MovieChat Forums > Chicago Fire (2012) Discussion > We get it, you dislike Gabby. Time to mo...

We get it, you dislike Gabby. Time to move on.

It worries me that so many of you have so little going on in your lives that you spend obscene amounts of time on this board to complain about a fictional TV character. It's also obvious with some of the comment histories that one person has multiple profiles. It's a TV show and Gabby is not real! Calling her a b*tch and giving her a childish nickname indicates the level of your maturity. There are much better topics of discussions that can be had. Nothing she says or does will appease you at this point, so let's move on from Gabby. She's one character in a show full of great characters and compelling story lines.


So wait... there are a lot of us but we're all one person? Make up your mind!


You're obviously one of the people accused of having multiple profiles. The majority of what you post is about the same topic and your posting history compared with a few others is suspect. I believe the OP is referring to the number of posts that are supposedly written by multiple people that cover the same topics and are written in similar fashion. No one character will be universally liked but to complain to the point of childish nicknames is asinine and detracts from the rest of the show.


LOL why so butthurt? What other people want to discuss on this board is their own's your choice whether you want to join this discussion or not, but you're the one complaining about other people criticizing Dawson here, no one is forcing you to read our comments or come to this board...if you can't stand all the hate for her character here, then why don't you go some place else where you can have your so called "intelligent discussions" and leave the rest of us alone?

You keep accusing the haters here for having multiple accounts, and yet how can we be so sure that YOU don't have multiple accounts? There are still the very few people here who like Dawson, how can we be so sure that it's not just YOU with numerous accounts? I can assure you that I only have ONE account on IMDb, and if some of us go to some of the same boards on IMDb then that just means some of us have some of the same or similar interests in movies or TV shows, doesn't mean we're all the "same" person. And just because some of us use the same nickname to call Dawson doesn't mean we're all the same you think the MILLIONS of people who call Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt "Brangelina" all the "same" person too? So just because some people here like to call Dawson "Scabby" and complain about her all the time you just immediately assume we're all the "same" person? LOL that's just stupid.

The thing is, this show has become so crappy that there's really not much else to comment or complain about besides Dawson and Dawsey and the whole Dawsey family soap drama crap since they've basically dominated this show for the past several seasons. It's understandable that some of us have nothing much to discuss or complain about besides Dawson and Dawsey...although I do discuss about the other characters here sometimes.


Good post. Frankly, I am very tired of the Gabby storyline and her character as well. The writers go with what works. Chicago Fire is the highest rated scripted show on broadcast TV at 10:00. They are not going to change anything. The Chicago "franchise" is worth a fortune given future syndication and CF will always be big brother.

And please stop calling her "Scabby". Simply immature and disgusting behavior.


so this is your defense? That one person has multiple accounts here? LOL some people just cannot accept the fact that Scabby is such a hated character and that so many people hate her, so they try to downplay all the hate by claiming that it's all just the "same" person with different accounts. Are you really so in denial about the fact that Scabby is so hated by many people? Open your eyes and look at the bigger picture here, it's not just on this board that Scabby has a lot of hate, she gets ALOT of hate from MANY people on facebook too and on many other forums I go to, she has MANY haters virtually everywhere...except maybe for the loud minority group of Scabby fanatics on twitter, whom the producers and writers seem to only listen to.

And this is a message board for god sakes, we can discuss about anything regarding this show and if we want to keep pointing out about just how terrible of a character she is, then we can, we have the right to do that. We call her a b*tch because she is a b*tch, what is so wrong about being honest? And if you have a problem with that, then just ignore it. No one is forcing you to read our posts and comments on this board, and no one is forcing you to come here if you don't like all the hate that Scabby has on this show and on this board, then just ignore it and go somewhere else if you want. You have no right to dictate what people should and shouldn't discuss here, this is a forum, people can freely discuss anything related to the show.

And we can call her whatever we want, it's just a nickname we like to give her character, it doesn't make us "immature", especially when the nickname describes her character so well...and anyway, many people love to give celebrity couples silly nicknames like "Brangelina" and "Kimye" too, does that make them "immature" too? So just because the nickname "Scabby" has a negative tone to it, you want to condemn other people from using it? What happened to free speech man? We should be allowed to voice our opinions and however we feel about her character or anything related to this show on this board. And if Scabby fanatics and other people don't feel comfortable with all the hate that she's getting here, then just ignore it and don't read these posts and go somewhere else if they want. Jeez.
The world is not all sunshine and roses you know, there's a lot of negativity in this world too, you can't just expect other people to only say nice things, and anyone who tries to deny other people from voicing negative thoughts is immature.


