MovieChat Forums > La vie d'Adèle (2013) Discussion > The sex scenes ruined the realism of the...

The sex scenes ruined the realism of the movie.

I thought that the movie was very realistic in almost all aspects (even painfully so at times if I may add) but the unrealism of the sex scenes ruined it for me just a bit. Adele's sexual encounters with her first boyfriend and then Emma were nothing short of a porn flick. I don't have problems with nudity or sexually explicit scenes at all (before anyone calls me a prude and thinks that the problem lies in that) but these ones were painful to watch for me simply because of how badly they fit in with the rest of the movie. I loved the movie as a whole but whenever a sex scene would creep up I felt like I was watching something about the sexual encounters of porn star. Those scenes didn't portray a young girl who is trying to discover herself and her sexuality - at least in my opinion.
Now, I know that there are some people out there who would probably just watch this movie for the sex scenes (sad but true) and I'm wondering if the director did this intentionally to guarantee himself a larger audience. Since he managed to depict realism so well in all other aspects, it seems doubtful that he'd be so oblivious to the lack of realism in the sex scenes.


I am with the crowd that believe that Adele was NOT a virgin. A virgin *lesbian*, yes. And I felt Adele & Lea's passion. I envy it. To be that ... free. So very well-directed that, at times, I forgot I was watching a film.


The sex scenes - realistic or not - were absolutely essential to the film, to show the passion of the sexual relationship between Emma and Adele. The diner scene showed that passion still burned, in comparison with the lack of passion in the sexual relationship between Emma and Lise.

If the film is about why Emma and Adele broke up - it is because they were too different and wanted different things (Emma wanted professional goals; Adele wanted Emma); and that all that held them together for so long was the great sexual connection they had. So we had to see that sexual connection to believe it.


it was not ruined the movie but the Sex scenses was just "too much"


I think the sex scenes were too long. However I don't think they ruined the realism of the film. The film is about a relationship and I am not sure if you have ever been in a relationship, but usually at the beginning of one it is filled with passion, animal magnetism and sex, then later on it fizzles out and sometimes it just becomes a routine losing its excitement. The sex scenes were needed.

I have seen many TV series on Showtime, HBO, Starz, etc and they have sex scenes that are completely unnecessary, but people praise them for some reason. This film has to be one of the most realist films about relationships, there was no BS, and I like that in a film. Finally a realistic view of relationships.

Always look for the positive in every situation.


The fact that people are complaining about the sex scenes is " "unrealistic".


For me, the sex scenes, however suprsising in their length and intensity, fit well within the narrative, the movie felt perfectly consistent.

I don't think Adele was discovering her sexuality, but more her sexual orientation. I'm a 27 year old guy and the graphic sex scenes had more of an emotional impact, than anything else. And they did not seem exagerated, there's intensity between two people passionately in love. At least in the beginning of a relationship, before the novelty wears off.

Still, the most emotional scene for me whas the breakup.


I am not quite sure how people feel the sex scenes were too long. The only explanation I can come up with is that the ones complaining are the "wham bam, thank you mam" kind of unfeeling sexual partners. If I last less than 30 minutes I feel I am a failure and consider it as premature ejaculation so if you you are going to do it make it worthwhile for yourself and your partner.


Just because certain activities may take a long time does not mean that we always need to see them, unexpurgated - otherwise some movies would go on for years!

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


I think the movie was trying to depict the intensity of the physical relationship of Emma and Adele through those long and slightly pornographic sex scenes. It may not have worked for everyone but I think it is very hard to convey that kind of thing through film in another way. The "usual" stare into each others eyes "love making" scene wouldn't have been enough. You have that in every single love movie.

Their passionate physical relationship is very important later on in the story.

First of all it is important in the scene that follows Adele meeting Emmas "art friends" for the first time. Where Emma shoots Adeles advances down with her period excuse. It helps to understand Adeles feeling of rejection and suspicion towards Emma and her pregnant friend. Being rejected like that, not having passionate sex is abnormal in their relationship. It's important to know that.

