MovieChat Forums > About Time (2013) Discussion > IMO, the worst movie ever... Let me elab...

IMO, the worst movie ever... Let me elaborate.

I don't write a lot here, as I believe there are much smarter and more eloquent people who can give better reviews of the movies. But I felt compelled after watching this catastrophy of a movie. I can see why it is so popular - it ticks all the boxes with the dialogues and the situations characters are put in, for a romantic movie. Problem is, they all seem like they are shoved down your throat, with no subtlety, or even intelligence. I could not believe that the director, or the actors for that fact, thought that what they were doing would look and sound good, and believable, for us viewers. Male lead - totally miscast. He looks like a 16 year old kid, and there was absolutely no chemistry whatsoever between him and R. McAdams at any point of the movie. Everything seemed so rushed, out of place, not one situation seemed natural. R. McAdams seemed so plastic, usually I like her in such movies (I've seen the Notebook and the Vow, and I watch many of the movies like this, so it's not like I hate the genre). It seemed like she was trying so much to be this likable, innocent, a bit goofy girl, with a big smile, "look at me, I'm so nice and everybody should like me", that it was extremely irritating and not natural at all. I honestly doubt that she can really act, outside of movies like this. It seems like she is not even trying any more. The situations they went through, the proposal, all the efforts from the guy, it all seemed so rushed and again, not natural, with no chemistry, that it seemed like a generic movie with no soul, like they wanted to put great locations, dialogues that just seemed smart and actors that all would like, and mix it up in this horrible, horrible mix that should be a movie. It's like some music these days - generic, like being made by a computer algorithm in which you put some characteristics in and then you have a new hit that masses will like, and it will top the charts for couple of weeks, and then it will dissapear forever. Terrible, just terrible. And why I say it's the worst ever? Of course, there are many who could fit that description. But since they had a huge budget for this, it is an embarrasment with what they came up with. The director, the writer(s), and the actors. So here are my two cents on the movie, hope I don't get bashed too much but it is my opinion, and if you don't like it, hey, were all entitled to have one. Cheers.


Worst movie EVER? Have you only watched five movies in your entire life? There's hundreds of movies worse than this one. Assuming you didn't like. I loved it but felt like they worked so hard in trying to market it as a romantic movie that they missed the good parts of the story i.e. how he chooses to use his time. But that's Hollywood for you.

We're victims, aren't we all?


If you mean this movie is the worst one ever, you realy havent seen many have you :D


You're going to think I'm being a dick, and that's ok.....but your review says so much more about you than it does this wonderful movie. I hope whatever mood you were in when you wrote this was transitory and that you're not like this all the time....because, if you are tragically lonely and unhappy...and that's gotta suck.

If you want to know what this movie was about, read the review at the bottom of the imdb page for About's spot on. I am so happy that I watched it...Bill Nighy rarely disappoints, it was cute how they tried to make Rachel McAdams anything other than perfection, and the lead, Domhnall Gleeson, was surprisingly engaging to the point where you thought he actually, just maybe, could have won Rachel's heart. But this is not a will be happily...and sadly (but in a good way, if that makes sense) surprised by the [spoiler]near ending.[spoiler]


Stupidest post on the whole of IMDb. When i'm depressed and in need for some laughs, i'll come back here

Favorite films of all time list


Tried watching it last night, turned it off about 40 mins in due to just how painfully cringe worthy the whole thing was. The situations the MC gets himself in, the way he interacts with this girl, the way she interacts with him. His amazing life, guy lives in a mansion on a secluded beach yet I'm supposed to care or feel bad he doesn't have a girlfriend? He's an average to below average looking guy going after super model level women and I'm supposed to feel bad? He's not charming or interesting, I have no reason to cheer him on. The guy he lives with(annoying and again unrealistic *beep* how convenient and illogical the time travel is, etc. It just felt so unbelievable and painfully fake in every way. Did they go to a literal blind date? Was that preplanned? To meet two girls in a pitch black room? Is that even a thing? The way in which he meets the girl again, the way he finds out the party she met her current boyfriend, how he breaks the ice with the girl at the party, how she instantly falls for him, etc.


Are you a 16 year old watching a romance movie?



Actually I wouldn't mind the appalling lack of paragraphing but anyone suggesting "About time" is the fabled "worst movie ever" is obviously a big, fat, smelly troll.


agree with the OP. While it's difficult to single out one movie as the "worst ever" IMO, for me this is one of two movies whereby every time it's on TV I think "i'll give it another chance. It can't be as bad as I'm remembering. It's got a good cast. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood for it last time etc", and every time I start watching it I think "actually, this is even worse than I remember".
Something just feels off about it. I don't know if it's the way they can't seem to decide between making a supernatural fantasy about time travel, a typical Curtis rom-com, or a tragic family story, so they try to do all 3, and it just ends up being none of them.
I don't know if it's the lack of chemistry between the lead and pretty much everyone in the film.
My reaction when I first saw it was that this was an American's fantasy of how we British live. With hindsight, I should have realised it was a Richard Curtis effort as it's got his fingerprints all over it. I think the reason I didn't was because I thought it impossible for an English person to portray life in England so unrealistically.
I think the biggest thing of all is the lack of consistency and continuity - it just reeks of contempt for the audience. As another thread says, it's like they had a first draft that needed a lot of editing but they just never bothered to edit it.
Can just imagine the script readings - "hang on, Margot Robie showed no interest in him whatsoever earlier on - she quite categorically turned him down in multiple timelines. Why would she suddenly be desperate to have sex with him now? Wont the audience be confused by this".
"f**k 'em. They'll go with it".
The worst thing is, they've been vindicated, as enough reviews and replies on here have accepted it.

I said at the beginning that it's one of 2 movies in which I give it a go every time it's on TV, and every time it seems to be even worse than the last time. The other movie? Batman and Robin.
