Best parts in the hobbit book

My favorite parts was:
"And then Legolas did a sick backflip and decaptitated like fifteen orcs at once, it was gnarly." - JRR Tolkien.

"...but there was no way Legy could run up to Ravenhill in time. So this giant bat goes flying by and he leapt 15, maybe 20 feet - vertical I'm saying - mounted the bat and piloted that sumbitch up to a tower upon the Ravenhill where he did some major Elf Sniping. Pew, pew, pew! It was fetch." - JRR Tolkien

"And then Legolas totally rides this troll, and controls its nerves and it is totally seriously so sick" - JRR Tolkien

"And Tauriel saw that and literally couldn't even!"

A timeless Classic you guys... I love the book... Jackson did a great job putting this on screen. God damnit..
Whats your favorite parts?


"And then Sauron captured Gandalf and put him in a cage. The End. Seriously, that's the end. For Sauron did not need any intelligence from Gandalf, as Gandalf did not know anything Sauron was not already aware of. Yet, Sauron did not slay his long-time foe. Most likely because he knew that if he slew him, decades later Gandalf would come back and defeat Sauron and all his well-laid plans. For you see, Sauron hated himself and wanted his plans to fail. If Gandalf was gone, the odds of him succeeding were almost guarenteed. Thus, with great wisdom to achieve his own failure, Sauron kept Gandalf alive and did nothing to him, awaiting those who would rescue Gandalf and eventually ruin all his plans. He was just that smart."



It's not that he did not wanted to kill him, it's just that he was still wriing his speech for killing Gandalf.

I can't tolerate your sadness cause it's me you are drowning


For you see, Sauron hated himself and wanted his plans to fail.

Oh yes, he was wanted to have an epic end. 


Sauron didn't really want to conquer Middle Earth, he just wanted to go out in style and be part of an Epic Story. If he killed Gandalf way back when, there's no epic story and Sauron lives a boring life. I guess that's how PJ interpreted him.


True. This and the fact that the Istari/Maiar are not allowed to interfere by fighting. Especially not each other. So Gandalf never battled Sauron and he got punished when he defeated the Balrog, by losing one of his lives and coming back changed.


I don't think he was punished for fighting the Balrog, he just died as a consequence of fighting a being as powerful as a Balrog.

The Istari were not allowed to lead the battle and unleash their full power, but they were allowed to defend themselves. Thus, Gandalf going into Sauron's lair to challenge Sauron is not allowed, which means PJ made another huge error. The Istari were allowed to defend themselves, which is why Gandalf could fight the Balrog and fight the Ring wraiths. He did not seek out the Balrog, nor did he know it was in Moria for sure. He ran every chance he had and only faced it when there was no choice left.


How about the scene with the Goblin King?

"The Great Goblin appeared in front of the group out of nowhere. Scowling at them with his giant scrotum beard waving about. His fearsome cry of "What are you going to do now, wizard?" terrified the group. Gandalf was at a total loss. Here he was, one of the most powerful beings in all of Middle Earth, armed with one of the most renowned blades in history, the bane of all goblins, and what was he going to do? I mean, the great goblin wasn't defending himself at all, and was alone, practically unarmed. Oh, what to do, what to do? Then Gandalf had an idea: he had killed goblins before by swinging his ultra powerful sword at them. So he tried it out again, not sure if it would actually work. It did."


And the dwarves went out of the river and were discussing what to do next when a grimm-faced man approached man, on his hands a bow and an arrow were prepared. When they noticed, Dwalin raised a cane for him to defend, but the man threw an arrow to its centre and, before anyone noticed, he had another arrow prepared that took a stone from Kili's hands harming no one.

Peter Jackson must be laughing about how blindly his fans behave on these boards.


"And then Radagast, with glorious bird poo matting his hair, told Gandalf that he would lead the orcs away from the company. He then proceeded to do everything in his power to not lead the orcs away from the company and expose them to the enemy. It was like a Benny Hill sketch, but those hadn't been invented yet. Because Radagast was a complete moron. It made Gandalf wonder which of them was the bigger fool: Radagast, or Gandalf for trusting Radagast."


"The sky darkened as the dragon flew over the doomed city. It was then that a herd of reindeer showed up alongside the cliffs near the mountain bearing elves and their Mirkwood king. The dragon paid no mind for the dragon was wise beyond all the peoples dwelling within a 600 miles radius! For sure he could just picture it; the elves, especially the elfin king would be holding a grudge over not getting dat shiny jewelry and would therefore not help the dwarves who had mined for such gems in their own mountain and made this jewelry. How dare them not sell this shiny hammered out metal! It was something that would bring about a nice long rest for a dragon because nobody would join forces to defeat him! All because of the silly bitterness about some bling! Who cares about being honorable, moral and compassionate when bling is on the line! That dragon laughed his ass clean off!"




Yep, I necro-ed this thread because it's hilarious.






I have a lot of favorites but the best part is definitely the Mirkwood chapter for me.




