MovieChat Forums > Mob City (2013) Discussion > You must be kidding me!

You must be kidding me!

There is so much hate about this show. They say it is boring. They say it has a silly script. I think this is one of the best shows on Television right now. Great cast and atmosphere. Good music and direction. Come on people. You should be grateful for this quality stuff. Stop the hate.


It's a pretty good show...Entertaining...decent characters...these damn 20 something year old film/tv elitists just hate everything nowadays. It's stupid. I guarantee, pick a movie that you AND everyone else you know loves, look it up on here, and there will be threads about how bad of a film it was, etc etc...I find it funny sometimes, but lately it's been pissing me off. These idiot know-it-all's are basically saying you're stupid if you like it. The way they smugly talk about certain aspects of movies/shows....ugh.


This series actually seems even better with a second watch. It is easier to understand all the details which I missed the first time. I think many people overlook the real value of the show.


I would love to stop hating this, but unfortunately it is wank.

"I put gum in my ass cos I like to pop sh*t"


I'd bet many upset viewers just don't like noir period. Not a fan of noir "feel" myself, but it was a bit dumb of me(and others) to expect it to not be that.


It has a 7.6 rating as of today, so it isn't thought of that badly. Who have you been listening to?


Trolls are the loudest on the net. I suppose ratings, which take just one click, are a much more representative reflection of general public opinion. Taking the time to write a review or a forum thread is probably too much effort for most people who don't feel strongly about something. So usually you get mostly the extreme views, from either end of the spectrum – and those who just want to stir an ish-storm.


I enjoyed it; the silliness seemed intentional to me. I just finished episode 6 and discovered it wasn't renewed. Bummer.

Never tell me the odds.