Later in the cafe scene where both of them acknowledge that not only their emotional but also very much their physical relationship was something special. And a passion like that really IS something special.

In my very first long relationship I had passion like that and only later realized that it is not the norm in every relationship even if you are in love with your partner. I've only had that kind of intense passion with one other woman over the years. That incredible tension in the air, when you know all it takes is a single touch for you both to explode into uncontrollable greed for each others bodies that will work itself out any which way it can.
If anyone had put a camera on some of that it wouldn't have looked anything like "love making" but most likely like violent (awkward) *beep* Although love was very much involved in both those relationships. So I could very much relate to that aspect of the story. Physical passion like that gives a relationship another dimension, something else to miss besides the emotional connection. A physical connection like that doesn't always happen.

Apart from some unusual positions I think one reason why the sex scenes came of as kind of wrong, was oddly enough, that they where not explicit enough.

They tried to go for realism being very graphic (compared to the usual sex scene) but also the camera angles and body poses where chosen in such a way that they wouldn't show of to much, so they came of as fake at times in spite of all the naked skin. A fly on the wall just watching two people enjoying themselves in that matter would have seen a very different scene.
So maybe a more abstract style would have been better but then again that wouldn't have been in sync with the rest of the movie too.

I think the scenes worked well enough to convey the message. I don't know if it's necessary to allege some perversive or marketing motives to the director of this movie. (Although that might have been a factor, who knows.)

I thought the beginning of the first sex scene worked very well, Adele more or less mimicking what Emma does and I also liked the last shot of the both of them intertwined in that symmetrical order, as far as symbolism goes that was just beautiful. It got carried away a bit in the middle part and went on for to long in my opinion, but it was nothing that ruined an otherwise excellent movie for me.


In other words, the editing was terrible. The story was better as it was originally laid out in the graphic novel, with Emma reading the diaries of Clementine/Adele after the latter's death and thus reviving her memories according to a deliberate structre. The director of the film instead chooses to cut on par with Adele's wandering sexuality, which is fair -- but not at price of scene that are painstaking looooooooong. For example. the scene where Adele and Thomas were chatting on the bus could've but chopped in half. Nevermind the sex scenes, which were BEYOND over-indulgent.

The director does not seem to understand the principle of "quality > quanity", ffs!!



I thought the sex scenes were pretty realistic (at least, by cinematic standards!) In some ways, porn is more realistic than softcore, because you actually get to 'see' everything that happens... The unreality of porn comes from the ludicrous situations, cheesy dialogue and unnatural bodies - none of which were present, here.

However, I do agree that the sex scenes being so numerous, explicit and lengthy provided a negligible effect on the overall thematic substance of the film... I enjoyed them aesthetically - they were arousing - but they didn't particularly advance the character development or tell me anything about the people that I couldn't also have worked out from the other non-sex scenes... They were titillating, and I have no problem with that as a principle, but it seems to be that a film of this style should be looking for the emotional truth of intercourse - aiming for something profound and deep, instead of just primal in appeal... I wouldn't take them out, and I'm glad they were in there, but I doubt that the film-makers would want to admit that they were pandering to my kind of demographic - even though that's what it seemed like... "Great sex scenes for horny straight guys!" is true, but I doubt it's the kind of quote that would sit well on the poster!

There seems to be a disconnect between what the film actually IS, and how it was engineered to get attention. I think the director knew EXACTLY what he was doing by making the sex scenes so graphic, yes. I don't have a problem with people initially watching a film 'just for the sex scenes', as long as they inadvertently uncover greater rewards, once they've been reeled in. Show up for the sex, but stay for the story! 

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


Or maybe you've just had really boring sex (or none at all)? Just sayin... 😃


Take away the sex scenes and what have you got? A typical overlong French film with beautiful trendy young things intellectualising everything and thinking the whole world revolves around them.
And as an ordinary heterosexual bloke the sight of two lesbians pleasuring themselves does absolutely nothing for me.In short I hated it.


Haha fair enough. As another ordinary heterosexual bloke, the sex scenes are pretty much the only good thing in this movie lol.
