MovieChat Forums > Dracula (2013) Discussion > Is season2 comming??

Is season2 comming??

I heard that season2 is still in the air, are there any Dracula fans? Can we do sth to make season2 continue?


There are active Twitter campaigns, also Dracula facebook pages with links to petitions. The word is we should know very soon.


I have signed the petitions, hope it works!



Cole Haddon has proved on twitter that Dracula has good chance for season2, you can visit his twitter and see


I've never used Twitter, does one have to sign up and log in before you can read someone else's tweets?

Do you happen to have a link to Haddon's tweet page? I want to be checking it for any news about cancellation. Thanks.


you have to register twitter if you want to see someone's posting, you can create a twitter and search for Haddon


Thanks for the info. I have no plans to create a Twitter account, so hopefully folks on this board can keep us updated with anything Haddon is currently saying about cancellation.

Has he said anything further about it in the past couple months? I think it was January when he said NBC execs were giving him cause for optimism.


Here's the latest tweet from Cole when asked if Dracula had been cancelled.

@colehaddon: @leesimms83 No, it's not. We're still in the running.

Be nice to each other, you may be speaking with an angel.


Thanks. What date was that twit?

(or is that "tweeted"?)


March 25, 2014

Be nice to each other, you may be speaking with an angel.


Wasn't that on NBC? If so...Then lots of luck. They cancell a lot of shows anymore before they get a chance to build a following.


It HAS been canceled.


you have to register twitter if you want to see someone's posting, you can create a twitter and search for Haddon

Not necessarily. His account isn't a protected/private account so people without a twitter account should still be able to read his twitter feed/should be able to see this tweet:

and his feed in general can be viewed here:


Agent Hill: ...Then aliens invaded New York and were beaten back, by among others, a giant green monster, a costumed hero from the 40's.... and a god.

Agent Ward: I don't think Thor is technically a god.

Hill: haven't been near his arms.

~Agents of SHIELD; Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot"


yes, you are right.Thanks


good gravy, I hope so! bram stoker wouldn't wipe his ass with this tripe.

"Your intelligence? I certainly don't want your intelligence, Agent. I'm quite happy with my own."



Confirmed by whom ?



well the N othing B ut C rap network has done it again cx quality and we'll get another stupid realty show


I was shocked when I found out it was canceled months ago. It was a very well written, entertaining series that I was looking forward to. "Almost Human" was another well written show that got canned. Sometimes it happens ... look at Star Trek (1966-69). We know where that went.



As of this week, the 'tv by the numbers' website is predicting that Dracula is 'more likely to be canceled than renewed by May 2014'. It doesn't look good, but no, the official decision hasn't yet been made. to-be-renewed/233100/

Sometimes fires don't go out when you're done playin' with them.


why such a good TV series should be cancelled? NBC should give it another chance


why such a good TV series should be cancelled? NBC should give it another chance

Well, I agree with you.. sadly, the people in charge of the business end of TV don't normally see it our way.

I don't know if you ever heard of a show called 'Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman'.. but the fate of that show should chill your bones. It was a good show, a QUALITY show, well written.. and it even had decent ratings... it was a POPULAR show. But it was really only getting high ratings among viewers over the age of 40. Sponsors didn't care about that age-group; older viewers are set in their ways, and not easily influenced by tv commercials. The sponsors wanted to win the 18 to 35 market-- younger viewers who might be more easily influenced.

So advertisers didn't want to sponsor Dr Quinn, because they didn't think they'd get a return on their investment. The network canceled it-- not because it was a bad show, not because it was an unpopular show.. but JUST because it didn't turn a profit.

Sometimes fires don't go out when you're done playin' with them.


I have not watched Dr Quinn, i will look for it later. Whatever, Dracula cant be cancelled!!


"Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" lasted for six season, was sold all over the world and brought a lot of fame and, I would imagine, money to the creators and its main star. It was hardly a bone chilling story. Yes, shows end sometimes and the reasons aren't always the best but Dr. Quinn had a very good run as far as TV goes.

As for Dracula, honestly I don't think they should do a second season. This first one was, for me at least, a major dissapointment. They promised many things and failed to deliver even one of them so in this case I'd have to agree with "The Powers that Be". Perhpas they should take the money that they would invest in a second season and put it into a better project.

I don't know how much of this project was the creators fault or the network's but it's been proven once again that I should stay far, far away from NBC. The only show on air that they have and, by some miracle, hasn't dissapointed me has been Hannibal.

What would disguise itself as a rat? A mouse with delusions of grandeur


Agreed. I think if a show makes it to the 3-season mark it can be considered a relative success, regardless of however it finally ends.

