Most annoying character?
I can't decide between Nigel and Olly.
My blog:
I can't decide between Nigel and Olly.
My blog:
Joe (obvious reasons)
Junior defense lawyer - she was told "You're a truly horrible person."
All Sandbrook characters - all just driven by lust
Susan Wright - creepy
Mark - destroyed the case with his withholding information and erratic behavior
I think the Sandbrook characters were the biggest problem with Series 2. None of them were sympathetic in any way whatsoever, and it made it hard to care who committed the murder.
shareMark....because you see him make so many avoidable gaffes that screw up his son's case. First he lies forever about his whereabouts, as if no one will ever find out, hindering the investigation. Then he illegally goes to the jail to rail at the suspect. Then he starts some dicey relationship with a local teen in private when he could have just of easily simply have invited him over for family dinners.
He's extremely self indulgent and clueless.
You could use similar arguments to put Alec Hardy in that spot.
In his rush to solve the Broadchurch case, he didn't do due diligence on confirming who in the Miller house used the computer that was confiscated. He walked in to the Miller garage to arrest Joe without taking another officer with him as witness to there being no undue force. He failed to get Joe fully photographed before interviewing him so they could prove Joe had no visible injuries during his arrest. He let Ellie go in alone to talk to Joe. It never occurred to him that someone would find out he had Ellie in to his hotel room on the night Joe had been arrested. And all the while, he's concealing a main witness from his previous case that fell apart thanks to his wife having an affair, which he covered up. Not to mention that he'd been in such a rush with the Sandbrook case his tunnel vision on Lee meant that he never considered that others might be involved.
Will he have learned from his mistakes in series 3. We'll have to wait and see.
Between Nigel proving his mother right in being a terrible person with is father and Becca for being the most self centered character in the show.
shareBeth by far. She just seems pretentious in a real passive way. And she was way too content with her husband cheating on her. She blew up at Becca but let her husband off the hook way too easy. She may as well ask Becca if she'd be interested in a threesome. Pathetic.
I'm tied between Beth and Ellie. Two completely UNLIKABLE characters for so many reasons.
shareThe defense lawyer (or whatever you call them in the UK). She was a despicable person who knew her client was guilty, yet cared only about winning no matter how many people she harmed or caused to be falsely accused. I was relieved she didn't reappear in Series 3.
shareEllie's sister because she won't help solve a murder without being given $1000 pounds first.