOB IN THEIR BOOKS UNTIL THEY DIE.....hahahahahahahahaha
I still hate WB but the numerous fan-edits made by people who actually care about Tolkien's books saved this disaster of a trilogy for me : the 50% that I hated has been removed and I've never watched it since 2014, while the 50% that I like is there for me to enjoy in the form of one big movie instead of three.
So I'm OK with it now : Middle Earth is at peace, there are no were-worms anywhere and Tauriel has never existed.
No. They were terrible films.
First sucked. Second was worse (the fight scene with the barrels on the river is f-ing ridiculous).
I fast forwarded through the 3rd one because it was also unwatchable.
Then again, I am very mixed on the LOTR series. Fellowship is excellent. But Two Towers and Return of the King are very flawed.
Went through the entire Hobbit Extended trilogy recently. The first movie is probably my favorite, Desolation comes pretty close at times, but this movie dwells way too long on 'mad Thorin' and as epic as the Battle of the Five Armies is, too much is spent on comic relief and comedy during the battle. It's so unlike the seriousness of Pelennor Fields, the Black Gate, and Helm's Deep in the other trilogy.
This movie also seemingly ends way too quickly, after Bilbo leaves Erebor, suddenly he is in the Shire. To say he had no adventures returning to the Shire with Gandalf seems unlikely, or did they just fly home on the wings of an eagle?
Finally last but certainly not least, there was no scene showing Saruman tracking down Sauron. "Leave Sauron to me" he says, okay sweet I can't wait to see the followup. No followup, until Fellowship of the Ring.
Yeah, it’s not cheese or wine. The mushing and greed and overstuffed Hobbit project is more like a ripe apple. It doesn’t improve with age.
And no, I don’t acknowledge fan edits, any more than I respect schoolboy sports. I acknowledge work by people at professional levels, even if the work is awful. Same thing with fan “theories” (wild speculation blended with personal fantasies).
Anyone who likes this repulsive crap more with the passing of time is slipping into senility.
Everyone: JRR Tolkien never wrote a trilogy in his life. The Hobbit is ONE THIN VOLUME. The Lord of the Rings is ONE VOLUME. The ( compiled) Silmarillion is ONE VOLUME. I understand how ignorant pop culture has completely bastardized the word “trilogy,” but JRR was an impeccable linguist (the Mann created ENTIRE LANGUAGES, for goodness sake) who should not be dishonored by ignorant comments.
Nah. I liked them. I'm an avid reader, but I always look at books and movies as separate works, and these were very entertaining. As far as the whole trilogy aspect goes, yes, The Hobbit is one volume. As far as The Lord of the Rings goes, it may have been written as one volume, but it has been sold as three, for half a century.
I had already come around by the third film. Decided to enjoy them simply as fantasy films instead of prequels to LOTR films or even an adaption of the book. They're great fantasy movies. Pretend it's a Forgotten Realms adventure and you'll have a much better experience.
Warcraft is f'n awesome too. Don't know why people hate these movies. We'd have killed to have these films back in the 70s and 80s. We had like 5 shitty movies to get our fantasy fix with.