I would like to see a second season of Dracula however, I found it to be extremely well done; it went into reasonable depth with many of the relationships, more so than we've seen in any Dracula-based movies to date. The violence/action/romance/suspense was fairly well balanced I thought, with a little something for everyone. The story was compelling, and while at times it felt a little scattered, they were obviously under time-constraints and had to be selective with the included material/script. Having a second season would allow the writers to go into even more depth with the relationships and allow for a more concise finale should season 2 be the end.

Agree with you in regards to Hannibal being great, loving that show so far. I've also been enjoying Banshee and Bates Motel although I love Vera Farmiga so I'm a bit biased with that recommendation.


UGH!!! Hannibal is so disturbing! Why does everything on tv have to be torcher and turn your stomach. Dracula is actually a beautiful love story with torcher to the bad ones who deserve it! I love this show so much!



Hope not, it's crap.

When I'm gone I would like something to be named after me. A psychiatric disorder, for example.


It is not a crap~~~


I am not squandering any of my valuable time on earth arguing with someone who doesn't like Dracula. ( the show) if you don't like it don't watch. Simple as that.


I like Dracula. I just don't like this show.

I can't think of a witty signature right now. I like turtles.




Personally, if I don't like a show, I don't watch it. And more to the point, I don't waste my time writing on the boards of shows I thus, don't watch.


I agree if you don't like a show then don't watch it..I hope they give dracula another season tho it's a good show..I hate how all the good shows get cancelled and they put stupid reality shows bout isn't worth having anymore cause most of the stuff on is stupid reality crap


I find the constantly parotted "If you don't like it, don't watch it" and especially "don't talk about it" to be the most obnoxious, dismissive, and immature phrase of the IMDB.

This is a discussion forum, not an "I agree and only post with those who think exactly like me" forum. Discussions mean conversations, which also include contrary opinions. Sometimes people like to discuss things they don't like and will explain why they do not like the thing.


I completely agree with you on this. First I haven't seen this show yet, it's been on my to watch list. I came looking to see how it has been doing by reading some of the comments, as well as of course seeing if a season 2 was coming (if it wasn't coming then it falls down on my to watch list, or if there is enough intelligent comments noting flaws that I have a tendency to agree with, then it would also fall down the list).

If enough people feel a show is lacking something, sure it might get cancelled, or maybe the show would actually get better. Reading comments both negative and positive is a very good barometer of peoples tastes. If I see a person who likes show a and b and hates show c and d, and my tastes fall into c and d, that person gushing about a show is going to mean less to me.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, as long as it's intelligent and thought out, and not rude and over the top nasty, I have no problem with anyone stating it....even if it's a show I love.


Sorry, Count, there is no room here for adult discussion, only name-calling and tantrum-throwing.

I just finished watching the series on DVD and wouldn't mind seeing where the creators take it, now that nearly everybody has blood on their hands.

But I won't be heartbroken if there is no second season. As impressive as the production values were, I found the acting uneven and some of the characters' behavior poorly motivated.

I do like the idea of a different take on the well-worn tale. I'm very fond of Fred Saberhagen's series, starting with The Dracula Tapes:


Oh, I adore Fred Saberhagen's version and in all honesty, if they keep his personality and powers from those books completely in tact, I feel it would make a far superior show.


Is there still no word on whether Season 2 has been greenlighted by NBC?

When can we expect a decision?


NBC usually announces its fall and midseason lineup in May, The network did raise fans hopes by saying things are looking well for a season 2 of Dracula this past January.

Be nice to each other, you may be speaking with an angel.



I think it's most likely been canceled. Thomas Kretschman has a lot on his schedule this year, which tells me he already got the news.

I can't think of a witty signature right now. I like turtles.


I blame the networks for creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. People are so tired of watching and getting into a first season show, only to see it cancelled, that they stop watching first season shows altogether to avoid the constant disappointment. Ergo, low watchers = lo numbers = cancelled show.!!!!


if you dont like it,then dont watch it. However, you have a low taste.


That is a problem with these sorts of shows, with these long story arcs. However, the season finale had an ambiguous conclusion, as it looked and felt like an ending, while at the same time the story could be picked up again. A lot of loose ends were tied up, in that Dracula's nemesis was dealt with, and he got the beautiful Ms. Harker. But the Order of the Dragon still thrives. So it could go either way satisfactorily. I hope it continues. I loved the look and feel of the show.


The Dracula fans are so hoping for a season 2. We should know sometime in May. The powers that be say Dracula is still in the running.

Be nice to each other, you may be speaking with an angel.



P eople for the
E thical
T reament of
A ishwarya


How do you know???????????


Because its on front Dracula profile page

Now is the end of days and I am the Reaper:Silent hill


CANCELED! Should have been, long time ago


@dave: I presume you're one of those...if it doesn't follow the original's horrible. Get over it. Like different arrangements of songs, there are different interpretations of stories.
