MovieChat Forums > Stuck in Love (2013) Discussion > The Kind of Drivel...(SPOILERS).. ...

The Kind of Drivel...(SPOILERS).. .

...that I would have written when I was 17.

The nerd guy punching a jock in his own home and stealing his girl. As we know, punching people has no painful effect on one's delivery hand and, after doing it, you'll laugh and celebrate on the journey home. The Nerd's dispensable friend looked like he was going to jerk off with excitement after this event, as he was dropped off home.

The Dad, agreeing with his nerd son's aggressive actions...ridiculous.

People don't call the Police and/or press charges when they are physically attacked in this movie.

The girl of your desires ending up sleeping at your gaff and automatically being into you, just because you called her an Angel in a poem.

Nice guy, with terminal parent (I groaned out loud when I saw this development...such a cliche!), pesters and wins over bad girl, as opposed to being given a restraining order. Make sure bad girl follows nice guy home (would NEVER happen) so she can observe him doting on his dying parent through a screen door. OH NO, there's TRAGEDY in his life. Only people with tragedy in their lives deserve love and affection. Obviously.

Guy in his 50s has a casual sex buddy in someone as hot as Kristen Bell...and is not satisfied.

Same guy in his 50s waits three years for his hot wife to dump her studly boyfriend and come back home. Which she does. (Boolsheet!)

Bad girl barters with reluctant barman to supply booze to underage girl. When underage (druggie, alcoholic) girl disappears after scoring further more booze, it is, of course, the barman who is an a-hole for supplying the booze, not the bad girl that pressured him into it in the first place.

Even though you are somewhat complicit in supplying your son's under aged girlfriend with booze, you may physically abuse a relatively innocent student because said girlfriend willingly took narcotics at his digs. Yes, you may kick the living sheet out of them.

Once it is revealed that the hot girl you pursued and won has a serious drug/drink problem, you can have her drop out of the story as she is no longer of the high standard you thought she was.

Smoking pot is COOL and has no physical or mental repercussions.

Your biggest hero will always call personally to massage your ego.

These kind of things happen only in the creativity of the naive teen mind. A flying man in a blue leotard and red cape is about as realistic as the things that happen in Stuck In Love.

Saying that, technically the movie was good and so were the performances.

And I audibly cheered when the jock FINALLY cornered the nerd in the mall car park and kicked the sheet out of him. He had that coming the WHOLE movie!

I think maybe I should have titled my post "100 Things I Learned From Watching Stuck In Love"!

"Not The Gold!!" - Augustus Steranko.


I really enjoyed this movie, but when I read your post I couldn't help myself to chuckle because most of what you said was true about it. However, you're pretty dumb when comes to the marijuana subject? Bipolar, really man? Walking skeletons lol


Just bury your head in the sand, man.

Because if you wish that the narcotic that you enjoy inhaling/ingesting doesn't harm you, then it's negative side effects will just...go away!

I'm a bit bored with the subject to be honest. I think people should have the right to partake in a bit of dope if they want. If they want to fock themselves up, that's fine (same goes with people who binge on booze). As long as innocent people are not caught up in their spiraling addiction.

I know what I know about it and I've seen what I've seen.

Nowt good comes from it's use apart from people who use it for "medicinal" purposes. Most of whom are focked in some way or another already.

It wouldn't bother me if it was legalised, because then it would take it's "rebelliousness" out of the equation. Those people who smoke it to "stick it to the man" would have to find something else illegal to use to maintain their "coolness". Hopefully something that gets the "job" over and done with in half the time.

So, keep toking the world a favour.

Glad you agree with my list of Stuck In Love's failings cheers for that!

"Not The Gold!!" - Augustus Steranko.


You are a bit bored with the subject because you do not know much about it. Evidence one being belief that bipolar could be a side effect, which is a disorder I know a lot. I've even seen doctors tell bipolar patients to try it lol. Second evidence is that you think marijuana is widely used because of "coolness" and "rebelliousness." I havn't met one and this is coming from a person who has been around many, I'm a California Medical Patient.

