

She truly is hideous-looking, isn't she? And not in an interesting way like Steve Buscemi.


Hmmm, i'm quite antiPC and anti PC hypocrisy but i didn't get that from the article or from she is saying.

She doesn't say that she doesn't want to work with white people, but that she doesn't want to work with ONLY white people. That she wants a work environment that mimics the real world, where half of the population is made of women and only 50% are white.

Still i don't agree with her statement because she should be concerned with the merit and the qualities of the people she works with but you guys are taking it a bit too far :)


Sounds to me like she just wants to work with a diverse cast and crew. She said it in sort of an offensive way I guess, but you can only be offended if you choose to be.


So she’s fellating BLACK guys to get these prime roles? ‘Cause her career sure as Hell ain’t based on looks or talent.

By the way, “only” 50 percent is the majority share when there are several other shareholders. That’s not “only.”


Only 50% might be the majority but it's still not 100%. What she is saying that she doesn't want to work with a cast that's 100% white. Or male. Or white male.

Again, i get why it sounds offensive, but there is a point there.


Ugh.. she was so god-awful in Westworld. Untalented, insolent b#tch.


Imagine getting to work alongside Sir Anthony Hopkins & Ed Harris and not appreciate or be thankful for it in any way whatsoever. Instead, you're offended by their presence. Oh, what a world we live in.

Just like that time I played "HORSE" with Jordan & Kobe... Would've been so much better and more fun if it had been two random ass white hillbillies. I tried to explain that to Jordan & Kobe, but they were to conservative and close-minded to "get it". They're such "incels", am I right?


Show me the movie where only 3 people are involved. No cameramens, no director, no extras, no writers, just you and the 2 stars.


I don't understand the point that you are trying to make, as it pertains to the OP or my post. I never said anything about there being only 3 people involved. Are you just randomly starting a new conversation with me about low budget movies with small casts? If so, that's cool, it just took me by surprise.


She said that she would rather work in diverse environment.

By saying that she would be offended by the presence of the two white stars you show that you didn't get her point. She just stared in a movie (actually more than one) with a white male star and one with a majority of white characters. Even males.

Yeah, she wouldn't mind working with white stars, or get offended by it. She would get "offended" by working with an exclusively white environment. That's why i pointed out that she would be offended (maybe) if her and the 2 white males would be the entirety of the cast or working staff.


Oh, I get her "point", all right. I also get Jordan Peele's "point". And Mindy Kaling's. It's just that some of the rest of you don't. Or, you do, but it suits your own political/social agenda.

Even if I take what you're saying at face value, why should she be offended by working with an exclusively white environment? First of all, her mere presence let's us know that anything she is involved with is not EXCLUSIVELY either white or male. Even if she was the only person of color involved, why is that wrong, especially if it fits the story/objective? To continue with my basketball analogy, should Larry Bird, Steve Nash, and Dirk Nowitzki have been offended that they spent all of their careers playing alongside a majority of African Americans? Or, did the skill and talent of said African Americans warrant their being there? In my opinion, yes, it did. Skilled basketball players should get the majority of the top spots, even if they're black. Skilled actors should get the majority of the top spots, even if they're white. Skilled athletes and actors should get the majority of the top spots, regardless of race (obviously when race isn't a part of the story).

And that's just the racial element.

My bigger issue is this direct quote from the article: "And I don’t want to work in the company of a bunch of men." She and her knights claim that she just wants "to see work that really looks like the world in which we live." You do? Really? Are white men not a part of the "world in which you live"? Others in this very thread have pointed out the true statistics and facts about the world in which she lives, so there's no need for me to regurgitate them, but in short, SHE IS the accurate statistical representation of the world in which she lives. And that's where the problem really comes in. Superiority disguised as "equality" is the mission. And you're just an "incel", "racist", "misogynistic" piece of shit if you don't blindly bend the knee and accept it.

I can't speak or think for others, but these knees are staying clean.


Upvoted and subscribed.
I don't have a political bone to pick so this hit the mark for me. Don't have a problem with the actress either and I think she is very attractive. She may have spoken from intellectual innocence but she put her foot in her mouth. Diversity is great. I respect her desire for it in her work. She either chose the wrong words or doesn't recognize flaws in her own belief.


This is acceptable behaviour but Tim Allen saying he's never heard of Spades isn't. Staggering.

If they keep this up America will be heading towards another Trump victory.


he already won in 2020


And I don't want to see movies that just pander to SJW's by putting token actors and actresses into roles to fulfill some race and gender quota... I want to see movies with actors and actresses hired because they were the best choice for the role they are playing.


It's just so goddamned refreshing when someone gets it. Thank you.
