RT 11%
critics are destroying it
shareIt's at 9% now. Dang. That's bad. Like Fantastic Four (2015) bad.
shareGOOD. There was nothing wrong with Del Toro's Hellboy, it didn't need rebooting for some soulless, gory version instead of the witty and inventive previous movies.
It would be good if it meant we might still get a third part to the Del Toro series, but that sadly seems unlikely.
Unfortunately, it seems nothing good will come out of this reboot.
Nothing wrong?
It's the opposite. It's not only 'nothing wrong'. Hellboy (the old one) is one of the best fantasy movie in the last two decades. The and sequel is even better.
If there was nothing wrong with del Toro’s “Hellboy”, why was it such a financial disappointment?
The same “fans” screaming it’s praises now never even saw del Toro’s film in theatres.
There are plenty of good movies that didn't do well at the box office. Box office results are not always an indicator of quality.
I didn't love Del Toro's Hellboy movies, but I did think they were good. Not great, but good.
I wish I had seen it in the theatres.
shareThat's the best point that I've read anyone making about why Hellboy didn't need rebooting. I keep metaphorically scratching my head as well, wondering why they didn't move forward with a third De Toro movie. LOVED the first HB! The second one was okay but not great. It suffered from a disjointed story and spent way too much time on love interests of the characters. Despite this, I still watched it and liked it. I felt a third movie to finish out a trilogy could have reclaimed the spectacle of the first HB that Del Toro directed but then, we will never know.
I'm going to finish by getting this dig in - David Harbour is overrated. He's got Stranger Things under his belt and bit parts in other movies. This is his first lead role. I think it shows that he's better as a supporting actor.
Looked like a Resident Evil movie but with Deadpool in the lead. Not surprising. Looked like shit.
shareYeah, just saw the score. It's 12% right now.
Fucking ouch! That is rough. I expected better based on the trailers.
Poor David Harbour. This was supposed to be his big screen big break and everyone says it sucks. It's obvious he was really trying here, so I feel bad for him.
That's a worse score than any of the DCEU films everyone likes ragging on.
But to be fair to David Harbour, none of the critics seem to be attacking his performance.
Yeah, maybe--hopefully--his stock will rise based on the strength of his performance, even though the film surrounding him is a critical failure and, very possibly, also a box office failure.
shareAccording to this article, it's already destined to be a BO failure: https://www.superherohype.com/movies/443529-new-details-emerge-about-hellboys-troubled-production
I doubt 'word-of-mouth' is going to help its chances.
I guess we'll see how it goes.
I know that Alita: Battle Angel was expected to be a huge failure and it ended up performing notably better than expected. But it did have great word-of-mouth, which I'm sure helped.
Looks like the budget for Hellboy is only $50 million, so that should help.
I didn't know that about Alita. That's nice to know. I like it when films that are declared DOA end up defying the doomsayers.
shareYeah, Alita wasn't exactly a success but it wasn't the bomb it was expected to be either. From what I've read, it was estimated to need somewhere between $400 and $450 million to break even, and it made $403 million.
It was a great movie so I'm hoping the break-even point was close to $400 million and that it will become profitable from home video sales and rentals and TV deals.
I'm still holding out hope for a sequel but that's unlikely.
Shame. I kinda liked the guy since 'Revolutionary Road'.
shareMan, and to think the last recent trailer released gave it back some umph. Guess the many dislikes from the first trailer was the correct assumption for this reboot. A pity since I was planning on seeing this myself but seeing how badly rated it is on RT/IMDB, I am now reconsidering.
shareActually, with very few FEW exceptions, modern Hollywood popcorn movies are garbage. Far worse than 10-20 years ago. US is in decline and cinema industry is not an exception.
Some movies are praised because of political reasons far beyond their real quality (cough star wars cough black panther cough). Those who don't openly support the current official political agenda, they're thrown under the bus.
20 even 10 years ago there seemed alot more variety in the big movies..Fight Club, Matrix, American Psycho, Copland, Starship Troopers, Face Off, Braveheart, ID4, Gladiator etc etc . (and films seemed like 'films' not megabudget TV shows like they are now thanks to the success of MCU)
Now everything is Marvel or DC Superheroes or Star Wars or belated 'legacy' sequels (to appeal to the older fans over remakes that piss off the fanbase and which newcomers will then seek out and purchase previous instalments) with the odd 'original' movie in between .. everything else is Netflix .. and if a movie dosnt break 1b its like a failure. all those movies of the 70s 80s 90s 00s would have a hard time being made today (some ironically still getting sequels now) and would just be Netflix. studios once taking a gamble doing original stuff now just play it safe with their various IPs (that were once original gambles) bringing in young fanboy filmmakers (who grew up in 80s loving all that stuff) who are fresh off their acclaimed low budget indies to play in their megabudget IP sandpits
I think it's related to the general lack of quality. When you're in a city where restaurants are shitty, what you can do? go to some McDonald. Marvel has become the McDonald in the movie industry: repetitive, not great, but safe. People play safe when they buy a ticket.
That's why when you have a good movie that doesn't belong to some franchise, the highest box office comes in the second and third week (Jumanji, World War Z), other times it just pays the bill with no benefit (John Wick, Mad Max Fury Road, Edge of Tomorrow) or it just flops (Dredd).
People work very hard to make these movies. I don't believe any movie deserves a rating that low, expect maybe a KuKluxKlan movie.
Post by Famous Rocking Chimes on Apr 11, 2019 at 3:48pmshare
Just back from seeing the movie myself, I can indeed confirm that Hellboy is utter rubbish.
The editing is absolutely atrocious. It's like the movie is played at 2x speed on YouTube or something.
Conversations take place between characters and there's no room to breathe, no pauses to digest what has just been said. Every time the plot moves to a different location, it's like I've got whiplash from how quick we get from point A to point B as the characters narrate why they're going there.
Some of the lines are said with the actors not even facing the camera, so they must have been blatantly added in post-production. The humour feels like they were just being crude for the sake of it being cool or to appeal to teenagers. One of the villains drops the 'F' word so many times that it loses all meaning.
Every shot feels like it can only last two seconds before they move onto the next one. Some of the CGI didn't even look finished particularly in the 'one-shot' scene.
David Harbour does the best with what he can do, Ian McShane was entertaining, but everyone else is just 'meh' in terms of performances. I was honestly bored at one point and that's not something I should be feeling about a Hellboy movie.
Very disappointing, the highlight of my night was seeing the Avengers trailer on the big screen.