I haven't started streaming Season 3 yet...I have to get over the loss of both Jones and Shay. Wow!

I suspect there's a very good reason to make Dawson unlikable. It affirms Casey's saintly persona. After he got his bell cracked you could almost see the halo around his head as he brought the child to safety.

As he said to Mills: "you don't need a title to save lives"...RIP Leonard Cohen.


It's obvious the characters care for each other deeply. She did look genuinely worried in the last episode. Casey had a chance to leave and chose to come back to Gabby. It appears the writers have no intention of ending the relationship anytime soon. A perfect relationship doesn't make good TV.


A perfect relationship doesn't make good TV.

neither does a crappy terrible relationship, and Dawsey is that terrible of a couple...on the surface Scabby Dawson may act like she "loves" and "cares" about Casey, but really she only really cares about herself and her own needs, she's so self-absorbed with herself that she's usually so unaware and inconsiderate of other people's feelings. She doesn't care about Casey's feelings or what he wants, she just treats him like he is basically just her personal servant and doormat, and dictates Casey on everything in the relationship, he just gives her whatever she wants and does whatever she tells him to, but she doesn't respect Casey in the same way. Casey is always giving while Scabby is always taking from Casey, she is always dependent on Casey and other people to get her way. She might've acted like she was "worried" for Casey's safety in the last ep, but she's just worried that if Casey dies then she'd lose her personal servant and puppet.
There's NO balance in this Dawsey relationship at's basically just Scabby dictating everything in their relationship, Casey has NO say in the relationship at all, he just does whatever Scabby tells him to do and gives her whatever she wants. He's better off leaving this selfish and self-entitled obnoxious brat, he deserves someone so much better.

Yes a "perfect" relationship can be boring, a couple can still have problems...but Dawsey is beyond 'imperfect', they are basically a horrible trainwreck of a "couple" (if you can even call them that)...the producers and writers are just bending over backwards to please all those delusional Dawsey shippers on twitter, hence why Casey keeps going back to Scabby...they are just pandering to the very loud minority group of Dawsey shippers and Scabby fanatics.

Casey/Jesse is the ONLY real reason I still watch this damn show.


We can not like her all we want and express our opinions on the matter. Our very valid opinions.


LOL. When you created this topic and said "We get it, you dislike Gabby", were you using royal We or you feel the right to speak on behalf of other fans?
Anyway, If you don't like to hear Dawson bashing, then go to Twitter where all her fangirls spend every minute of their lives (btw, I know for a fact that many of them have multiple accounts). I bet some of them never sleep 'cause if you look at Derek's Q&As, the first 7-8 questions that he answers in the order received always come from the same people (all of them are die-hard Dawsey/Dawson fans)..Actually, at this point twitter is pretty much the only place where Dawson is still worshipped by a very vocal minority... If you stay there, you may continue to live in your illusory world where Gabby Sue is the most likable character on CF....
And if you want to talk about other characters or storylines, you're welcome to start the topic of discussion instead of telling us what to do and how to feel about Dawson.


I'm only one person, and I say burn her! Burn her at the stake!

Who's with me?



I can literally see your thinking process: bitch rhymes with witch, right? ;)))


Here's a torch, follow me, pilgram.



I'll bring the gasoline to help it along.

The snake arrives, walking as if human.


I'll bring the marshmallows!


Kind of hard to move on when they force her down our throats each and every episode.


Ummmm Who were we talking about?


It worries me that so many of you have so little going on in your lives that you spend obscene amounts of time on this board to complain about a fictional TV character.

Yet you have time to read through them all and send a lengthy response, hmmm....

We're fine. No need to worry, but thanks for your concern.


Hey Dildo I know who you're talking about. So we have nothing going on in our lives? Obviously you don't either cause you're reading and/or responding to this post also. I can't stand her character! And that's my God given right. It's not my/our fault that you like her or the character she plays. And next time you respond to MY responses,then do your research and see what i said!

By the way--who are you?


I assume you are addressing the OP? I'm on your side.