You are right though, I do not want to argue about this. It would be a waste of our times. You do know what you do know and you have seen what you've seen. But truly, and obviously, you do not know enough to be making accusations to people and movies about the subject.


I'm bored of the subject because it was one thing in a long list of things I feel are wrong with the attitude of this movie.

Purchasing, holding and toking dope is illegal.

This movie condones/encourages all of the above.

That's my problem with it.

End of.

"Not The Gold!!" - Augustus Steranko.


Colorado and Washington it is legal, several other states allow you to purchase, hold, and grow with medical license lol. OKay Okay Okay im done sorry sorry. You dont have to reply, whatever helps you sleep at night my friend.


I was with you on the movie being juvenile but you really don't know what you're talking about when it comes to marijuana, at all. Almost seems like you watched Reefer Madness, decided

I know what I know about it and I've seen what I've seen,
and called it a day.
It's ironic that your screen names is sa420.


Honestly this movie lost me after like 10 minutes. Just couldn't do it.

Sounds bout like I expected, glad I passed.


that's some list..



But he punched out the guy because the guy pushed Kate, the girl he was in love with.

"Do you even remember what you came here to find?"


I love that at the end of that entire post, you also mention "technically the movie was good and so were the performances." It pretty much convinced me that you weren't hating the movie just to hate it, or trolling, or hating on a movie you wouldn't have liked anyway. Nice touch.

I loved the movie, but reading through your points I have to say I agree with a lot of them. It doesn't make me love the movie any less, it just makes me realise how bad some of it looks from the outside. The pot thing annoyed me a lot too. I am so sick of writers having characters smoke pot like it's some "cool" or "edgy" trait. It just makes them loser potheads.

You heart me? What is that? Is that like I love you for pussies?


Thanks Screen Queen.

Yeah, the movie asked too much of the empathise with a bunch of self-righteous, over-privileged buttholes.

I just finished watching "As Cool As I Am". There is a character in that "Scott" I think he is called, and you are supposed to hate him just because the protagonists do.

(and here be MORE SPOILERS for As Cool As I Am!!!)

The guy does nothing wrong apart from make a lewd comment about a girl. For this he is kicked in the chest, on purpose, by a guy swinging on a climbing frame.

He then threatens to retaliate by punching the swinging guy's lights out.

The swinging guy's "tomboy" friend offers Scott a kiss if he promises to leave swinging guy alone.

Scott accepts but tries to feel tomboy up as they kiss and she shoves him away.

Later in the movie, Tomboy's dad hears about this, gets the wrong end of the stick and invites Scott to their house. He then proceeds to threaten to skin Scott alive.

All the while, you KNOW the filmmakers want the viewer to agree with the treatment of Scott. Hoping the audience go "Yeah!...well he had that coming didn't he?" He was attacked, without provocation, first! That is not justified treatment for this character. You know you're supposed to think this is justified because you NEVER see him again in the movie, as opposed to have him call the cops for, you know, being a minor assaulted by a strange adult.
It seems to me that the writers of these newer indie/mumblecore movies have no gauge when it comes to the acceptable behavior of their protagonists.

Saying that, there is a streak of conscience in As Cool As I Am, as later, the dad tries to attack Tomboy's boyfriend but is overpowered and beaten at his own game. Also, Tomboy actually makes a half-assed attempt to defend Scott as the Dad attacks him and the Tomboy's Mum chastises the Dad for his behavior towards Scott. And Claire Danes looks smoking hot in it too :).

These kinds of movies, though, are so full of Mary Sues, they should have their own category.

Henceforth, they shall referred to as Indie Sues. :)

"Not The Gold!!" - Augustus Steranko.


Watch this movie again when you've grown up and let us know what you think after some real-life experience.

Sure there are some 'perfect' experiences in this movie - to some extent that's why movies exist - I doubt many people would want to watch a synopsis of 18 months of your life...or mine for that matter.

That's not to say that most of us, do in fact, have 'perfect' moments of joy, elation, poignancy and victory.

I rated it an 8...


Totally agree. My first thoughts were that this had to have been written by a very young writer with all of the world experience of a 19 year-old. The story seemed to be told through the eyes of a teen not the father.
