Shows like The Mindy Project?
I just binge watched it and there were so many parts that had me LOLing. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. I needed a good laugh and this definitely did it.
What other shows do you recommend along the same lines as The Mindy Project?
I watched the pilot episodes of The Office and Parks and Recreation looking for something with the same effect. Don't get me wrong, they had their funny parts. But it was that dry humor. Also I don't think I'm a big fan of Mockumentaries.
I did watch the first season of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I liked it but still not what I was looking for.
I don't usually watch comedies so I guess that's why I'm having a hard time.
As a reference, I love Morgan & Peter on TMP. Winston from NG. Barney HIMYM.
Thanks in advance for your help.