MovieChat Forums > Broadchurch (2013) Discussion > was the trish character attractive ???

was the trish character attractive ???



can you imagine how homely the rapist must be?


she was having affairs with several men. nothing to do with the rape.


nothing gets by you, i can see that right off



She looks about my mom's age, 73. She looks soooo old but I heard of 2 teenage boys in the US who raped a 60 something year old woman. So it does happen but she definitely does not look 50, she looks 2 decades older.


You sound like you're 12. That must have been a tough pregnancy for your MOM


Nope. We just age much slower, and we maintain a healthy dose of innocence up to old age as well. I also notice Emilia Clark with a lot of deep wrinkles on her forehead, we don't get those until we're 60-80.


There are plenty of women over sixty who are sexually attractive, even to younger men. However, "Trish" is not physically attractive in any way. Anyone can be raped, but the other part of the story, that at least three better-looking men in Broadchurch were sexually attracted to her, took a lot of suspension of disbelief. It might have been plausible if she had some kind of super-charismatic personality, but she didn't. She was actually rather dull and unpleasant.


Exactly. Initially, I thought she had to be in her mid sixties at the very least.


What a childish thread.


I think it says something about the difference between UK TV and American.



Childish post aside (glad the OP edited it), I think casting a rather unattractive - no offense meant - woman as the rape victim was a smart move from the producers.
Even some characters address to Trish being subpar, look-wise (I'm notably thinking about Cath - one could argue, though, it was out of spite). To such remarks, the DIs correctly remind rape is not about sexual attraction, rather being about overpowering and domination.
Besides, Trish seems to attract quite average-to-good-looking-men, considering Broadchurch is not a glossy parade of starlets, on the account of a brilliant personality (at least it's what's hinted to - keep in mind I'm halfway Episode 3.5). And that's what, in the adult world at least, charm is mostly about.


What's weird is that S3 was produced in 2016/17, when Julie Hesmondhalgh (the actress who plays Trish) was only 46. I didn't realize this until I read this thread, and I would have for sure considered her to be in her mid-late 50s. Ironically, the better looking "Cath" is actually older.

As for attractive, I don't think so, really, although the thing she has going for is being that kind of lean body type that makes up for a lot of other aging issues. There's a number of somewhat homely women in their 40s/early 50s who aren't pretty, but by some weird quirk of genetics have a desirable figure, where many others in that age bracket and younger are bloated.


This might be childish, as several posters have said, but to me, her homeliness and generally sad-sack expression throughout, always brought me out of the story whenever she was on the screen. To me, she was so hard to look at that I kept thinking, couldn't they at least cast a halfway attractive woman to play the part?

Spoilers ahead:Her admitting to sleeping with Jim the day of the party just seemed unbelievable, as if she was so desirable that he couldn't help himself. Whenever she appeared in a scene with Jim's wife Cath, the friend she betrayed by sleeping with her husband, I would think, "Why didn't they cast Cath, who was a good-looking woman, as Trish?" That at least would have made the whole storyline more believable.


No, but with Chibnall involved, I'm not surprised (men are evil and will rape anything).


Men, as a group, are not evil, and 99.999 percent of them have no interest in or intention of committing rape.


The leftists don't want you to know this.


They want us to believe that there are secret meetings of The Patriarchy during which we men plan all the ways we're going to subdue, oppress, and rape women.
