Would you choose a third child over your dad?
For the sake of this thread, let's assume a couple of things:
A. You have a great, loving relationship with your father, as depicted in this movie.
B. Put aside all the debates about changing babies, time travel paradoxes, etc. discussed in other threads. Let's just take what the movies tells us at face value.
Now, my wife wants me to have a third child. I know this means I can never go back and see my dearly departed dad anymore. I don't think I would want to do that. If this were me, I'd find a way to sterilize myself so that third child never comes and I can continue to visit and see my dad. Now, maybe if this was my first child, I would choose to have kids and say goodbye to Dad once and for all. But that's not the case. I already have two great kids. I don't think I would sacrifice my father to have a third kid.
What say you?