The Kind of Drivel...(SPOILERS).. .
...that I would have written when I was 17.
The nerd guy punching a jock in his own home and stealing his girl. As we know, punching people has no painful effect on one's delivery hand and, after doing it, you'll laugh and celebrate on the journey home. The Nerd's dispensable friend looked like he was going to jerk off with excitement after this event, as he was dropped off home.
The Dad, agreeing with his nerd son's aggressive actions...ridiculous.
People don't call the Police and/or press charges when they are physically attacked in this movie.
The girl of your desires ending up sleeping at your gaff and automatically being into you, just because you called her an Angel in a poem.
Nice guy, with terminal parent (I groaned out loud when I saw this development...such a cliche!), pesters and wins over bad girl, as opposed to being given a restraining order. Make sure bad girl follows nice guy home (would NEVER happen) so she can observe him doting on his dying parent through a screen door. OH NO, there's TRAGEDY in his life. Only people with tragedy in their lives deserve love and affection. Obviously.
Guy in his 50s has a casual sex buddy in someone as hot as Kristen Bell...and is not satisfied.
Same guy in his 50s waits three years for his hot wife to dump her studly boyfriend and come back home. Which she does. (Boolsheet!)
Bad girl barters with reluctant barman to supply booze to underage girl. When underage (druggie, alcoholic) girl disappears after scoring further more booze, it is, of course, the barman who is an a-hole for supplying the booze, not the bad girl that pressured him into it in the first place.
Even though you are somewhat complicit in supplying your son's under aged girlfriend with booze, you may physically abuse a relatively innocent student because said girlfriend willingly took narcotics at his digs. Yes, you may kick the living sheet out of them.
Once it is revealed that the hot girl you pursued and won has a serious drug/drink problem, you can have her drop out of the story as she is no longer of the high standard you thought she was.
Smoking pot is COOL and has no physical or mental repercussions.
Your biggest hero will always call personally to massage your ego.
These kind of things happen only in the creativity of the naive teen mind. A flying man in a blue leotard and red cape is about as realistic as the things that happen in Stuck In Love.
Saying that, technically the movie was good and so were the performances.
And I audibly cheered when the jock FINALLY cornered the nerd in the mall car park and kicked the sheet out of him. He had that coming the WHOLE movie!
I think maybe I should have titled my post "100 Things I Learned From Watching Stuck In Love"!
"Not The Gold!!" - Augustus Steranko.